Zhou Lingxi followed behind, looking forward to it.

She has seen Ye Feng's combat power, but she has not seen the Royal Beast's ability with her own eyes.

Whether a Beast Master is strong or not does not depend on fighting the Beast Master,

It can only be reflected in the copy.

Mechanisms, accidents and other conditions are being synthesized.

In comparison, the Beast Masters are more like honing their own strengths.

After Wang Damang brought Xiao Hei to the place where the abandoned teleportation array was, he watched Xiao Hei's operation with great interest.

But then Xiao Hei kept connecting.

His eyes gradually brightened.

Beside him is Mage of the Explorer Corps, and his expression is extremely astonished.

"Xiao Wu, what level of formation does Ye Feng's Royal Beast belong to?"

"The highest!" Xiao Wu said firmly.

This level of formation, if he were to repair it,

It will take at least a week, and it may not even be able to accurately describe the position.

To know,

As the formation mage of the explorer corps, he can be said to be the strongest formation mage in the Dragon Kingdom.

Xiao Hei's repair speed, 797

Even better than his teacher.

If graded,

At most, he can reach level 5, and Xiao Hei has developed this skill to level 15!

Just standing aside and watching, he felt that his skills had been greatly improved.

after three hours,

Xiao Hei wiped the sweat from his forehead, and changed from a cat girl to a black cat.

"It's over."

"It's been a long time since I've done such a big job, it's a bit slow."

"But there will definitely be no problems." Xiao Hei's words revealed that he was extremely confident in his skills.

Wang Damang patted Ye Feng's shoulder.

"I've placed another Mage position on you.

"You're welcome, I should do it."

Ye Feng is ashamed,

"You are fast enough, and you can arrange such a large conference.


He and Zhou Lingxi walked into the teleportation formation.

At this time, Wang Damang showed a smile,

"Quickly find all the people who can come back in a hurry, and block this place."

"The cards given by Liu Kuan, we can't miss a little bit on our side."

"It needs a little more, and the contracted saint-level Royal Beasts and the dragon-type ones will directly bring the Royal Beasts to wait beside them.

"Then find the holy-level Beast Master to join them."


"Find some female Beast Masters and wait for him with flowers in hand."

The orderly next to him was dumbfounded by the series of orders.

"How big?"


"I'm asking about age."

"About 20 years old, the more beautiful the better, he will be his messenger when he comes."

"Special talents require special care."

He has done everything he can to get Ye Feng into the Explorers Corps.

This kind of super talent who can 100% reduce the death rate cannot be missed.

And Ye Feng is not the kind of person who can be pulled over just by putting his name on the corps list.

There are many ways to make him have a good impression of this place,

It's best to be very impressed.

If he wasn't his son, he would have wanted Ye Feng to be his son-in-law.

Thinking of this, he sighed.

"Why, I don't have a daughter, alas.

"You have a son who is (agfh) unhappy?" the orderly said in a bad tone.

Wang Damang curled his lips,

"You can't be proud, even if someone has 1% of his ability, there is no need for your father and me to sigh here.

The messenger is his son, Wang Sun.

The orderlies of the Exploration Legion are different from other orderlies,

Sometimes it is necessary to pass messages to dangerous places, or wait at the door of the instance.

It is often to squat across level 10 or even level 20.

For this dangerous job, Wang Damang sent his son here directly.

According to his words,

If you die like this, you won't lose anyone else.

Although Wang Sun is not as good as Ye Feng, he is still a genius.

In the first grade of Royal Beast Academy, he was forcibly pulled over.

Now less than 30 years old, he has already reached Baijin Apex, and is about to enter the diamond level.

【Dragon Prayer Club】

Seeing the name, Ye Feng's eyes changed slightly.

In the area with this name, monsters live together in groups.

There are not only dungeons, but also field bosses, and the strength will not be low.

Most importantly,

Hit one, and other Warcraft will rush up.

"No wonder, he decided to abolish this place, and I would do the same if I were in it," Zhou Lingxi said.

In this kind of place, she always walks around in undeveloped areas.

No one knows how many monsters here will come together.

And the wilds here are full of mechanics.

not long,

Xiaoguang finished drawing the map.

Looking at the map, Zhou Lingxi's pupils shrunk,

Such a detailed map is a treasure anywhere.

And the props that you want to draw the map must be at least emperor-level,

But it can't be that detailed at all.

Ye Feng looked at it and frowned.

"The monsters here are all around level 68."

"But there are two monsters in the middle, they should be the wild bosses here."

Ye Feng looked up,

This area has been built by these monsters like a sacrificial place,

Corresponding to the red in the sky, it looks extremely strange and gloomy. .

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