I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 311 Is This Called Rounding The Dots?

The sudden increase in mental power made Zhou Lingxi's pupils constrict.

"What skill can make the mental power soar, is it a talent?"

Amidst her suspicions, her body began to feel extremely hot again.

My eyes began to blur, and I was panting heavily.

The scene of Ye Feng commanding Xiaocao and the others to attack, in her eyes, seemed to be pointing at her.

Something is wrong here, Ye Feng quickly noticed.

After all, the hot air was almost blowing to his face.

Ye Feng didn't say anything else, and used Solips Is God to trap her directly on the side with thorns.

"This charm Constitution is strong or strong, but it is uncomfortable without distinction."

Then look forward.

Continue to direct the attack on "143".

This time the attack was not superfluous,

The chapel is like a circle, and the monsters in the circle cannot escape at all, and they will be attacked to death.

When they were in the Royal Beast space,

They have also been honing the tacit cooperation between batches.

This trick is called rounding the dots.

It is the name given by Xiaocao.

It is to disturb the Xiaocao branch and concentrate the control ability on the scattered monsters.

Then Xiao Hei wandered around to hunt and kill.

Xiaoguang's firepower kept attacking the monsters at the center, making it impossible for them to form an effective group attack.

Let Xiaojing squat next to Ye Feng for protection.

Xiaoyu and Xiaobai are a melee guerrilla and a long-range support, two people in a team.

Even Xiao Nuan participated in it.

Since the last time it came out, Ye Feng's spiritual link has barely allowed Xiaonuan to communicate with everyone.

to this end,

Her main duty is to protect everyone from mental and will attacks.

If you want to launch this kind of attack on Ye Feng and the others, and want it to take effect,

At least one million spiritual powers beyond Xiaonuan's own can do it.

not long,

The monsters here were completely wiped out by Ye Feng,

Ye Feng's level has also been raised to level 54.

Mental power has broken through to 280,000 points.

It is about to break through to 300,000 points.

Ye Feng's goal is to break through to 500,000 mental power in Extraordinary.

At the holy level, it is directly a million.

At this time, the ground began to shake non-stop, and a hissing sound came from the ground.

The ground cracked.

The rhizomes of the grass are all exposed and exposed.


She directly stores all the energy of the branches, and bursts out a little bit together.

Ye Feng took 3 holy thunder spirits for Xiaoguang.

"Xiao Guang, don't stop the God Meteor Bullet." Xiao Guang nodded.

A God Meteor Bullet in Pandora mode is one-tenth of the holy thunder essence.

30 God Meteorites,

This time, she needs to control her energy well and not waste it.

Only the two bosses in front of him were left. Ye Feng also turned off the Charm Constitution.

Zhou Lingxi wanted to scold Ye Feng as soon as she woke up,

But seeing the pupils of the two bosses in the distance constrict, the thorns on her body fell down.

"Ye Feng, let me do it together."

She has seen Ye Feng's strength, these two bosses are not joking,

have her shot,

Ye Feng will also reduce a lot of consumption, and he will be able to enter the copy after a while.

To know,

The monsters in the copy are much stronger than those outside.

Dragging his tired body, it is very likely that he will die in the copy.

Ye Feng glanced at Zhou Lingxi,

"Need not."

"Just take a look."

Zhou Lingxi was taken aback, she didn't understand, could she be so weak?

He didn't even ask himself to help.

"Xiao Jing, use the Crystal Sky Curse Spirit, and Xiao Mei use Hell's Haunted Soul..."

next moment,

Amethyst of the earth,

Amethyst's big hand was formed, pressed hard from the ground and flew out.

Glittering with amethyst,

The crystal sky curse spirit with one hundred thousand spiritual power is also very fierce in attack power.

the other side,

A crack was torn out of a space, and the dark and corrupt atmosphere continued to spread,

Form a thin layer of Green mist.

The sword first appeared in the field of vision.

The Zombie King Pagoda came out, and the ground was immediately infected by a corrupt atmosphere.

The few trees around also withered immediately at this moment.

As soon as the two summoned beasts appeared, Zhou Lingxi took two steps back in shock.

Is this a summoned beast?

This is better than Royal Beast!

Especially the monster summoned by the hell hero, with a sword in his hand,

The majesty and momentum revealed are even scarier than her holy Royal Beast.

It can be seen at a glance,

In a certain space, this person is definitely a lord-level existence.

"Little Charm Demon six-pointed array, control them all."

"They should stop attacking." Ye Feng said slowly.

1.6 Zhou Lingxi was even more confused after hearing it,

What do you mean they should stop attacking and they can still listen to you?

But the next moment, her pupils grew suddenly.

A huge hexagram traps the two bosses in it, absorbing their power continuously,

Then explode.

Xiaoguang Xiaolong and the others launched their attacks immediately,

Ye Feng's Royal Beasts have pushed their fighting power to the limit, with a lot of skills tilted.

The two bosses are exactly as he said, there is no way to attack them.

Even under Dazzling's attack, it is no longer possible to see the true appearance of the two bosses.

I only know that they are two huge monsters with horns. .

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