Its location only briefly depicts the patterns of a few trees, showing that it is the symbol of the wild forest, but does not give any marks or information.

Seeing this, Xiao Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Is there any wild forest without any signs or information?" He first looked at the map, and then looked up at the wild forest in front of him that stretched across the entire mountain range.

"It's strange. Logically speaking, there should be no corresponding information for such a large forest.

This is how the same thing? "

"So, are there any flaws in the map your grandfather gave you? There are some places that were not drawn on?" Du Beiling raised his eyebrows and glanced at him.

"Yes, it's possible.

After all, grandpa also bought this map from someone else.

There are errors, which is normal. "

Xiao Feng nodded.

While talking, he handed the map back to Du Beiding.

“Since there are no corresponding signs or information about this wild forest, it proves that not many people have entered it yet.

There are unknown risks, and”

Xiao Feng paused for a moment and looked at Ye Lin with a slightly serious look, "This forest is all bald.

But now it’s obviously not autumn yet, and the leaves are starting to fall.

This situation is really weird.

To be on the safe side, I think it's better not to enter this forest. "

After hearing this, Du Beiding also nodded slightly.

Admittedly, he agreed with Xiao Feng's statement.

“You missed the most crucial point.

Have you noticed that this forest is surprisingly quiet, not even the slightest sound. "

Du Beiting raised his eyebrows.

Only then did Xiao Feng react and nodded thoughtfully, "Indeed, I wouldn't have noticed it even if you didn't tell me.

I've been around here for so long, but I haven't heard any sounds or movements of wild beasts or creatures coming from the woods.

Moreover, any foreign objects or wild beasts moving around.

They all seemed to be quite resistant to this forest and were unwilling to get close.

Always keep a distance. "

Xiao Feng pointed at some wild beasts and foreign objects not far away and said.

Du Beiling glanced around and found that it was indeed what Xiao Feng said.

Although the surrounding creatures and beasts are moving around, they always keep a certain distance from the forest.

"What is going on in this strange forest? Could something have happened before?"

Although he was slightly confused, Du Beiting didn't think much about it.

In him, reason far outweighs curiosity.

"Hurry up and finish your food, then we'll leave."

Du Beiting called out to Xiao Feng and pulled off a large piece of meat from the skewer.

The chewed and chewed plain silver red flame bear meat was swallowed into the stomach.

Soon, a trace of warmth rose from the bottom of the abdomen and went to all parts of the body.

Warmth began to spread all over the body, covering every trace of flesh and bone.

And, it also has a little itchiness.

It was as if Du Beiding's physical body was tempered the moment he digested the prime silver red flame bear.

This situation caused a smile to appear on Du Beiding's face.

"It is worthy of being the top foreign body among foreign bodies. Just eating it when made into meat can bring great benefits to oneself.

Moreover, it is the kind that works immediately. "

You must know that compared to the plain silver red flame bear, Du Beiting had eaten other foreign objects, but none of them had such an exaggerated effect. They could only be eaten as a belly wrap.

If you want to achieve the effect of tempering your body, you can only use the vat of exotic animal meat retrieved from the land of inheritance.

“However, for me, the effect of these plain silver red flame bears is still not enough.

The effect brought by the plain silver red flame bear that has been growing for more than ten years is not very significant, far less than the exotic animal meat in my home.

After all, my situation is quite special. I have completed accumulating blood twenty-nine times, and the amount of food required is by no means comparable to that of ordinary warriors in the bone-changing realm.

Want to get better bone tempering effect.

At the very least, it must be a plain silver red flame bear that has been in the growth stage for at least twenty years. "

While thinking this in his mind, Du Beiting pulled off a large piece of barbecue from the skewer, chewed it in his mouth a few times, and then swallowed it.

He already had a new plan in mind.

We need to go to another place to hunt for plain silver red flame bears that have grown for more than 20 years.

Although the current hunting day trial has only started less than half a day ago and it has not yet reached noon, Du Beiding does not want to waste too much time on these plain silver red flame bears that have been in the growth stage for more than ten years.

