I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 347: Departure, Restricted Area Of ​​Life!

Watching a group of people enter the restricted area of ​​life, including a 'hero' in a wheelchair

Yu Long felt a little funny,

"Children are ignorant, just educate them, why let him suffer this kind of treatment."

At this time, Mu Shili,

Du Zhun was still sitting in the security booth, a little uneasy.

The person in the restricted area of ​​life is not that simple, absorbing vitality all the year round just increases the fleshiness,

Teacher Liu Tianci was severely injured back then, but now A Lang doesn't want to face that boss.

Its strongest ability is actually converting vitality into attacks,

That's the most frightening thing about it,

Everyone I met, except Liu Tianci, has become nourishment in the restricted area of ​​life.

Then Du Zhun sighed,

"I can't stop it, all I can do is remind me."

He took out a pen and paper, wrote down the situation of the monster in the life restricted zone, and told Dean Feng to pass it on.

Afterwards, he continued to sit in the security booth, acting as a comfortable security guard for 06.

This is the limit of his current abilities. If he is still at his peak,

It's not a bad idea to enter the life restricted area with Ye Feng and take a turn.

Now this body is just for death.

Looking at A Lang's face of resistance in the Royal Beast space, he directly turned into a slime.

"You are a Divine Grade Royal Beast anyway, why are you so timid?"

"Have you been drained of your vitality for decades?" A Lang said disdainfully.

a week passed,

Ye Feng waited for the news from the beautiful country under the suggestion of Yu Long, Liu Kuan and others,

for a week,

Just got the news.

Looking at the message from the beautiful country, Yu Long immediately expressed his admiration,

Condolences on the tragic death of the 'hero'.

Then cut off all contact, let the people of the beautiful country go to entertain themselves,

Informed Ye Feng of the news.

Ye Feng looked at the coordinates uploaded from the phone, showing a smile,

"I didn't expect the official people to be so sluggish, I like it."

Then he raised his head and looked at the people in front of him,

Zhou Lingxi's Royal Beast has been advanced, but he has not passed the trial due to time constraints.

Old Chen and Hu Kun stood on both sides,

Surprisingly, Long Ling'er is also on the list of exploration.

Xiao Zi stood motionless behind her.

But the halo on her body is extremely lush, it is said that Mu Jinxiu took her to dozens of wild areas to sweep.

For this reason, the group had no low-end resource output for a month and completely stopped production.

Do your best to replenish energy for Xiao Zi.

"Let's go." Ye Feng smiled.

As he spoke, he stepped into the teleportation array prepared in advance.

Appearing on the periphery of the forbidden zone of life,

The vicissitudes of life in the restricted area made Ye Feng's body tremble,

Xiao Hei and Xiao Jiu suddenly became furious.

Tiangu Ye Feng didn't take it with her, since it would be troublesome not to take back the Royal Beast space, so she was asked to accompany Mu Jinxiu.

Otherwise, I'm afraid her reaction will be more intense.

"Master, the aura coming out of here is too strong."

"We're not necessarily a match for it."

Ye Feng looked serious,

He heard Dean Feng's words in the past few days, that the awakened boss is attacking with vitality.

The accumulation over the years has reached a terrifying level,

In its eyes, the Divine Grade Royal Beast is nothing more than a construction of the same grade.

"This time, Xiaomei will control it with all her heart, and I will use the hexagram array that I am God to give you to increase the power.

"Xiao Hei, when we get to the place, we will immediately enter the state of human-beast fusion technology."

"Our level is very low now, and it is very likely that we will not be able to defend against a single blow.

Ye Feng had already prepared for the worst at this time,

Everything is carried out in the most stable way, and his backpack and the Royal Beast space are filled with monster corpses,

These are used to divide the grass,

Everyone's fighting power must be raised to the extreme.

As soon as you step into the restricted area,

Ye Feng felt that the vitality was constantly declining,

"Is this the mechanism of the forbidden zone of life?"

He felt that if he couldn't stay here for a day at all,

The vitality will be forcibly drained, this is the disadvantage brought by the low level.

The upper limit is low.

At this time, the grass branched out several rhizomes to connect the 4 people.

Here is the solution Ye Feng thought of, let Xiaocao replenish 660 life force at all times,

As long as Xiaocao has enough spirit power, the water droplets of life can regenerate indefinitely.

Just enough to make up for the loss of this restricted area of ​​life.


Xiaoguang kept drawing the map according to the coordinates given, and rushed to the super-shortcut road.

At this time, a figure and 15 Royal Beasts were confronting a monster whose size was comparable to a building.

The body of this huge monster exudes infinite vitality, and it is covered with a layer of scales.

There is also a dorsal fin behind him, and his hands are somewhat short, but his legs are extremely strong.

The head is like a dragon's head,

With a surge of red light in its body, it spewed out a breath full of destructive energy,

The figure and the Royal Beast immediately used Qiankun to move away,

"Chi, Human-Beast Fusion Technique - Skyfire and Earth Fall!"

For a while, a large number of meteorites continued to fall from the sky, and magma began to emerge from the ground.

The Royal Beast called Chi is a humanoid system that shuttles through the sea of ​​volcanoes and flames.

"Red, Absolute Flame Slash!"

A red light appeared, and a huge gap appeared in the monster's body.

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