I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 382 Everyone Divine Grade Royal Beast?

Du Zhun, who was the captain of the security team in the Mu clan, watched the spear fall from the sky,

He put away the big tea mug in his hand.

"Boy Du, why don't you plan to tell your precious disciple the truth?" A Lang said in the Royal Beast space.

Du Zhun thought for a while, then picked up the big tea mug and took two sips of wine.


"Everyone does this, if he doesn't understand, don't be a Beast Master.

"I'm out of my mind."

He has already attracted the attention of the Temple of Heaven.

In addition to such a thing,

I am afraid that the Temple of Heaven will divert the attention of other places.

In the past, this strength was not noticed, because they were scattered enough, every country has them,

There are also their figures in undeveloped areas.

06 But if you focus on one point, it will be much easier to notice.

His words alone are useless.

But what if a group of people found out?

If he doesn't say it, he doesn't need it.

Ye Feng no longer needs protection, it's time to grow up alone.

next day,

Ye Feng and Zhou Lingxi are basking in the sun on the top floor,

Xiaoyu is also Xiaohan in the warm water tank, although she doesn't need to stay in the water all the time now,

But the warmth of being wrapped in the water is her favorite environment.

Elder Xu and the others also came here one after another,

Mu Jinxiu specially prepared a lot of sun loungers and drinks for him.

The service is in place.

not long,

Seeing that everyone was finally assembled, Ye Feng said:

"Jinxiu, give them the box."

Wang Damang, Liu Kuan, and Mr. Xu all looked at the box sent by Mu Jinxiu suspiciously.

It's just a common small wooden box, the material will break if you pinch it lightly.

There is only one piece of paper inside.

not long,

The pupils of everyone's eyes dilated, and they looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

"This is..…………"

"All of you are mainly advanced materials for Royal Beast."

"One for each person, it should be enough." Ye Feng said slowly.

Xiao Mei and Xiao Guang next to him were still beating his legs, Ye Feng was really enjoying life at the moment.

Originally, he wanted Zhou Lingxi to stay here forever,

A Divine Grade Beast Master is enough,

But Lu Qi's matter completely rejected this idea.

One is simply not enough.

If so, come a little more.

3 is not enough, come 5!

Let these people who follow the relationship get a Divine Grade Royal Beast.

Now Mu Jinxiu and the others are safe.


Xu Bai, Furukawa Xiong, and Dean Feng have all come up with an advanced path that can directly lead to Divine Grade.

This is what he said back then,

Among these people, everyone left an indelible help for him on his growth path.

Now that his strength is sufficient, it is time for some rewards.

As for Lee Azure Dragon,

Ye Feng did not give an advanced path.

he knows,

Principal Li didn't have a lot of money in his hand, and the little dragon coins he was given at the beginning were all empty of his family.

So after that, he would go to the undeveloped area to find two Warcraft suits and bring them back.

After everyone saw the note, they wrote down the materials and then burned them.

"Ye Feng, what do you want to do this time?" Elder Xu asked aloud.

He already knew that this kid had a big secret,

But I didn't expect it to be so explosive.

There are so many advanced paths of Divine Grade Royal Beast.

At this point he was ready.


He wants to do something, the Dragon Kingdom is not strong enough to help right now.

"Just be prepared."

"I'm going to a greenfield area."

"At that time, I have to ask everyone here."

Liu Kuan immediately said: "Don't worry, the headquarters of the Guardian Legion will be in Mu Jinxiu's company from now on.

"Your woman, our Guardian Legion will cover you."

Mu Jinxiu bowed slightly and said with a smile:

"Don't bother General Liu."

"I have other people here to help guard.

When Liu Kuan heard this, his eyes widened,

"Who is it?"

"In this Dragon Kingdom, who can be stronger than our Guardian Legion."



Two shirtless figures flew up from the edge of the building,

It was Hu Kun and Chen Lao.

The two of them were bored and competed with each other on the edge of the building, and they immediately walked over together when they heard Liu Kuan's words.

Hu Kun pressed Liu Kuan's shoulder with his big hand.


"Who am I, why do you feel like you have a Divine Grade Royal Beast?

"When you come out, you have to talk about your strength and your background."

"You little bastard, go and play."

Liu Kuan suddenly languished, he just swelled a bit,

As a result, your old man came out and punctured.

Fortunately, none of the guard's soldiers were there.

No one heard.

"So it's your old man, I'm sorry to disturb you." Liu Kuan said with a smile.

Hu Kun nodded,

"I originally wanted to train two students, and I am right here.

Old Chen put on his clothes and walked to Ye Feng's side.

"I will accompany Ye Feng to go to the undeveloped area with Zhou Lingxi."

"Old Xu, you just take care of your home."

"Hanging around the Beast Master Center all day, I don't know how you are 12 years old.

"Or I'll resign, and I'll be ashamed to hang out with you."

Elder Xu and the others were full of question marks.

Why do these words feel so familiar.

Like before, what they said to him. .

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