I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 329: A Higher-Quality Gift-Giving Boy

Ye Feng felt a little calm after seeing Mr. Long.

This is also a treasure giving boy who is bigger than the treasure given by Zhou Dong taught by the ghost king.

Picked up his daughter first, and then sent the first Royal Beast artifact,

And it also helped him and Xiao Hei to have a mind-to-heart connection, and to possess the human-beast fusion skill.

Although the quantity is not as much as that given by Zhou Dong, but the quality is high.

At this time Ye Feng smiled slightly and said:

"I guessed it was you, but I didn't expect you to get mixed up with Sakura's people."

The corners of Long Lao's mouth kept twitching, trying his best to suppress his anger,

It's not wise to fight now,

The fighting ability of the chaotic fan is actually very weak. If there is a real fight, he may not be able to leave alive.

"Ye Feng, you and I are old acquaintances, and my daughter is also with you."

"How about we sit down and have a good talk this time?"

Long Lao's tone became sincere and frank.

This surprised Ye Feng a little, his attitude changed so quickly, 503

Old Immortals are very rich.

"Tell me how to talk about it." Ye Feng also smiled slightly.

It's just that Xiaocao and the others are constantly expanding the area, and in the blink of an eye, they have expanded the attack range to Longlao's side.

Elder Long was also extremely nervous.

But the expression is not showing any emotion.

"I know you need the light of a lunar eclipse, but I don't need this."

"I just need to activate the altar."

"What do you think I will exchange for this condition?"

Hearing what Long Lao said, Ye Feng laughed secretly,

As long as you know the purpose of Long Lao, he is very greedy,

The things are the life money of Mr. Long for a few minutes,

As for whether the remaining eclipse light can activate the altar, it doesn't matter to Ye Feng,

As long as Xiaobai has completed the advanced stage, it will be fine.

"I want Divine Grade materials." Ye Feng crossed his hands,

Waiting for Long Lao's reply with a playful face.

Old Long's expression froze, his teeth creaked,

"Divine Grade material, Ye Feng, are you a little too much?"

"Then let's fight!"

"Xiaocao moves.

"Wait!" Long Lao immediately called Ye Feng.

"I will give it, but can I give it later......"

"Do it." Ye Feng was a little impatient.

It's like asking Xiaocao to do it directly. He and Long Lao Moji just want to delay time.

If the fight is too fierce, it will be difficult to destroy the altar with chaotic world fans.

No one knows when the next lunar eclipse will be, and Ye Feng doesn't want to wait.

At this time, Long Lao's eyes were resentful, and he threw a ring towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked inside and it was a Divine Grade material,

"This is a Divine Grade material, Liuhuang LCD, it is the Divine Grade material on the side of Sakura, Dragon Country does not have it.

"Is it all right now?"

Ye Feng nodded,

"That's great, but you still have to wait outside for a while, until my Xiaobai's advanced stage is completed.

"The remaining time should be enough for you to activate the altar. N

Ye Feng laughed.

Elder Long immediately understood what Ye Feng meant,

If there is not enough time, he can only admit it.

This Divine Grade material is probably thrown away for nothing!

But now he doesn't dare to do more actions at all, he can only hope that Ye Feng will be honest,

Let the light of the eclipse (agae) fall.

at this time,

The sky suddenly became dark,

Wisps of brilliant light shot directly from the sky to the altar,

The phantom of the tengu gradually appeared,

Ye Feng looked excitedly at the Tengu phantom, a black body appeared on its body,

very slender,

But there was a faint coercion protruding from the crescent moon on its forehead, and with a howl,

The lunar eclipse has officially begun.

"The little light breaks the phantom." Ye Feng said immediately.

This phantom is not without a bit of combat power, at least it has a strength of more than 60 levels,

But the eyes of the gods can't see its information at all,

A phantom is a phantom, maybe it's just a trace of power from the Tengu itself.

Before the Tengu Phantom attacks,

Xiaoguang's firepower cluster in Pandora mode attacked,

The branches of the grass have also been prepared long ago, and they are firmly controlled.

"Little fish mental shock!"

Immediately Ye Feng used Solips I am God, combining the power of Yuehua and Dimensional Strangling Technique with it.

There was a crisp click.

The phantom was completely shattered.

This process took less than ten seconds.

This made Long Lao a little dumbfounded, he was confident that he would never be able to do it,

This made him a little more honest,

But he only touched a crystal in his hand, and seemed to be hesitating whether to use it or not.

This is his hole card,

You can let the president of the Tengu Club, Higashi Kanefa send it over,

At the same time, it will also unravel the space isolation here.

A last resort for a quick fix.

He would never do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

After doing this, his previous efforts will be in vain, and it will be difficult to improve the status of the Tengu King.

But as long as the results are still there,

Everything is easy to say.

As the phantom shatters,

The 4 orbs above the altar begin to light up, and the light of the eclipse through Milky White begins to descend.

"Xiaobai, go quickly." Ye Feng shouted hastily.

When Xiaobai walked up and was illuminated by the light of the lunar eclipse, the advancement officially began.

Ye Feng can faintly feel Xiaobai's state,

The advancement speed is very fast, and it won't take long for Xiaobai to appear as a Divine Grade Royal Beast.

The last time Xiaomei was in Hell Streamer, because her level was low and her spiritual link was weak,

So I can't feel Xiaomei's state inside at all,

Let him worry for a while, afraid of failing in the advanced stage. .

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