I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 368 God Descending Technique!

The magic hexagram is not able to defend all the time by releasing it once.

If the monster keeps attacking, Xiao Mei needs to consume mental power to replenish, although it will recover instantly.

But if she keeps attacking, it will consume a lot of money for her.

Usually it is Xiaoguang who suppresses and helps her share,

But this time there was no pressure, and the pressure was all piled on her.

With the appearance of the reward box,

Ye Feng's level has finally risen to level 60.

He opened the reward box, a light flashed in his eyes.


【Divine Grade】

[Introduction: Beast Master learns, after releasing the Royal Beast, the Royal Beast will be possessed by a type of god and get a corresponding increase. 】

There is this one reward,

But Ye Feng was very pleasantly surprised.

"I didn't expect to see Divine Grade props here, and it's Beast Master's skills!"

Like Red Lotus Hell, even if you don't need it, you have to learn it.

This kind of Divine Grade skill, currently relying on the strength of the Royal Beast, has not yet reflected its strength.

After he reaches Extraordinary or Saint level,

The effect of this Royal Beast skill will turn a Beast Master into an existence beyond the Royal Beast.

The prerequisites are the same.

But Ye Feng is currently equivalent to a humanoid saint-level Royal Beast.

The coherent skill Ye Feng has not yet learned, each Royal Beast has a corresponding potential, and the skill still changes.

It belongs to Ning Que Wu Lan.

In fact, what Ye Feng looks forward to the most is Xiaoyu, a marginalized member of the team.

She looks pitiful, harmless to humans and animals.

But she is actually the most terrifying existence among all Royal Beasts, mental attack,

This is a type of attack that most Warcraft and Royal Beasts and even Beast Masters rarely use.

Wait until the little fish reaches Divine Grade,

There may be a qualitative change.

Her mental attack, Ye Feng believed, even a Divine Grade monster would be difficult to defend against.

After reuniting with Xiaoguang,

Ye Feng sat down cross-legged,

Start to enter the trial space.

No one disturbs the copy, which is the best choice.

There are even some Beast Masters who have offended many people and will choose this way.

Find a low-level dungeon and go through the trials in the dungeon.

After all, the Beast Master at this stage is extremely fragile.

Even a Common level Warcraft can easily kill a Saint level in seconds.

After entering the trial space, Ye Feng was not in a hurry,

Instead, he waited for Xiaocao to complete his advancement.

The grass in the space of the Royal Beast, and the thorns outside have turned into a scarlet color, and endless blood is continuously emitting from it.

And began to wither, until these thorns were completely dry,

Advancement is success.

At the same time in Shangjing City,

Mr. Xu looked at the time,

"Two more days

"Ye Feng hasn't come back yet, because the family must hold on.

And in Beast Master Academy,

Dean Feng looked in the direction of the paradise, his eyes became more serious.

Next to Li Azure Dragon, Xu Bai and Furukawa Bear are all looking at the paradise.

Especially Principal Li Azure Dragon, his eyes were soaked with tears at the moment.

"The teacher is still alive."

"That's great."

As he spoke, he wiped away his tears, how much he wanted to rush over and hug the teacher.

but he can't,

The fact that the teacher is still alive must not be exposed to the eyes of some people.

He doesn't know who it is, but this person really exists.

inside the park,

Du Zhun walked into the hut and opened the door.

He spoke to the crowd of monsters and said:

"Give you a chance to help Longguo get through this difficult time."

"After that, you can choose to leave, or you can choose to stay.

"If you stay, the human form can go to the human living area for activities, one day a week."

All the monsters looked at each other,

eyes narrowed,

"Of course I stay here. There is food and drink here, and I can wait for the genius contract to improve myself."

"Bai Xiong and Bai Mao just contracted a genius."

"Sister Hei also chose to do so, of course we have to do the same."

"Follow smart people to make choices, you can't go wrong."

Looking at the crowd of monsters, Du Zhun nodded,

Then A Lang was summoned.

Looking at all the monsters of A Lang, they were shocked, because two of them were brought back by A Lang.

The pink-haired humanoid monster looked at A Lang and gritted his silver teeth.

"You are still alive!"

A Lang looked at her and pouted.

"The flower-type beasts of the humanoid type were brought back by the owner to raise them, but I disagree.

"Look how bad-tempered you are now."

"How about I fight with you?"

Du Zhun patted A Lang. ,

"Give each of them a drop of your blood, and they will lose their wildness for a long time, and they will lose a lot of fighting power."

"Your blood can stimulate their wildness and increase their mental strength."

"At least every monster has the combat power of a holy beast master.

A Lang reluctantly squeezed out more than twenty drops of blood.

not long,

A group of monsters flew out of the paradise.

One of the huge manta rays carried more than half of the flightless monsters.

Blinding the sky and blocking the sun, he marched towards the border of the Dragon Kingdom.

And on the other side of the border,

When Mr. Zhang saw the message on the phone, veins popped up on his forehead.

"How dare they!"

"There are more than 40 people in the Dragon Kingdom, but there are 159 people in total!"

"These are people who joined later."

"They totally betrayed!".

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