Everyone looked at more than a dozen high-level Royal Beasts that suddenly appeared, their eyes were straightened.

Especially the humanoid dragon type, and the humanoid snake type,

The aura that emanates even the holy level is trembling.

"Ye Feng, this is?"

Old Xu's voice trembled a little, he wouldn't be afraid if he was in the wild, but this is in Shangjing City,

If these guys start a fight,

In less than half an hour, the whole of Shangjing was gone.

In front of these Royal Beasts, the Common people are extremely vulnerable.

"Don't be nervous, we will be our own people from now on."

"These Royal Beasts are all captured by Ye Feng." Hu Kun explained.

When everyone heard it and captured it,

Immediately, his eyes lit up, and his eyes kept swinging on these Royal Beasts,

Old tortoise, and Abat, where have they ever felt this kind of look?

For a while, I broke out in cold sweat.

They all gathered together and looked around vigilantly. If they really wanted to kill them, they could run away one by one.

At this time, Old Chen said helplessly:

"They are good everywhere, but there is one thing, they can no longer be promoted, and they will always be holy.

"The level will also remain at level 70 and cannot be increased. It can only be decreased by the person in the contract."

Dead silence.

Everyone's eyes are no longer shining, they are no longer hiding their greed.

This is the Royal Beast of the holy level, there is nothing to be afraid of the holy level,

There are so many people in this world who can't even rise to level 50 in a lifetime.

Level 70, not lower!

The most important thing is that these are all holy grades, and there are more than ten of them!

At this time, Gu Lao squeezed over and went straight to a bird, the Royal Beast,

It is the King of Feather Birds,

The skills are all about singing, which can add some resistance and attack speed to the team,

The attacks are slightly weaker, and only with the blessing of Gu Sanwen's talent can these attacks be effectively used.

She looked at the old man in front of her tremblingly,

"Hey, don't be afraid to hit me." "." Her voice was petite and pitiful.

The old turtle felt extremely heartbroken when she heard it, she was beaten the most by Gu Sanwen.

Because she is the most useless,

When Gu Sanwen contracts with the next Divine Grade Royal Beast, she will be the one eliminated.

The result will also be rations for that Divine Grade Royal Beast.

It was like this when the contract was terminated.

"Ye Feng, you should know that when people get old, they like to play around with birds.

"I think this bird is destined for me, why don't you give it to me."

"I still have a vacant position right now, which is exactly right."

As he spoke, he directly hugged Yu Bird King with both hands.

She looked at the old turtle begging for help,

"Uh, Ye Feng, didn't you say, let's all be together?"

"This is different from what you said." The old turtle said eagerly.

Ye Feng nodded,

"Old Gu, I did promise them."


At this time, Gu Lao has already ignored Ye Feng, and laughed with the old turtle:

"After you make a contract with whom, I will often take her to find you, and it will be over."

"If it weren't for the fact that there are no extra contract positions, I would also like to contract two more."

"If we have something to discuss, we can discuss it. Don't worry, I will treat her like a family member. If you don't believe me, ask my Royal Beast."

As he spoke, he summoned his own group of Royal Beasts, only one of which was a leader.

The old tortoise and the other Royal Beasts gasped, their eyes slightly changed.

It's not how strong Gu Sanwen's Royal Beast is, but how weak it is,

After staying in the temple for so many years, this is the first time they have seen such a weak holy-level Beast Master,

But at this time, the old turtle's heart also settled down,

Faced with them, these saints who can contract at any time can bear it, just fill in their own vacancy,

Even the Royal Beast will not give up,

Such a master might be Ayu's best destination.

"Ayu, you can stay with him from now on, he might really be a good choice.

A Yu turned his head and looked at Mr. Gu,

There were crystal tears in the two small eyes, and the head nodded.

Gu Lao was so excited that he immediately signed a contract.

At this time Wang Damang and Liu Kuan came up,

"``If you don't want to discuss it, you should disperse the contract.

"Old Turtle, I am the general of the Guardian Legion of the Dragon Kingdom. I think you are very calm and suitable for me."

"It just so happens that I'm only at the holy level, why don't you go with me."

Wang Damang looked at Ah Bat,

"I'm from the Explorer Legion. I think you are a good match for us. Although I am full of Royal Beast, my son will soon be Extraordinary."

"The combination of the two of you may be able to maximize your abilities."

As the two came up to ask for a contract, the old turtles (Manuohao) were very moved,

"Let's all find our masters, there is no feast that lasts forever, I hope everyone can have a good home.

After the old turtle finished speaking, he walked up to Liu Kuan and signed a contract with him.

Even Mu Jinxiu has contracted a Royal Beast of the plant type, which is a Royal Beast of the flower type but also of the sound type,

It's not for anything else in the wood splendor,

Wansi can also be used as 10,000 monitors, with a monitoring function, suitable for watching employees are not lazy, and there are no spies.

And it looks good, although it can speak,

But not much.

A few words, a few words jump.

Ye Feng smiled as he watched the Royal Beast being contracted one after another.

"This is their best home."

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