This gives the bone-tempering effect of Du Beiting really limited.

I don't know if it was due to experience, but Xiao Feng's cooking speed has obviously become much faster.

After a while, nearly three plain silver red flame bears had been cooked into barbecue and broth, and Xiao Feng started to eat them like Du Beiting.

However, it wasn't long before he stopped eating.

Breathing is short, and the face is red and hot, as if he has taken something tonic.

"Xiao Feng, what's going on? You don't want to eat?

There is plenty of meat, so there is no need to skimp on it.

Before the hunting day ends, I will deliberately hunt some more plain silver red flame bears. "

Seeing that Xiao Feng only ate one-sixth of a whole plain silver red flame bear this time, he stopped and stopped eating.

Du Bei stopped to realize that he was going to save some money and take it home to eat.

So he shouted.

Who knew that Xiao Feng had no such plan at all.

He suddenly stood up and took off his shirt without paying attention to Du Bei stopping in front of him to eat.

The right foot swings out, moving clockwise to form a semicircle, while the left hand slowly retracts and is placed under the armpit. The right hand reaches forward and suddenly spreads out.

Immediately afterwards, his five fingers instantly closed, he squeezed his fist and punched out!

There was a faint sound of breaking through the air.

Without any pause, the moment the first punch was thrown, Xiao Feng's left hand quickly connected and the second punch burst out.

Punch after punch.

The speed is extremely fast, and the afterimages appear one after another, giving people a rather powerful look.

Seeing Xiao Feng's appearance, Du Beiding couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but the next second he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression returned to normal.

Xiao Feng, who was punching continuously, also responded.

"Senior Du, it's not that I don't want to eat it.

But the benefits brought by these plain silver red flame bear meats that are more than ten years old are really too great.

If I continue to eat, my body may not be able to hold on and my foundation will be damaged.

I need to practice martial arts in order to fully refine the benefits brought by the plain silver red flame bear meat. "

Du Beiding nodded and didn't say much.

Because he has also experienced Xiao Feng's situation.

When he ate the meat of exotic beasts at home, it was because his physical body could not bear the energy contained in the meat of the exotic beasts in a short period of time, so he vented it and relieved it through martial arts training.

After a while, Xiao Feng stopped after Du Bei stopped eating the meat of nearly two plain silver red flame bears.

He took a breath and touched the sweat on his forehead, "The plain silver red flame bear meat that has grown over the past ten years is indeed extraordinary.

This time, I couldn't even eat a third of a plain silver red flame bear.

The effect of this meat diet is really exaggerated. "

On the other hand, Du Beiting looked like a fine person.

He looked calmly and drank the bowl of steaming broth in his hand before looking at Xiao Feng, "Then it seems that these plain silver red flame bears that have grown for more than ten years are still good as meat. Very suitable for you.

The remaining amount of meat is enough for you to eat for a day or two. "

Hearing Du Beiting's words, Xiao Feng obviously understood what he meant.

"Senior Du, are you planning to go elsewhere to find another plain silver red flame bear?"

"Yes." Du Beizhan nodded and admitted calmly, "For me, the 10-year-old plain silver red flame bear in the growth period has only average bone-tempering effect. I need the older 10-year-old plain silver red flame bear in the growth period. Flame bear.

At least, it must be twenty years old. "

"I see."

Xiao Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Then he put on his clothes and started packing up the things on the floor.

His face was calm, but there was already a huge wave in his heart.

The strength of a 20-year-old plain silver red flame bear is equivalent to that of a warrior who has been reborn six or seven times.

In this trial place, he would definitely be the overlord at the top of the food chain.

The number will never be large, but correspondingly, there are also!

However, what Xiao Feng didn't expect was.

Du Beiting would actually stare at the plain silver red flame bear of this vintage!

Alone, without the help or assistance of others, I still had the idea of ​​​​hunting.

It seems that he is very confident in his own strength and has no worries.

How strong will he be? !

While thinking this in his mind, Xiao Feng had already grabbed the remaining barbecue skewers and was about to stuff them into the sack when Du Bei stopped him suddenly.

