I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 307: The Deterrence Of The Underworld

Wang Damang looked at Xiaomei with a startled expression,

Xiaomei has never displayed her own strength or characteristics in public.

She stood beautifully and seductively behind Ye Feng, never making unnecessary movements.

Always kept a warm smile.

Is there something special about this Royal Beast?

Wang Damang was dreaming.

Xiao Mei stood in mid-air and slowly raised her hand.

"Kneel down!"

her voice fell,

The event that shocked Wang Damang for a whole year happened.

All the experimental subjects knelt down, including the body of Long Zuitian who had lost consciousness.


Wang Damang looked at this scene in astonishment, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

She even ordered these experimental subjects Royal Beast!

How can this be!

This scene reminded him of the beast siege of the animal department.

It looks like a demon beast. 06


The way he looked at Ye Feng changed again and again.

"Is she the leader of the demon department?"

Ye Feng nodded.

"That's right."

Xiaomei's dark system no longer needs to be hidden in the eyes of these high-status people.

His strength no longer needs to hide anything.

But if it appears in the eyes of Common people or low-level Beast Masters, it will take a suitable opportunity.

Otherwise there will be panic.

He was not afraid, but Mu Jinxiu and the others, he had to think about them.

At this time Ye Feng slowly opened his mouth and said:

"The body where Long Qingtian is, it can self-destruct."

"Let them go to the wild and die together."

Xiao Mei immediately ordered them to walk towards the wild area behind them.

not long,

A blue light bursts out into the sky,

The sky trembled.

"This power!" Wang Damang was shocked and angry.

After all, Lao Long was once one of the 12 elders,

To create such a terrifying self-explosive experimental body, the purpose is obvious,

Just want to raze the city to the ground.

To know,

There are not only Common people here, but also a large number of Saint-level and Extraordinary Beast Masters.

Seeing the scale of the explosion just now, he dared not resist.

If it explodes in the city,

don't think about it,

Since then, the Dragon Kingdom has directly entered a period of constant decay.

Other countries will also take the opportunity to snatch those wild areas.

"He's really ruthless." Wang Damang said coldly.

Ye Feng's eyes were extremely cold.

"He didn't do anything."

"When I know where he is, I must kill him to avoid future troubles."

After Xiaomei returned to Ye Feng's side, she didn't look at Wang Damang the whole time,

The eyes are all Ye Feng.

Wang Damang said:

"I feel like I've never underestimated you."

"But you open my eyes every time and do something out of the box.

"Like this time."

"If you were not here, to be honest, this Livzon City would be different."

"All that can be done is to let the high-ranking Beast Masters all retreat."

"But from now on, those low-level Beast Masters and Common people will live in fear.

"This kindness, I will continue for them."

Ye Feng smiled slightly.

He handed over a list of materials that Ye Feng lacked now.

"Those unmarked materials just tell me where I am."

"Or a few Divine Grade materials."

Wang Damang was taken aback when he saw the message,

"The light of this lunar eclipse is coming soon, I think Liu Kuan should help you solve it."

"Holy Grade Golden Chalcedony, Holy Grade Loam Saint Crystal, and Divine Grade Mother Earth. I know that the golden chalcedony is in that area."

Ye Feng's eyes brightened,

This is exactly what his newly added little soft advanced to Divine Grade material.

Now there is news.

"If you need it, I'll have someone bring it back for you.

"It's not that hard to get."

"There are still chaotic rough stones in this area..." Wang Damang was a little embarrassed.

Ye Feng immediately asked:


This is Xiaoyu's advanced material, upon hearing Wang Damang's embarrassing expression, Ye Feng felt a little anxious.

"It was discovered decades ago, but this area is too dangerous, and the materials are almost 100% negative growth.

"I ordered the teleportation array to be cancelled."

At this time, Xiao Hei said: "Has the node been deleted?"

Wang Damang shook his head,


"That's good, I can connect Gou Shanxin.

Wang Damang's eyes changed.

"Ye Feng, you can support an army with just the Royal Beast."

"There will be everything."

He now feels that it is too wise for him to befriend Ye Feng.

This kind of person must only be friendly with each other, and must not be evil.

He now very much believes,

If Ye Feng has any dangerous thoughts, there is almost no one in the entire Dragon Kingdom who can stop him.

even if blocked,

Dragon Kingdom will also be almost consumed.

"Let's go back to the venue."

As Ye Feng said, he turned the little dragon into a giant dragon, and the little dragon supported Ye Feng with his hand,

Fly towards the venue.

Before Wang Damang jumped up, Xiaolong flew away.

"Take me one!"

"I also want to ride a giant dragon to look majestic!"

But there was no way, Xiaolong ignored him at all.

Helpless, he could only use the space to maneuver and fly back by himself.

Ye Feng looked at Xiaobai who was nibbling dry food beside him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Xiaomei's dark system, Xiaobai's demon system."

"If I let him know that I still have a Royal Beast who dominates the system, I think he will go crazy."

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