"Old Gu, someone has entered Ye Feng's laboratory!"


Gu Lao immediately rushed over in shock and anger, leaving this matter behind,

"Didn't Ye Feng's laboratory tell you that no one can enter?"

"Look who's inside!"

Ye Feng is the belief of the researcher, his laboratory is no different from a holy place,

But they took a closer look,

It was found that everyone was there, that is to say, the people inside were not researchers at all.

"It's an outsider!"

Gu Lao's pupils constricted and he immediately pressed the alarm.

for a while,

Soldiers, people from the Gusu family and the Zhang family poured into the laboratory, and everyone summoned the Royal Beast.

looking at the lab all the time,

In the laboratory, if you can't open it, you can't open it.

After all, the information here is extremely precious, and we can only wait for the people inside to come out.

At this time, the alarm at Liu Kuan's station also sounded.

Seeing this, Liu Kuan immediately took people to the grafting 243 laboratory, all for the safety of Ye Feng's laboratory.

Now the grafting laboratory has become a national laboratory.

The results of the research in it will be put into use immediately.

There are even some rich people who will contract a grafted Royal Beast even if they don’t fight,

used to protect themselves.

This is more cost-effective and safer than hiring a few gold or Baijin bodyguards.

Some accessories have also become supplies.

For example, after the hanging wind tree essence is grafted, the body will secrete a kind of fragrance,

As a perfume, it can accelerate the secretion of hormones, and the fragrance is pleasant.

But the output is extremely low, and it is an extremely high luxury item, and a bottle costs millions of dragon coins.

Even air conditioners and refrigerators have been affected by these accessories and have begun to be reformed and replaced again.

But it's just early days,

Prices only those with money can afford, but over time,

After the output comes up, civilians can also buy it at will. (agbh)

These are all foreseeable changes.

At this time, outside Ye Feng's exclusive laboratory,

Liu Kuan, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Gu and Mr. Gu were all there.

With a bang, the door opened.

"The people inside are not allowed to move, take back the Royal Beast immediately!" Liu Kuan said solemnly.

At this moment, a black figure stepped out,

Xiao Hei looked at the crowd angrily.

The tail kept wagging.

"Don't move?"

"Taking back the Royal Beast?"


Liu Kuan was ashamed of Xiao Hei's deadly second question,

But at this time, Expert Gu and his group of brains turned around, Xiao Hei was here,

It is self-evident who is inside.

"When did Ye Feng come back!" Expert Gu said in surprise.

"Yesterday." Xiao Hei said impatiently.

Then he ignored everyone and walked forward, taking the cute pillow next to Long Ling'er into the laboratory.


The door closed again.

Liu Kuan was sweating on his forehead, and this time he had an oolong.

Then he looked at Expert Gu resentfully.

"Cough cough."

"It's all a misunderstanding, let's go." Expert Gu said with a smile.

As if nothing happened, just sit down and start working.

The same is true of other researchers,

They all looked like they didn't know what happened.

Those who are not researchers are embarrassed,

"It's gone, it's gone."

"Don't disperse, General Liu, you leave the soldiers in one group, I need some experimenters.

"It's nothing, it's just the grafted Royal Beast of the semi-parasitic species, which can defend against attacks... Alas, don't run away."

Liu Kuan hurried out,

Those soldiers also ran outside as if seeing the plague,

But the next moment Liu Kuan closed the door.

"Cooperate with expert Gu in the experiment, and I will give you credit for this."

He ran away without looking back.

The last time I asked him to do this kind of experiment, he set an example and first experimented,

As a result, half of his life was gone, and there is still a vine in his leg,

The position is more critical, so don't dare to take it out easily, otherwise the vines may have the risk of losing their children and grandchildren after they are moved.

Not to mention other saints,

Move out of space directly.

The person who stayed behind looked at Expert Gu with a terrified expression, as if he had seen some beast.

at this time,

A middle-aged man in his fifties walked to the Mu family's personnel department.

"I want to apply for a job as a security guard."

"How old are you?" the personnel asked politely.

"Well, just read and write.

"I can fight very well." Du Zhun said with a smile.

The personnel curled his lips, and just about to refuse, he saw the security captain next to him say aloud.

"How about old man, you can compare with me, if you can survive for 1 minute, I will let you work here."

As he spoke, he looked at the personnel affairs and wanted to show off.


With one punch, Du Zhun sent the security captain flying out of the window and fell down from the second floor.

"Is it all right?"

It's ok..."

After making arrangements for Du Zhun, the personnel immediately told Mu Jinxiu on the roof of the building.

Mu Jinxiu looked at this strange security information with some doubts in his eyes.

"This old man, why does he look so familiar.

Thinking of this,

Then I told the personnel, let him sit in the security room.

Just treat it as a benefit.

It's just a security guard, and it doesn't affect the current Mu family.

It is estimated that the children and grandchildren of the family don't care, so they can only support themselves.

At this time Xu Bai, Ye Feng, and Li Azure Dragon sneezed at the same time.

Ye Feng is still curious,

"Can my Diamond Beast Master catch a cold too?".

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