The person outside the door pushed the door open and entered. Although Zhao Yeshou had already guessed who was knocking on the door before, when he saw the person who came, he still felt that way.

Chen Shiyu.

Chen Shiyu also joined the siege of the demons tonight. At this moment, she was soaked in blood and there were several obvious blood marks on her clothes. Her bright eyes were full of exhaustion at the moment, but everyone could see her high spirits. .

Should it be said that the hatred has been vented? Although the monster killed tonight has nothing to do with the monster that killed her family, it is quite practical as a prop to vent her emotions.

"Is something wrong, Miss Chen Shiyu?"

Zhao Yesui looked at Chen Shiyu and asked aloud: "You should have experienced a fierce battle just now. If there is nothing important, why don't you take a rest?"

"Thank you for your concern, but no need."

Chen Shiyu shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and said to Zhao Yesui: "Ma County magistrate... I'll call you that first."

"Is the one you just killed the so-called 'pastor'?"


Zhao Ye looked at Chen Shiyu, chuckled and said, "Yes, his number is shepherd 444. If you know what this means, you should be able to understand what I mean."

"Yes, I know what this means. This is their number. Each of them will have a number to distinguish themselves from other pastors, instead of their name." Chen Shiyu sighed, realizing that Zhao Yesao After knowing the existence of the shepherd, she finally let go of her disguise and said directly:

"So, who are you? What are you and your partner? What did you come to our world for?"

Is this a showdown?

Zhao Yesui had long seen that Chen Shiyu must have a secret in his heart, but he hadn't even solved the matter of the ascending magic ceremony before, so naturally he didn't have the idea of ​​taking another hidden mission, so he didn't contact Chen Shiyu again.

And now, since Chen Shiyu came to the door on his own initiative, the matter of the ascending demon ceremony has come to an end temporarily, and Zhao Yesui doesn't mind digging up this hidden task chain.

Seeing that the girl in front of her was nervous, Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said calmly, "Before this, who did you think we were?"

"I think you are demons, or shepherds..." Chen Shiyu gradually calmed down and said, "But I gave up this speculation, because your performance in front of me is really out of tune with this era."

"You didn't intend to hide your identities at all. If you were a pastor, it would be impossible for you to have such a flaw."

It is not easy for players to pretend to be serious in front of NPCs, and naturally they will no longer deliberately pretend to be NPCs to speak when they communicate in private.

And since they have all told Chen Shiyu that they are not Majam and others, there is no need to pretend in front of her, so it is not surprising that Chen Shiyu can see their strangeness.

"And after you killed the shepherd, plus your previous performance, I think you should be a force that does not belong to this world and is hostile to the shepherd, right?"

Chen Shiyu's guess is reasonable and reasonable. It is not easy to draw such a conclusion under the existing information. After all, not everyone has the brain hole of the Big Bang, and can guess that the world they live in has been tested as the fourth natural disaster. The scene of refining is used.

"It's a big difference." Zhao Ye nodded slightly and said: "If you want to understand us as a force that is hostile to the shepherd, there is no problem. However, our task is only for this ritual of raising the devil. We're leaving now, and you don't have to worry about what we'll do with your world."

"Compared to this, I'm more curious about how you found out about the existence of the shepherd. If I guessed correctly, your entry into the Ziwei Immortal Palace should have been arranged by the shepherds. Things will definitely go through their sifting and won't leave you with any information about them."

Chen Shiyu bit his lip, and his expression became heavy: "The seniors used some special means to leave me a message that only I can see... This message includes the seniors. Everything I know about pastors and guesswork about the world we live in, besides that, is the last words of my predecessors."

"Before leaving Asgard and graciously dying, they left a last message, and the reason why I came to Ink County was because of one of these last words."

"Anything unexpected? No wonder the shepherd who was in charge of herding you at that time knew nothing about why you came to Moxian County..." Zhao Yesui quickly thought of what reminded him of it. Given the existence of Shepherd 457, if Chen Shiyu really knows the information that the pastors don't know, then it is only natural that Shepherd 457 will be confused by Chen Shiyu's actions.

