I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 299: At The Peak Of The Limelight

As soon as this remark came out,

The audience was silent.

He also felt something was wrong, he found that everyone's eyes on him had changed.

especially some people,

Looking at him is like looking at a fool.

The smiling faces of the Tiandumeng people froze at this moment,

become extremely embarrassing.

But Huairen still maintains a proud attitude,

4 Holy Royal Beasts, who else does he need to be afraid of.

The name of genius belongs to him!

The leader of the Tiandu League stood up at this moment.

He cupped his hands to Ye Feng and said:

"I'm sorry."

"Our deputy leader just came back from the wild area and doesn't know the situation."

"I apologize for him being like you, I hope you don't mind."

"Huai Ren, come down quickly, this matter is not a joke.

Huairen cast a contemptuous glance at his ally leader,

Curse inwardly,

"They have already become Extraordinary powerhouses, and they are still so powerful, the leader should be me!"

At this moment, Ye Feng looked at Huairen with some amusement,

"Okay, I agree."

"Sitting here is really boring."

"Just move your body."

Saying that, Ye Feng walked 750 from the judges' seat to the arena.

Xiao Hei also wagged his tail and squatted on Ye Feng's shoulder, looking a bit reluctant.

After Ye Feng summoned Xiaocao, he did not summon other Royal Beasts.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Cao are enough.

Huairen looked at Ye Feng: "You look down on me?"

Ye Feng shook his head and smiled: "No, I just pulled the fighting power to the same starting line as you. y

"No other meaning."

After he finished speaking, Huairen's eyes immediately burst into anger,

"You fool me!"

"Okay, let me see how you use two Royal Beasts to beat me with four holy-level Royal Beasts!"

Huairen took the other Royal Beasts back to the Royal Beast space, leaving only the Holy Royal Beasts.

In this case, using other Royal Beast is not effective.

waste of energy,

After all, this is just a competition, not a life-and-death struggle.

Mr. Xu and the others looked at each other and shook their heads involuntarily.

"This is a justifiable one for Ye Feng."

"Many people are dissatisfied with his being a judge, even if he killed a holy level in public, some people who don't pay attention don't know.

Immediately, Old Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a sneer:

"But this Huairen, I think I should check it out."

"Four holy-level Royal Beasts, there is no sound before this kind of character is unreasonable.

Yu Long thought the same as Mr. Xu,

It's just that he has already started to act, sent a message to his inspection team, and began to gather intelligence forces to investigate this person's news.

4 Holy Royal Beasts, it is impossible not to have any news before.

Even Ye Feng,

There is a record of 'slow' rise in the Royal Beast Academy.

There's something weird about this!


After the referee finished speaking, he withdrew from the field, leaving space for the two.

Xiaocao took the first step,

Countless thorns began to distribute, and at the same time they used the thorn flurry to suppress Huairen.

At this time, Xiaocao pouted, looking unhappy.

Because Ye Feng uses a spiritual link, let her stay put, and don't accidentally kill the opponent.

Xiao Hei also turned into a cat girl form,

Continuously teleport among the thorns, concealing his figure.

Huairen stepped back immediately,

4 Royal Beasts rushed towards Ye Feng from all directions.

Ye Feng was taken aback,

He didn't understand why the Royal Beast should be scattered,

Obviously attacking together is the best choice, and in this way Huairen is waiting (agce) to open the door wide,

Logically speaking, a person who can contract four holy-level Royal Beasts should not even have this bit of common sense in combat.

At this time Ye Feng raised his right hand,

"Human-beast fusion technique, Scarlet Mouth!"

A huge group of thorns rose from the ground and engulfed Huairen directly.


Xiao Hei also froze in place at this moment, not knowing whether to attack or not.

Because in this state, if she is using Dimensional Strangling,

This Huairen will undoubtedly die.

Huairen, who was trapped by the thorns, also seemed at a loss, with a frightened face.

"Come back and protect me!"

"Come back soon!"

He yelled mournfully, the sharp thorns on the thorns had scratched him bloody.

Seeing this, 4 Royal Beasts ran back,

but the next second,

They were trapped by Xiaocao with thorns, and Xiao Hei also used a space barrier to trap them.

The referee immediately went to the stage,

Ye Feng's victory was announced.

Grading is no longer required.

This is pure spike.

After Xiaocao retracted the thorns, Huairen lay on the ground panting heavily.

He didn't expect that he didn't even hold on to a move,

And this human-beast fusion skill, shouldn't it appear in the form of the Royal Beast only after reaching the Extraordinary.

Why Ye Feng is ready to use now.

He stood up in embarrassment, and glanced at Ye Feng,

"I lost."

Then he jumped down and returned to Tiandumeng.

There was thunderous applause on the field for a while.

Everyone kept shouting Ye Feng's name.

Xiaocao's support team proudly held up the sign.

"Grass! Auntie loves you!"

"My lovely little grass, let my mother hug it!"

"Xiaocao laughed, it's over, the last regret in my life is gone!"

"Xiao Cao, come to Auntie!"

The enthusiasm of the Xiaocao support group almost overwhelmed all voices.

Xiaocao hid next to Ye Feng, she could vividly remember the fear of being hugged and kissed by a group of women.

"Master Xiaocao is afraid."

Ye Feng patted Xiaocao's head helplessly.

no way,

The grass is so cute,

Mu Jinxiu said that she sells Xiaocao's pillow dolls, and the daily sales are counted by 100 million dragon coins. .

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