No pre-tasks, no leveling, no bonds with partners, and even teammates didn't even call in, so he directly hacked the devil to death, and then the ending song played, the brave man stood alone with a wooden sword. Standing alone at the entrance of the village, watching this world that I have never seen before, ushered in the final ending.

This kind of game on the steam platform is generally considered to be a trick game rather than a **** game, because normal people can get a refund after getting through the game at this time, of course, if it uses some means to extend the game time to two years. For more than an hour, the developer will definitely be greeted by the eighteenth generation of his ancestors.

After hearing that Zhao Yesui had killed Hu Wan, Song Shigui and Fufu's reactions were very different from those of Chen Shuang.

"BOSS is dead?" Fu Fu was stunned.

"I don't need to fight anymore?" Song Shigui, who was nibbling on the pear, suddenly became happy.

Zhao Yesui behaved very calmly: "What are you worried about, have you completed the task, since it has not been completed, it means that this guy is not a BOSS at all."

"Then what's the situation now?" Chen Shuang quickly calmed down and asked, "Tiger is dead, do the demons know about his death? If they do, the entire Ink County will soon be destroyed. If it's a mess, we'd better make plans earlier."

"Don't worry, I resurrected it... um, maybe it's not a resurrection?"

Zhao Yesui said lightly: "I shouldn't see any clues in a short period of time, but it may take a long time. I can't achieve 100% recovery, if I have long-term contact with people close to me. , will still be found."

The teammates then remembered that the guy in front of him was a necromancer.

Although it doesn't look like a necromancer at all, he still manipulates corpses.

"That's fine..." Chen Shuang pondered for a moment and said, "So, what should we do next?"

"Naturally, it is to accumulate grain, build high walls, and slowly become king." Zhao Yeshao sighed and said, "But, before that, we still have a problem to solve."

"That is to find the Ascended Demon hidden in Ink County."

As Zhao Yejiao's words fell, the task progress was also updated.

[Player Ye Lin has discovered key information]

[Mainline mission progress has been updated]

[Players please find the ascended demons hiding in Ink County, this is about your life and death, please be sure to speed up, otherwise an indescribable disaster will come to Ink County]

"The Ascended Demon? What new setting is this?"

Chen Shuang only felt that the complexity of this quest seemed to be beyond her imagination.

Isn't it normal to update the task goal when the task is completed and the progress of the task is advanced? Why should Zhao Yesui say it before updating it?

Destiny Game is your dad?

But in fact, it's not.

Destiny Game has a rigorous and complete evaluation mechanism. When it is confirmed that the progress of the task has been updated, it will prompt in time, but it also needs to be able to know what happened.

Zhao Yesao's action of reading the memory is done through the black fog, but the game of destiny can't monitor the black fog, so naturally he can't find out what Zhao Yesang knows. progress will be updated.

What Chen Shuang was thinking, Zhao Yesui naturally didn't know, he just said truthfully: "It's not a new setting, but a continuation of the ritual that has always been there. I just flipped through the memories of Hu Wan, compared to The weight of the monsters we encountered before is finally enough, although I can't see the memory going forward, I can still see the recent memory clearly."


As soon as the word came out, the three players understood what Zhao Yeshou meant.

From beginning to end, the scene of Ink County revolves around a ceremony.

The purpose of this ceremony is unknown, but the specific method of execution of the ceremony is to eat the blood of the entire Ink County. At that time, the Ink County will be turned into a **** on earth, and the demons will no longer cover up. Humanity.

Zhao Yesui and other five players are the chosen sacrifices, known as blood eaters, as the key to opening the ceremony.

Of course, except for the righteous Ling Ran who died violently at the beginning, the other four keys disappeared without a trace. How can this make the demons not feel angry?

The tablecloth was laid, and the knives, forks and plates were in place. As a result, when the cook ran away, what else to eat, everyone went out to find the cook.

And now, the players have basically guessed that the ascendant revealed by Zhao Yesui should be the purpose of this ceremony.

Zhao Yesui didn't give a shit, and said directly: "The ascendant, as the name suggests, is the person who wants to hold the ceremony of ascending the devil. The name of the ceremony with the entire Ink County as the altar is the ascending the devil, and its purpose is to use the entire ink The human beings in the county are sacrifices of flesh and blood, and the ritual is completed through the image of 'demon devouring people'."