"Are you sure you want to tell me your secret?" Zhao Ye said with a half-smiling smile, "If I were a shepherd, I just played a bitter show for you just now to deceive you about this secret. ?"

"There's no other way, I have no other choice." Chen Shiyu stared at Zhao Yesao and said, "I was able to come to Ink County because of the legacy of my seniors, but the shepherd who was in charge of grazing me was also very good. It will be here soon, and if I wait until he comes here, then there is no hope that my plan will be completed."

"So, I can only rely on your strength, please help me."

After that, Chen Shiyu bowed deeply to Zhao Yeshou, and Zhao Yeshou just said lightly: "You should talk about what you want me to help you first, I will not stay here for too long, if it is too difficult If things go wrong, forgive me.”

"Okay." Seeing Zhao Yeshou's attitude, Chen Shiyu felt relieved and said, "Actually, I want to ask you to help me find a place."

"According to the last words left by a senior swordsmith in my sect, the most elite swordsmiths and monks in the world at that time seemed to gather in one place to carry out a secret mission. According to the senior, this mission Maybe it can change the fate of this world. And according to the map I copied from the classics in Ziwei Immortal Palace, that place should be near Ink County."

"But if it's just me, it's like a fantasy to find this place, so I want to use your strength."

Zhao Yesui pondered for a moment, and finally clicked his tongue.

What Chen Shiyu said is reasonable and reasonable, but everything seems to be too coincidental.

Ink County, a small remote county in the Dachen Dynasty, was chosen by "lucky" as the venue for the ceremony of ascending the devil. Now it is still related to the successors of the last round of human civilization. This place is really fate. Much wrong.

"I'll try my best to get my people to find it."

Zhao Yeshao nodded and said, "But you'd better not hold out too much hope, the vicissitudes of life, after all, three hundred years have passed, and even if the place is indeed near Ink County, it may happen because of the passage of time. misfortune."

"Also, the area around here should have been searched more than once by demons and shepherds. If it is something that is easy to find, it should have been discovered by them. If it is a secret realm, or an outside world, then I don't think We can find it in a few days."

"Probably, only the Son of Destiny has the luck to meet it."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to contribute, it is the best thing." Chen Shiyu bowed to Zhao Ye again and said: "If you really find it, please deal with it yourself, as long as it doesn't fall into Mu It's good in the hands of the people, and it's impossible for the seniors to let their hard work fall into the hands of these disgusting hypocrites."

After saying this, Chen Shiyu resigned to Zhao Ye and left the room.

Zhao Yesui looked at her leaving back thoughtfully, and finally smiled indifferently.

Chen Shiyu definitely didn't come to Ink County with the idea of ​​letting him "handle it on his own".

There is no doubt about that.

She didn't know the situation in Moxian County. She traveled through mountains and rivers and went through all kinds of hardships. Naturally, she came to Moxian County to get that thing "enough to change the fate of this world".

Young people will always have the idea that they are the children of destiny, and always feel that they must save the world by themselves, especially a girl like Chen Shiyu who is bitter and hated, it is good not to be blackened, and naturally they must try their best to obtain the power. to fight for.

However, when she came to Ink County, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and a series of changes made her dizzy.

First, the assassination of "Majam" failed, and he was caught by mistake, and then he was forced to board a thief boat. Then he was stunned to watch Zhao Yesao, a lunatic, come to a vigorous trial of the whole city, and also made her unfathomable in her mind. The shepherd was burned to ashes.

After realizing that he probably couldn't find this destiny, Chen Shiyu made the most decisive decision.

Her anomaly has been realized by the shepherds, so, instead of letting this treasure forged by the martyrs of the human race fall into the hands of the **** shepherds, it is better to give it to Zhao Yejiao and the others, at least Zhao Yejiao and the others are indeed with them. The pastors are hostile, so in a sense, it is also in line with the will of the martyrs.

Although it seems very simple, it still takes a lot of determination to make up your mind to hand over the treasure to others. A greedy person would rather let it rot in his own hands than give it to others.