“Hey, you don’t need to put the meat skewers in a sack.

I will eat more on the way later. "

"You still want to eat?" Xiao Feng was surprised, but he didn't elaborate.

Instead, he did as Du Beiting said.

After the last time the two of them ate, Xiao Feng already had a rough idea of ​​Du Beiting's terrifying appetite.

"Then where are we going next?" Xiao Feng shouldered the burden and put the remaining uncooked meat into a sack.

"Go to a mountaintop in the west." Du Bei paused and looked at the map in his hand, then clicked heavily on a location on it.

And right where he set his hand, there were the words 'Danger Zone - Plain Silver Red Flame Bear over 20 years old' marked on it.

This is Du Beiting's next goal.

"On that mountain top, there are nearly forty plain silver red flame bears that are over 20 years old and live there.

Together with the other plain silver red flame bears in the tribe, the overall number is as high as about three hundred.

The next trip will become extremely dangerous.

Of course, this so-called danger is for you, not me.

A plain silver red flame bear that is more than twenty years old can be photographed casually with one palm. Even a warrior who has had his bones reborn five times will be disabled or disabled.

If you were hit by a direct hit, you would probably die on the spot.

So, I give you two options now, you can either find a place to hide for the time being.

These remaining plain silver red flame bears are enough for you to eat for one or two days.

And one or two days later, I will bring you new meat, and then leave again, and repeat this until the hunting day trial is over.

After all, the current growth period of the plain silver red flame bears in these places is too young. For me, the benefits brought are not great. I cannot waste my time on these plain silver red flame bears.

The other option, which is relatively more dangerous, is to go with me to hunt for the plain silver red flame bear that has been growing for twenty years.

Of course, during this period, I will do my best to keep you safe."

Before Du Beiting could finish speaking, Xiao Feng rushed to respond.

"I choose the second one." A smile appeared on Xiao Feng's face, "At this time of the hunting day trial, I must follow my grandfather's instructions and stay by Senior Du's side at all times. Naturally, I cannot disobey him.

Furthermore, no matter where you are, it's not as safe as being by Senior Du's side. "

Xiao Feng knew very well that he had just completed the bone replacement not long ago.

In this place of trial, any slightly stronger creature could kill him.

Rather than hiding alone, it would be better to stay safe by Du Beiting's side.

Moreover, after such a period of contact.

He already had a general understanding of Du Beiting.

He already knew that Du Beiting's strength was extraordinary and could not be compared with ordinary warriors.

With him around, your own safety can be guaranteed.

"It's not bad, but he's a little clever. It seems that Old Man Xiao's grandson has learned a bit from him."

Du Beiling glanced at Xiao Feng.

And just when the two of them packed their things and were about to leave.

"Rustling, rustling~"

Suddenly, there was a sound of movement in the bushes in the wild forest closest to the two of them.

The expression on Du Beiding's face suddenly became solemn, and he stopped when he was about to step out, and slowly stepped on the ground.

Immediately, he turned around and looked at the swaying bushes.

A pair of hands emerged from the lush leaves.

Xiao Feng, too, held his breath and stared directly at the bushes.

Moreover, the steps continued to retreat, slowly coming to Du Beiting's side.

Du Beiting's originally open fingers began to slowly close into fists, and his eyes staring at the bushes began to narrow slightly.

He didn't know what was about to emerge from the bushes.

But he knew very well that if it was a weird guy who was stronger than him and had murderous intentions towards him.

Then he will definitely run away immediately without hesitation.

However, to Du Beiding's surprise, what emerged from the bushes was not some strange guy, a foreign object or a beast, but a person.

Moreover, he was also someone Du Beiting knew.

This person was wearing a black outfit, with a slightly dark complexion and a tired look, as if he had been working for a long time.

When Du Beiting saw him, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Qin Fei? Why are you here?"

Xiao Feng was also stunned.

Obviously, he also knew this person.

After all, there are only three leaders of the three major gangs in the outer city.

After seeing that the person emerging from the bushes was Qin Fei, he breathed a sigh of relief, and his originally tense heartstrings relaxed.

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