"When the whole ceremony is completed, the person selected as the ascendant will be ascended to another and more powerful existence. This is the ultimate purpose of the ascending demon ceremony, creating a big demon. For this reason, Ink County Ninety-nine years ago, it was selected as the basis for the ritual of ascending the devil. The residents of Moxian County, Fengshui, weather, terrain, etc., were carefully selected and prepared in order to make the ritual of ascending the devil successfully completed. ."

"And we, as people with a special destiny, were chosen as the sacrifices to start this demon raising ceremony, either the aborigines of Ink County, or the demons arranged them to Ink County for various reasons before the ceremony was about to start. "

"This is probably the whole picture of this scene."

After reading Hu Qian's memory and combining everything he has experienced so far, the whole picture of this scene and the identities of Zhao Yesui and others who were arranged in this scene gradually surfaced.

The ritual of ascending the devil, the offerings, the ascendant, there seems to be an invisible chain linking everything together, and this ceremony was arranged ninety-nine years ago, so people can't help it. Hold your breath.

If it is the aborigines in the scene, after knowing that their whole life is arranged, they may doubt their life or even collapse, but players will not feel this way.

They just let out a faint nod and continued to devote themselves to the task.

"It is true that my identity is a escort, and the task at that time was to send a dart to Mo County." Song Shigui said suddenly: "But when I arrived at the place, I found out that the delivery was a monster. , it was still shouting what I was going to deliver, but unfortunately I killed it directly at that time, otherwise I might have asked something."

"My identity is Jukuai, and I am indeed an aborigines in Moxian County, and Dongjun's identity as a craftsman is the same..." Chen Shuang said this, suddenly thought of something, and looked at Fufu: "Yes Now, Fufu, what is your identity?"

"My identity?" Fu Fu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's from a hermit. It is supposed to be a hermit who lives in the mountains outside Ink County. He has a meager mana. Because I had an appointment with the old man, I came to Ink County to visit the old man. But when I got here, I found that the old man had passed away, so I just worshipped and came to see you.”

"The monster I encountered was a fox who could use illusions, but it failed to confuse me, so I was quickly defeated."

"Catch Kuai, craftsmen, escorts and hermits...Tsk, our team is really talented." Song Shigui said with emotion: "By the way, were you able to choose your identities? I only have escorts, The three choices of blacksmith and **** may be because the game of destiny thinks that I am not good at resourcefulness."

"My words are catching Kuai and Gu Shi." Chen Shuang recalled and said: "The game of destiny is probably based on the performance of our past scenes to assign identities, which is reasonable."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "I'm a craftsman, a scholar, a fisherman or something. Because I learned some life skills, I chose the profession of a craftsman, but I don't quite understand the fisherman. No Air Force experience."

After careful consideration, Zhao Yesui still did not reveal his identity as a pastor.

Although it seems that this is an ordinary teamwork scene with no elements of confrontation, it is necessary to guard against others. Zhao Yesui has not yet understood what the identity of a pastor is used for, so it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be there. It becomes a time bomb in the follow-up scene. In this case, it is better to keep it for now.

It is still necessary to retain a little bit of the most basic caution between people.

"I'm a pharmacist and a hermit." Fufu said seriously: "If you are injured, you can come to me. The direction I cultivate in the Plague Healing Department is the healer."

Anyway, everyone knew the background of her life strategy bureau, so Fufu simply gave up on herself and directly confessed her identity.

"Healing?" Zhao Yesui remembered something and asked: "Then do you have the ability to restore your physical strength? I just spent a lot of physical strength in the process of fighting Tiger Ten Thousand, if you can help me, I will do it again. Nothing better."

The side effects of the Xinyi Sword have not yet passed. Zhao Yesang is now standing here and chatting with the players with willpower. Although he has purchased emergency props from Lu Shixi, since he has returned from the Hu residence To a safe place, it would be too unwise to spend precious props.

After all, his props were not bought with real money, but bought for nothing. If they were not used on the blade, Zhao Yesui would feel a deep sense of guilt.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot!" Fufu suddenly remembered something and apologized again and again: "I forgot that you just went through a fierce battle, Dongjun, I should have asked you about it, sorry..."

"It's okay, it's the patient's duty to explain the condition to the doctor. Besides, I'm wearing a layer of skin now, so you can't see my condition." Zhao Yesui expressed his understanding.