"It's an interesting girl."

Zhao Yesui said so.

[Hidden quest Passing the Fire has been activated]

[This task is a completely free exploration task, please feel free to explore by yourself, and complete the task as much as possible]

[Note: This quest has strict hidden conditions, but you have already completed it unintentionally, so why don't you try to give it a try? ]

p.s. I'm so sleepy, so sleepy, so sleepy, so sleepy, so sleepy, the quality of this chapter has probably declined, and my spirit is really sluggish.

A part of the unnecessary plot has been cut off, this volume is almost over, the three-thread narrative is really difficult to write, and the next script will be written in one line.

Chapter 133 Who they help who wins and who wins who they help

Players come to the fifth day of this scenario.

It took only five days in total from the time when he first came into this world, like duckweed, to when he took office in Moxian County, where he was in power, and then to completely control Moxian County and encircle and suppress all the demons in Moxian County.

The response of the pastors cannot be said to be slow, because generally speaking, what can happen in four days?

Oh, not necessarily, after all, it only took Denmark four hours to successfully turn its white cross red flag into a white flag, and it took a certain European first army power to complete the transformation in six weeks. , which shows that his will to resist is strong and the national sentiment is strong, which is really gratifying and gratifying.

Zhao Ye robe sat on the first seat of the execution ground, watching Song Shigui, who was preparing for the execution below, and the melon-eating crowd surrounded by layers upon layers of the execution platform. Feel.

Let Song Shigui be the executioner naturally because mortals can't cut off the heads of these monsters, even if it is a weak monster, it is difficult for mortals to kill it, and if it is hit by the resentment and suffocation before the death of the monster, it may be serious It will endanger life, and in the end this task can only fall on Song Shigui's head.

It was at this moment that Zhao Yesui heard the mission prompt of the game of destiny as always:

[warn! Emperor Chen Ai has issued a hunting order to the players! ]

[Main quest has been changed]

[Current main mission: Survive the crusade initiated by Emperor Chen Ai, and try to preserve the residents of Ink County and Ink County as much as possible. The degree of mission completion depends on the survival rate of the coalition forces and the preservation degree of Ink County]

[The progress of the former main line mission has been saved and will be settled normally after the mission is completed]

[This task is extremely difficult, players are advised to act cautiously to protect their own safety]

[This task will be divided into three stages, and each stage of the task will be returned in advance, please do what you can]

The main quest has changed, which Zhao Yesui didn't expect.

It seems that the next situation for the players will be very dangerous, even beyond the original difficulty, so that the game of Destiny has to change the mission objectives, and set up an unprecedented three-stage mission, allowing players to return at any time. .

However, compared to this, Zhao Yesui was more interested in the information revealed in this mission.

"Emperor Chen Ai...?"

Zhao Yesui said thoughtfully.

The Great Chen Dynasty in this world is very different from the feudal dynasties of the Yan Kingdom in the present world, so this Emperor Chen Ai who initiated the crusade looks extremely strange to Zhao Yesui.

Because, the names that were widely circulated in later generations, such as Emperor X Wu, Emperor Ling X, Emperor Ai, were posthumous titles assigned by the next emperor after the death of an emperor. In short, when the emperor was alive, he was No one would call him that.

Therefore, this Emperor Chen Ai should be the name of the dead emperor, but now, the dead are issuing orders, and even formed a coalition to attack Zhao Yesang and these chaotic ministers and thieves, which really makes people shudder.

And if this title is linked to Zhao Yesang's previous encounters, then intriguing results can be obtained.

"Shepherd 001...Emperor Chen Ai..."

After the call between Pastor 001 and Zhao Yesui was rejected, the ** emperor formed a coalition to attack them. It would be impossible to say that there is no relationship between the two.

Tang Bond, who was standing beside Zhao Yesang, heard Zhao Yesang's self-talk, hesitated for a while and asked aloud, "Sir, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of something interesting." Zhao Yeshou shrugged.

