I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 392: How Did Dragon Loach Survive?

The moment he stepped into the teleportation array, Ye Feng felt a burst of coercion in the sky.

he looked up,

The Divine Grade Warcraft BOSS in this area is actually above the head.

"Xiao Hei, how did you choose the place?"

"It's the same as last time." Xiao Hei also seemed to be facing a big enemy.

She didn't understand either, since it just rushed over last time.

Not even face to face.

but this time,

It was already hovering above the head.

equivalent to

She directly opened a portal to the boss.

It was unprepared.

"It seems that it has been squatting here since the last time it found us."

"I'm afraid they are waiting for us to come over again."

"Or, it is waiting for Xiaojing to come again."

As soon as the voice fell, two

There seemed to be several small purple dots in the sky.

Ye Feng's pupils shrank.

"Xiao Ruan, the earth can bless the spirit and heal the spirit spring!"

"Xiaolong relied on you to resist."

The spots of Purple gradually became larger, and it turned out to be pieces of amethyst falling from the sky.

and just then,

The ground also began to explode.

The battle has not officially begun,

Hu Kun, Mr. Chen, and Zhou Lingxi were blown away by the explosion.

And the explosions didn't stop,

It is controlling the crowd from gathering together.

The damage of the Purple crystal that the little dragon resists in the sky after transforming into a giant dragon,

The rumbling sound continued.

Purple's crystalline land was blasted beyond recognition, revealing the nothingness beneath.

"It's going to send us falling into nothingness together."

Ye Feng shouted loudly.

"Xiao Hei, Human-Beast Fusion Technique‧Empty Devouring Cloak!"

After hanging the cloak, Ye Feng flew towards the sky,

The same goes for the other three,

Chen Lao and Xu Kun directly opened the field,

Cover the BOSS in the sky.

Zhou Lingxi looked at the large number of Amethyst centipedes that kept coming and opened the Vulcan Battlefield,

For a time, the flames of the earth erupted, like a volcano erupting in the depths.

Although Zhou Lingxi's attack was horrifying, the number of amethyst centipedes was too much, too much.

It's like a constant stream.

All she could do was try to stall for as long as possible.


"Why is the area Ye Feng finds so dangerous every time, if I come here by myself, I may fall here."

Zhou Lingxi gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

Xiaoguang directly entered the ship form, Pandora mode, and angel form.

Come up and turn on the combat power to the maximum.

The Holy Light Battleship is now like a Shenzhou,

Countless holy lights slanted out like raindrops.

Even Hu Kun was a little appalled by this form, if he did this in Shangjing,

In less than 3 seconds, Shangjing will turn into nothingness.

And no one can stop it.

The thorns of the grass are constantly unfolding, while intercepting the Purple crystal meteorite falling from the sky.

While laying out a large control network,

Always be ready for Ye Feng's orders.

Xiaobai and Xiaoruan are next to Xiaolong, helping her deal with some meteorites.

Otherwise there are too many

No matter how much Xiaolong could resist, he couldn't stand it.

At this time Ye Feng was flying towards the sky,

At the time of the limit distance, all the Royal Beasts other than Xiaocao and Xiaoguang will be included in the Royal Beast space.

And call out again.

After breaking through the clouds, they finally saw the main body that had been attacking them.

Hundreds of meters long, thousands of feet are constantly surging,

There are three eyes on the top of the head, the one on the forehead has been opened, exuding a purple halo,

The body is covered with purple scales, like a dragon but not a dragon,

To be precise, it is an enlarged version of a centipede, but with a more vicious appearance.

Purple crystals constantly appearing around him and falling down.

Ye Feng uses the eyes of the gods to see,

【Crystal Sky Curse Centipede Dragon】

【Crystal System, Half-Dragon System, Bug System】

【Grade: Divine Grade81】

[Skills: Purple Star Cluster, Crystal Explosion, Crystal Creation, Crystal Gaze, Domain of Spells, Spear of Spell Crystals]

Looking at its information, Ye Feng frowned,

There are still areas that have not been released, and the specific effect is still unknown.

There is also a single-point assassination spell crystal gun.

It can be said,

This is a BOSS level Warcraft that has no omissions in all aspects.

"I really don't know how Long Lao Niach found this place."

"How can he go back safely at a holy level? It's a miracle to be alive, and he can bring back one." 937 After Ye Feng finished speaking, he immediately used Solips Is God,

Combining 5 skills to fight towards it,

With a roar,

The Crystal Sky Curse Centipede retreated back again and again.

"Xiao Mei, the Hell Demon Hexagram Formation is activated!"

Then Ye Feng opened the Succubus Constitution again, in this kind of place with many monsters,

In less than 10 seconds, his mental power has reached 2 million points!

This frightened the little spirit in the Royal Beast space.

You must know that she has never had such a high mental strength.

But the human being in front of him actually has a skill that can do this.

When she felt Xiaomei's spiritual power, she suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be her skill synchronization."

In the past few days, she also learned that Ye Feng once,

It must be said that he was very lucky to be able to choose the seemingly accumulated skills of Succubus Constitution at that time.

because she knows,

Succubus' Succubus Constitution can only be possessed by a small number of demon beasts.

Obviously, Xiao Mei was at least a little princess of one ethnic group in the Dark Realm. .

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