Fufu walked to Zhao Yesao's side, stretched out her hand, and an emerald green light lit up from her hand, covering Zhao Yesao's body. Zhao Yesao could clearly sense the surging between the limbs and bones. A new force emerges, although it is weak, it cannot be ignored, which makes people feel sincere and comfortable.

However, as a caster, Fufu was not so comfortable.

The skill she uses is called [Touch of the Breeze], and the effect is to slowly restore the subject's physical strength and injury. The effect is not significant, but it is gentle and lasting, without side effects.

In the past, when she cast the spell on other members of the Life Strategy Bureau, she could feel the mana flowing out like a brook, but now when she cast the spell on Zhao Yeshou, she only felt that Zhao Yeshou's body was madly swallowing her mana like a black hole. When she wanted to stop, she found that she couldn't stop. At this time, Zhao Yesui was already leading her forward, and she was not allowed to stop at all.

In a position she couldn't see, a deep black sun was swallowing up her mana, and as soon as the mana entered the black sun, it disappeared without a trace. On the other hand, Zhao Yeshou's strength recovered. point.

Zhao Yesui quickly realized this, and left Fufu's casting range calmly. He turned around and said, "Thank you, I'm much better."

"Ah? Oh." Fufu, who had been drained a lot of mana for a while, was a little pale, and she didn't know what Zhao Yeshou said, so she answered ignorantly.

"In short, the most urgent task is to find the ascendant, it should be hidden somewhere in Ink County, but I have not seen any information about it in Hu Qian's memory, and I don't know what restrictions it is subject to. Or something else."

Zhao Yesui made a final decision: "Of course, the demons in Moxian County must also be killed, both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be hard, but before we are fully prepared, we can't scare the snakes, because this is the world of demons, after all, once there is trouble, We will be surrounded and suppressed by demons in all directions, and the four of us alone will not be able to cope with large-scale army operations."

"Well...if you don't make an outside move."

The last sentence Zhao Yesui said was very light, and no one heard what he said.

p.s. So you don't know Dongjun, why would anyone think it's a Japanese name (Wangtian)

It seems that we still need to come up with some familiar names.

Chapter 115 The fire of a single star can also start a prairie fire

According to the normal strategy process, the players and their group should be able to obtain information about the ascended demons and the ascending ceremony through channels such as its diary after they have killed thousands of tigers together.

Although Zhao Yesui doesn't think normal people can keep a diary, Hu is definitely not a normal person at first glance, oh, it's not a person in the first place.

By that time, the ritual of ascending the devil may have been completed most of the time. Players can only rush to find the ascended devil who does not know where they are, and also have to deal with the encirclement and suppression of the demons rushing from the outside when they hear the wind. It is inevitable to make mistakes, and this is the most difficult time of this scene.

However, under the leadership of Zhao Yesui, the direction of this scene quickly became strange.

First, he took office in Moxian County, so he avoided the wanted of the demons and got the opportunity to meet Tiger Ten Thousand directly. Originally, I just went to a feast of Hongmen, but in the end, I gave the tiger ten million directly. After that, I got the information about the ascendant and the ascending ceremony directly, which means that I saw the follow-up script at the beginning, and the scene is a little more difficult. Son came down.

Although the process was a bit bumpy, the final result was similar to what Zhao Yejia planned.

Gradually plot, accumulate grain, build high walls, and slowly become king.

To do this, intelligence is naturally indispensable.

Although Zhao Yesui was able to read the memories of those who were resuscitated by the black fog, this process was not very easy to operate. In addition to key intelligence, Zhao Yesui will also receive a lot of useless redundant information, such as what to eat this morning, what to eat at noon, what to eat at night, and what to eat for supper. If the time span is longer, Zhao Yesui will be overwhelmed by this junk information first, regardless of whether he can extract useful information.

Therefore, at this time, a living person is required to take the initiative to confess.

The county government office, in a small remote room.

"Please, Master." Zhao Yeshou looked at Tang Bond, who was fidgeting in front of him, with a half-smile, made a gesture of please, and said, "Since you have decided to board our ship, be bold and stop The snakes and mice are on both ends. Show your worth, and we will give you trust and protect you.”

Tang Bond swallowed his saliva, looked at the pen and paper in front of him, and said nervously, "Can you give me a clue? What do you want to do? Who are you?"

