"She is very powerful now, but her power is very weak."

"After all, the place where the Void-devouring Beast was born is only the Void-devouring Beast."

"Your mother is not in the mood to develop a territory yet, so she is surrounded by many holy masters."

"Let her never develop."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei felt relieved~.

As long as she knows that she is still alive and nothing happened.

That being the case,

Xiao Hei's eyes became firm.

"As long as she's fine, then there's no need to meet her.

At this time, a pair of big hands pressed on the top of her head.

"If you want to meet, let's go and see."

"Although your mother is very strong, it should not be possible to kill me instantly.

"If we meet, we will do it. At worst, I will wait for you at the edge of the field."

Little Black looked around,

It was found that everyone cast encouraging eyes on her.

"You're the only one of us with a mother."

"Let's see each other."

Xiaoguang and Xiaomei also encouraged.

"Well, I'll go see her." Xiao Hei said.

She has a lot of emotions in her mind right now.

In this situation,

Perhaps her meeting this time is not only for herself, but also to help them realize a dream.

Zhou Lingxi's eyes flickered at this moment.

Ye Feng's Royal Beast was born from high-level monsters.

It's just unbelievable.

Warcraft born from high-levels can get rid of most of the needs of advanced levels, and can obtain corresponding types and skills.

This is the inheritance in Warcraft.

It is also because of this that many wild areas have become extremely difficult to deal with.

As long as there is enough time,

In a critical area, there are two identical bosses.

Who can beat this?

especially in undeveloped areas.

All Apex exists,

One is already difficult to deal with, and two are simply unbeatable.

And the area that ranks first among the ten restricted areas is like this.

Two BOSS with spike mechanism,

There is no solution at all.

It has become the law to go one to die.

At this time, the little fish leaps like the sky,

Release the mental shock in three directions.

Then there were 3 howls.

Ye Feng's eyes changed, and he looked at Zhou Lingxi.

"I'll go after it."

Zhou Lingxi immediately used space teleportation to chase him out.

Looking at the disappearing Zhou Lingxi,

Ye Feng touched his nose.

"I'm already Extraordinary, so I should be able to learn this Royal Beast skill."

Every time he sees Dean Feng they move around, disappearing,

But envious tight.

"Did you forget something?" Xiao Hei said aloud.


"Your talent still has a coherence."

"You can absorb Royal Beast skills and convert them into Royal Beast skills."

Ye Feng nodded,

"I keep remembering what?"

"Then why can't you let someone learn a similar skill and then synchronize!" Xiao Hei said helplessly.

But Ye Feng shook his head.

"Each Royal Beast can only be used once, I can't waste it, every skill I have attuned has its meaning.

"And, Dark will have the same skills as me."

"It would be a pity if a skill slot was wasted for this."

After Xiao Hei heard it, he thought about it,

"Okay, that's up to you."

"Anyway, with our human-beast fusion technology now, you can also have the ability to teleport through space.

After speaking, he walked in one direction.

"Why are you going?"

"Take a bath." Little Heitou walked towards a room without looking back.

Ye Feng smiled slightly,

"It seems that you also attach great importance to meeting your mother."

After hearing this, Xiao Hei quickened his pace and rushed into the room.

0...seeking flowers...

Then Ye Feng said helplessly:

"It doesn't make sense to wash now, after all, the next step is to go to Xiaojing's hometown, Magic Crystal Plain."

Xiaojing was taken aback,

"Where are you going?"

"To see her mother, there is no harm in improving your strength as much as possible." Ye Feng said slowly.

In fact, Ye Feng didn't have any sense of psychology at this time.

no way,

He has never seen the power of the god of rules.

Xiaoling's words will take a month to recover to the realm of the god of rules.

During this period of time, I can only recover slowly, and I can't help much.


The god of rules spoken from her mouth, Ye Feng felt the threat of life and death.

So it is imminent for Xiaojing to advance.

Soon Zhou Lingxi appeared in front of Ye Feng again, holding a person in his hand.

"The other two died, one was hit hard by me, and the other was killed by the props."

"There is only this one person, who is very knowledgeable and has no resistance."

Ye Feng looked down, his face was covered with black lines.

This is that there is no resistance,

Both eyes turned white.

Xiaoyu's mental impact like cheating, plus a sap from Divine Grade Beast Master,

It's impossible for him not to pass out.

Xiao Ruan stepped forward and released a light energy Zhu Ling for him, and he slowed down.

After seeing Ye Feng, he subconsciously backed away.

His eyes were full of horror.

But the funny thing is,

He is gray-haired, wrinkled, and looks at least 80 at a glance.

Older than Xu Lao.

It was as if Ye Feng was bullying the elderly.

It's really useless to blind the rank of the Holy Beast Master.

"Don't kill me, I'll say anything." The old man said in horror.

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth raised,

"Just cooperate."

"What power.

"Empty Hall of Death." The old man said. .

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