Today, there is only Tang Bond by his side. Chen Shuang consumes a lot of money, and he is seriously injured. Even with Fufu's help, he has to rest for a while. Therefore, it is only the two of them who will preside over the execution today.

"Master, let me ask you, why is your name taboo, how many years have you been in power?" Zhao Yesao thought about it and asked Tang Bond.

"The name of ****..." Tang Bond said helplessly after thinking about it: "Sorry, my lord, I don't know. Logically speaking, because it is a taboo for the Venerable, the name of the saint should be announced to It's right to avoid it, but today's saints don't seem to do so."

"As for how many years in power... I'm not too sure about this. The **** did not make much fanfare when he ascended the throne, but this year is the thirteenth year of Yongping, maybe it is exactly the thirteenth year?"

It seems, probably, should, that this equivocal answer is the same as saying nothing.

However, from Master's vague answer, Zhao Yesui probably understood something.

A person who can become a master, no matter what his character is, has always read books for a few years and seen the world. He doesn't even know the name of the current emperor. It is conceivable that most people in this world should not. Know the emperor's name.

Although it is not important for the people under the rule of the feudal dynasty who is the emperor, even if the information is blocked again, it is not that even scholars do not know which emperor is currently ruling, otherwise the stability of the regime will be great. Discounted.

Just as Zhao Yesui and Tang Bond communicated, the time had come.

Song Shigui also heard the prompt of the game of destiny, but he still performed his current duties dutifully, glanced at the sun in the sky, and beckoned to Zhao Yejiao, Zhao Yejiao stood up and began to read A letter written by the master to him.

Sprinkling thousands of words, Zhao Yeshou didn't take it too much trouble, and read them one by one aloud.

"...The chaotic world of demons has put Moxian County in distress, so it should be killed off to eliminate future troubles."

"it is good!"

When Zhao Yexuan finished reciting, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd, and the sound waves swept in like a mountain. People who didn't know might not have guessed that the **** beheading was about to happen. It's a good show about to start.

Song Shigui picked up the rusty ring-headed broadsword, sprayed a mouthful of spirits up, then walked up to the first demon, took off the bamboo behind it, and held the broadsword high. He lifted it up, and then cut off the demon's head neatly.

The head fell to the ground, showing its original shape, and the huge monster body was revealed. The crowd of onlookers had never seen this scene at all, and exclamations and cheers resounded throughout the audience.

Song Shigui's expression remained the same. The sum of the people and non-humans he killed started at least four figures. He had already cultivated a heart of stone. He couldn't be moved by this trivial matter. behind the next monster.

Raising the knife and dropping the knife, the vitality in the demon's body was wiped out together. Gradually, even Song Shigui felt a little bored, but the emotions of the onlookers were completely mobilized. The cheers became louder for a while, and others He praised Majam's "wise and martial arts", and many people agreed.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same, Song Shigui only felt that they were noisy.

Facing such a "lively" scene, Zhao Yeshou closed his eyes and felt it quietly.

Of course, he didn't spend a lot of time to organize the beheading because he had nothing to do. The reason why Zhao Yesui took so much trouble was to verify whether the ritual of ascending the devil was still in operation.

The "props" used in this execution were carefully selected and were usually high-ranking monsters. Even if they don't have the identity of a demon, people already hate them to the core, and at this moment there is a legitimate reason to deprive them of their lives, which naturally makes them excited.

It is the negative psychology that hides in the depths of human hearts to let those who are high above fall into the mundane world.

The important component of the ritual of raising demons is the collision of two diametrically opposed emotions, humans and demons.

Although the positions of the fearful and the pleasurable were reversed, it did not affect the ceremony.

After a while, Zhao Yesui opened his eyes with a solemn expression.

As he expected, the ritual of ascending the devil was indeed still going on, but he could not find the point, let alone who was still holding the ritual of ascending the devil.

Most of the demons died in the siege last night. Even if they escaped by chance, they were as frightened as birds of a feather.

Could it be that there is a third shepherd in this ink county?

But it's a waste of human resources...

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