"I am me, we are us, as long as you join us, you are us." Zhao Yeshao chuckled and said, "As for what I want to do..."

"If I said, I want to judge all the demons in this ink county, what would you think?"

"Trial all the demons? This is impossible..." Tang Bond subconsciously wanted to refute, but when he met Zhao Yesao's calm eyes, he was stunned, lowered his head again, and raised his head after a while He said, "What about after this? Even if I think you can kill all the demons in Ink County, what about after this? What about the revenge from the demons?"

It's hard to imagine that a traitor would ask such a question, but Zhao Yesui could see that Tang Bond was asking him this question sincerely, without the slightest falsehood.

He was really worried about the people of Ink County.

It's ridiculous that this evil-doing demon lackey is actually worried about the future of Ink County.

Zhao Yesui saw Tang Bond's thoughts and knew that the next answer might determine Tang Bond's attitude towards them.

He could have deceived Tang Bond with rhetoric, telling Tang Bond that they would fight the demon to the end, and that they would always guard Ink County, so that Tang Bond might be relieved to cooperate with them.

But when looking at Tang Bond's anxious eyes, Zhao Yesui didn't intend to do so.

He intends to tell the truth and tell Don Bond what he thinks.

"What can I do?" Zhao Yeshou said lightly: "The demons are powerful, even if the demons in Ink County are killed, there will be an endless stream of other demons in the world, they will gather in Ink County and kill all the daredevils here. Humans who resist, show their blood and violence, and show that they still control the world."

"As for us..."

Facing Tang Bond's hopeful eyes, Zhao Yesui said calmly, "We may die, or we may flee, but there is no option to stay and protect Moxian County."

"Therefore, there is no doubt that Ink County will perish under the ensuing revenge of the demons."

"Then why are you doing this...!" Tang Bond suddenly stood up and glared at Zhao Yeshou, but under Zhao Yesang's cold eyes, he sat down again resentfully.

"Why do we do this? Do you know what you're talking about?" Zhao Yeshou restrained his smile, looked down at Tang Bond, and said coldly: "Because it will die, so don't resist, because it will bleed, so don't fight with them, Because it hurts, you have to follow their hearts and don't let them get angry...Is that what you mean?"

"If you just want to live, then it's okay to think so, but if you want to resist the demon, then it's a big mistake."

"Because they will be suppressed, because they will be killed, because they will lose the people they cherish and love, because they will cause others to be washed away, so they endure it silently, and dare not complain about the misfortune and pain that they have encountered... If everyone thinks this way, then all the resistance to break the shackles in this world will not be born, everyone should be a slave, anyway, it is just death, and what is the difference between it and an uprising?"

"Yes, the uprising in Ink County will be suppressed and the people will be purged, but is this any different from before?"

Zhao Yesui sneered and said: "Looking at your appearance, you should not know that Ink County has been chosen by the demons as the venue for the ceremony, and all the human beings have been placed on the table, just waiting for an order, The demons will eat all the humans."

Tang Bond originally bowed his head at what Zhao Yesang said, but after hearing this, he raised his head and looked at Zhao Yesao in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm not lying to you." Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "Look, this is your choice. Even if you blindfolded and knelt down to be a dog, the demons won't just because you are obedient. Just let you go, because your thoughts don't matter to them, they will still play with you at will."

"Today, the dog will also die, and the big plan will also die. Waiting to die, what about the dead?"

Zhao Yesang's words were undoubtedly a huge shock to Tang Bond, who had been a stooge of a demon all his life, and about the ceremony Zhao Yesang said, Tang Bond did not suspect that Zhao Yesang was lying to him.

Because it is not necessary.

Not to mention that he is now Zhao Yesang's prisoner. If he really just wants him to cooperate, Zhao Yesang can lie to him directly, there is no need to say that they will not protect Moxian County.

Tang Bond's expression changed several times, and finally struggled to say: "Then, does our resistance make sense?"

"At least the monsters that we killed who used to be powerful are real." Zhao Yesui said meaningfully: "Also, just resisting itself has the most significant meaning."

"When a little spark of fire falls on the grassland, you never know whether it is a prairie that has been ravaged by storms and dejected, or a tall prairie that is full of energy under the sun's rays and only waits for a little fire to start a prairie fire."

Tang Bond was silent for a moment, and finally took a deep breath and raised the brush on the table.

"I understand."


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