The Red Lotus Lord looked around blankly, it didn't understand,

Why does it have skills that can resist its red lotus,

This feeling makes it very uncomfortable,

For a moment, a faint red halo appeared on its body, and it used the sigh of destruction again towards the enchantment.

This continuous damage caused a gap to gradually appear in the magic circle.

Ye Feng didn't panic at all,

"Ling'er activates the Innate World Snake, and asks Xiao Zi to give it a knife."

Long Ling'er nodded, her eyes immediately turned into snake pupils.

The moment the halo unfolded, the demonic beasts in the restricted area began to panic,

Originally, the continuous extraction of vitality was enough for them to bear, but now even the spiritual power is constantly being reduced at "683".

Hu Kun and Chen Lao are fine, this weakening can still withstand,

But Zhou Lingxi found that his recovery speed was not as fast as the reduction speed, although it was very slow,

But it's falling!

Xiao Zi quickly threw out the twin sickles, drawing a small wound on the Lord of the Red Lotus,

It didn't even notice the wound trail.

But that's enough,

"The ability of the snake of the world is not only to reduce mental power, but the most important thing is to block the recovery effect."

"Any target that has been attacked by her cannot regain vitality.

"Until she turned off the talent. 11

Ye Feng's understated tone caused big waves in the hearts of the three,

It turns out that the biggest grasp is here.

control, reduce recovery.

Just like that, the strongest ability of the Red Lotus Lord was blocked.

Just like fish on a sticky board, let them slaughter.

At this time, the Hell Demon Hexagonal Formation activates,

30% of the life force of the Red Lotus Lord directly turned into the power to attack itself,

"The main force this time is Xiaomei, her skills can deduct blood by a percentage, and then turn it into an energy attack to return.

"In the Xiaoguang Pandora mode, the Hexagram Array cannot be dispelled, otherwise it will take the opportunity to release the range skills.

"Let's attack along the small hole it made by itself."

Xiaoguang and Xiaolong, who have long-range skills, immediately started attacking.

Originally, Ye Feng's original plan was to find the Lord of the Red Lotus,

Then let the ramets of the grass carry out the first step of control,

Xiaobai and Xiaojing's crystal sky spells are responsible for attracting vitality, and then Xiaomei takes the opportunity to release the touch of weakness and the six-pointed magic array.

Then let Xiaoguang and Xiaolong attack.

But with the help of this palace master, all the previous troubles are omitted.

Xiaocao only needs to quietly provide vitality to everyone.

To make this extremely difficult battle, where one wrong step could lead to death,

It has become extremely simple.

"Could it be that there is one more Bao Bao Boy?" Ye Feng murmured.

The third treasure-giving boy might really be able to press on this palace master,

First sent Zhou Lingxi over, and then bought a large number of counterfeit equipment boxes from Yunjin Fanli.

Provide him with many resources.

These resources have been turned into enhancement potions, which are used as water for Xiaocao and the others.

Sacrifice most of his God's Domain now, and resist the most difficult place for him.

Otherwise, the battle begins and a red lotus unfolds,

Ye Feng and his group will face the end of being wiped out.

Hu Kun and Chen Lao also looked excited,

They didn't expect to be able to fight bosses like this.

Now they can be regarded as an eye-opener.

have to say,

Ye Feng's plan was too perfect.

There are also assists.

The most uncomfortable thing belongs to the lord of the red lotus, Ye Feng is its nemesis,

After this death,

On the night of the next lunar eclipse, there will be a Lord of Red Lotus born, but it is definitely not him......

It's all about to end again.


Those who are born again without thousands of years of precipitation, their strength will be greatly reduced.

There will be no one thing that kills everything in seconds.

Ye Feng only touches the gift of an angel in his hand,

This equipment is not in use yet, and he feels that he might face a trouble after going out.

How could the temple master want to escape so decisively.

Most likely because of Hu Kun and Chen Lao's Divine Grade Royal Beast.

Want to rob.

How can a dog who has tasted the smell of meat once let go of two big meat buns?

at that time,

Two people are fighting against the Palace Master, and he also has the ability to fight against one or two Royal Beasts.

Otherwise, I would really be a meat bun.

At this time, Mu Shili,

Mu Jinxiu looked at the document in his hand, and cold sweat kept streaming down his forehead.

It says that Ye Feng has mastered the Divine Grade Royal Beast, but it doesn't matter to the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom.

But under this piece of paper, there is a beast paw, and a handprint.

Signature is undeveloped area 2.4.

This shows that if someone spreads the news over there, Ye Feng will face too many enemies.

And the enemy is in the dark, they are in the light.

No one knows what will happen.

What methods will they use to deal with Ye Feng, but what is certain is that once they make a move, they will be digital saints!

The person who wrote this note turned into the half-human, half-beast Long Lao, the dragon and the phoenix.

And what he joined was not the camp of humans, but the camp of Warcraft.

Looking at Mu Jinxiu's appearance from a distance, he revealed a sinister smile,

"This is just my first thank you gift to Ye Feng for joining the Warcraft camp."

"I hope you guys like it."

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