At this moment, Ye Feng stood aside, watching all the Royal Beasts find their home,

He was also very pleased,

Finding a place for these holy Royal Beasts was easy, but finding the right place was tricky.

But it looks pretty good now.

"Okay, it's none of my business, I'll go first."

"Wait!" Yu Long said - shouted.

Ye Feng turned around suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Yu Long and Wang Damang took the lead and bowed deeply to Ye Feng.

This is to express my sincere gratitude to Ye Feng.

These Royal Beasts can be said to have given the people of Longguo the ability to charge forward.



If there were these Royal Beasts, the Ghost King Sect would not have been able to cause so much damage.

millions of people were sacrificed,

This is their fault, but also helpless.

People in the undeveloped area cannot be called back at all. The explorer corps is strong but dare not call.

If they come back,

Those newly developed areas will be cut off.

Things will get more troublesome after that.

Even the casualties are not limited to these millions of people.

This is their helplessness,

But Ye Feng solved more than half of this matter today, and the rest is up to them.

You can't count on Ye Feng for anything,

They also need face.

Ye Feng smiled slightly and waved his hand,

Turn around and leave.

At the same time, in the development area.

Longlao turned into a magical beast that shuttled through the forest.

It didn't take long to find a place where monsters gather, and all the monsters here are in order.

But the horror is,

The monsters here are all holy-level existences.

They all have wisdom far beyond the Common people, and the strength of the Great Emperor Beast Master.

They are all close to the strength of wild bosses.

If this group of monsters attack the Dragon Kingdom, I am afraid that the Dragon Kingdom will not even have room to fight back.

At this time, Elder Long tiptoed to a throne and knelt down.

"Dear Lord."

"I have done what you told me."

As he spoke, he took out a runestone and lowered it up. This runestone seemed to be full of cracks.

But Mr. Long is holding it carefully at the moment, not daring to damage it easily,

At this time, a large number of elements suddenly condensed on the throne, and the so-called Holy Lord appeared,

It looks like an elemental monster, but it still has a little bit of starlight on it.

It's elusive what its true lineage is.

It took the runestone and threw a spar towards Elder Long.

"I want to open the void and paradoxical world and let myself go one step further."

"This runestone is one of the keys to open the void and paradoxical world. The other keys are in my hands, and only this one is on the human side."

"You have made a lot of contributions, and you will be the beast owner in the future. As for who you can defeat, it depends on who you can defeat."

Old Long bowed his head in thanks.

The monster in front of him not only has the strength of a Divine Grade monster boss, but even surpasses it by a lot.

He feels that this Warcraft has probably reached level 90!

It was a field he had never heard of, he had never seen it, he had never heard of it.

Although here, can not dominate,

But he was very excited

The possibility of transcending Divine Grade may be realized here, but now it is still a Divine Grade Warcraft when it is delayed.

The reason why he came here is because there is a beast owner here, and it is the Wuzhou Bear!

As long as he successfully changes his body, he will be able to reach the Divine Grade domain. Although it is a monster,

But it is also stronger than the human holy-level Beast Master.

When there is a chance in the future, find a Divine Grade Beast Master to exchange for, and get Linger back.

He can immediately become the master of a big force in this area.

That's the plan he had in mind.

"Ye Feng, we will meet again sooner or later." His eyes were full of killing intent.

0...seeking flowers...

He and Ye Feng are already in an endless situation.

Let's take a long time to come.

At this time, Ye Feng handed the scarlet moon fragment to Xiaocao,

"Let's advance."

Xiaocao took it gently, and she looked around, everyone was looking forward to her.

"Thank you master." She tapped Ye Feng's face.

Then he absorbed all the tree species in the sky, the blood essence stone, the earth wood heart, and the scarlet moon fragments.

The crown of thorns above the head suddenly began to emit countless thorns, surrounding the grass.

turned into a ball of thorns,

And it was still wriggling, reaching the limit in the constant tightening, and then slowly stopped.

Ye Feng put the grass into the Royal Beast space.

"Want Want!"

Tengu looked at Ye Feng sadly, she was locked here for a long time,

Only Mu Jinxiu gave her a meal once, and it turned out to be real dog food!

Although it is made of Warcraft meat, how can it be made exactly like dog food!

Ye Feng has not contracted with Tengu yet,

he stroked his chin,

"Is she hungry?"

"Xiao Hei, go and pour her some more dog food, don't let her bark."

After finishing speaking, he fell to the side and shouted one by one.

He is really tired these days, although the vitality is replenished by the grass, it is indeed being drawn all the time,

The process of extraction is painful, but it is comfortable when replenishing,

Always intertwined in these two states.

After Xiao Hei poured dog food for Tengu, he turned into a catwoman and sat cross-legged on the bed.

"dragon, grass, slime

Then look to Tengu,

"There are dogs too."

"Physical suppression output, group control, single target control, meat shield, treatment." She was a little confused at this time.

"Why do I feel like it's worse?"

At this time, Xiaoguang smiled and said: "There is still a real legal system output Sichuan.".

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