I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 331 Another Person Who Died Of A Backstab

At this time, Xiao Hei transformed into the body shape,

"Human-Beast Fusion Skill Void Devouring Cloak!"

A stream of black light covered Ye Feng's body, and there were thin layers of cutting marks wherever the cloak passed.

"This is!"

Elder Long was greatly shocked at this moment, why Ye Feng's space-type Royal Beast's human-beast fusion skill has the same effect as his chaotic world worm.

Even the chaotic world fans have begun to stir,

Thought I felt the same.

Elder Long was extremely jealous at the moment,

To know,

His chaotic world worms are very difficult to obtain, if he hadn't used some methods to lead them to the fallen spirit devil emperor,

Even the contract task cannot be triggered at all,

After triggering, all "550" Royal Beasts will be turned into nutrients,

Without sacrificing a Royal Beast, it will have one more tentacles and increase its own ability,

Only then did it have the power to teleport the Fallen Demon Emperor.

But Ye Feng is just a human-animal fusion technique, and he didn't even pay any price.

Why should he!

Long Lao's heart is not as calm as before.

He started to be jealous of Ye Feng,


Why is Royal Beast so powerful.

Why can you get the Apex ability of the space system at no cost.

Why on earth is this!

But at this time,

He watched as Ye Feng was protected by this cloak, directly breaking through Dongguan Yingfa's human-beast fusion skill,

With a cry of only I am God.

That Wu Zhou bear seemed to have been greatly slowed down, and Ye Feng punched something into its body.

And retreating backwards at great speed,

Only Xiaoguang is still attacking from a long range, and the other Royal Beasts are dodging.

At this moment, Elder Long's pupils constricted, and a bad premonition came to his mind.

"What the hell is that!"

But the next moment,

His doubts were revealed.

A flower composed of thorns exploded directly, just like the life of the infinite bear, gradually withering from full bloom.

At this moment, Ye Feng showed a smile,

He just stood in the distance and looked at Long Lao.

For this strong man of Sakura,

He liked it so much that it gave him a life crisis,

But only for a moment,

It can only be said that he underestimated the enemy.

Kanto Yingfa did not expect the situation to change so quickly,

I want to quickly re-establish the spiritual link to take the Wuzhou Bear back to the Royal Beast space and restore it,

Then retreat quickly.

For the first time in many years, he felt life-threatening. If the Wuzhou Bear died,

Great retreat in strength, let alone Divine Grade,

After going back, it is very likely that the crowd will attack me. I have made too many enemies over the years.

Everyone is waiting for the day when he becomes weaker.

Nobody knows,

He mastered the path to advance to the Divine Grade Royal Beast is actually the Wu Zong Xiong, not other Royal Beasts.

Those subordinates who came here by the route thought that it was difficult to find Divine Grade materials or holy grade materials,

That's why there is no advanced completion,

But in fact they were deceived by him from the very beginning,

I was thinking,

After that Wu Zhouxiong reached the Divine Grade, he used his strength to make people shut up and obediently resigned to his fate.

If that Wu Zong Xiong died,

All that will be empty talk.

"Only I am God."

The link that had not yet been established was cut off again, and two consecutive mental shocks made him look a little dazed.


"Long Sang, did you find this to target me!"

"Unfortunately, I thought you were a good friend of my Sakura, but you were actually sent by the Dragon Kingdom to frame our strong Sakura."

"When I go back, I will let you lie under my feet forever!"

Kanto Yingfa was already out of breath at this time.

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly,

Now he suddenly doesn't want this guy to die, maybe he can have some interesting things after he's alive...

For example, let Long Lao lie at his feet.

It's fun to think about.

At this time, Dong Guan Yingfa summoned other Royal Beasts, wanting to resist for a while,

But at this time Ye Feng said:

"Xiao Mei, Charm Starlight!"

As Pink's star points spread, the expressions of those Royal Beasts changed, and their bodies felt hot and dry.


Xiao Mei walked up to Ye Feng and said softly, "Kill each other."

As soon as the voice fell,

All the Royal Beasts in Dongguan Yingfa started killing each other.

Most of them are emperor-level, and only a few holy-level are reluctantly resisting, but they are also restless.

Ye Feng's eyes brightened,

When using Charming Starlight before, those holy monsters were obviously able to resist it, and it didn't have much effect.

But with the increase in the effect of the Royal Beast artifact Spirit Demon Cone,

This charming starlight can't even be resisted by a holy Royal Beast, which really surprised Ye Feng.

Dongguan Yingfa was already a little desperate at this time,

A strong sense of fear hangs over my heart.

Ye Feng could have attacked him, but he wanted to kill him,

He was very interested in what he said about 2.3 just now, he really wanted Long Lao to be unable to survive even in Sakura.


Better die here!


An and Xiaolong's two shots destroyed Long Yanhuang and directly hit Long Lao's body.

Even if there are chaotic worms to resist,

There are also most of them who are right in the middle of the old dragon, and their bodies emit the sound of being attached to the flames of destruction.

One of the tentacles of the chaotic world fan was completely burned.

It can never be recovered.

At this moment, Elder Long narrowed his eyes slightly, and was not angry because of this matter.

Instead, he looked at Kanto Yingfa,


A dagger covered with poisonous energy pierced Kanto Yingfa's heart. .

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