After all, Feng Molong is the first big BOSS that travelers encounter in the main line of the game, and Li Qiuzhi still knows something about it.

It was originally the Dragon of the East Wind, Tvarin, one of the four guardians of Mondstadt, a dependent of the Wind God.

But when he fought the demon dragon Dulin a long time ago, although he won, he also swallowed the poisonous blood, and had no choice but to fall into a long sleep. When he woke up, the distorted power of the poisonous blood was still at work.

It caused problems with its sanity.

Believing that the Mondstadt didn't recognize it as a betrayal, it has been operating around the city and causing chaos.

If Li Qiuzhi guessed correctly, the Feng Molong had just woken up not long ago. After all, it had made a lot of noise, but there had been no news about it before.

So, now that the Wind Demon Dragon has appeared, the Traveler is not far away, right?

It seems that the main plot of the game will probably start in the near future. In fact, this has little to do with Li Qiuzhi. With his strength, it is impossible to defeat the Feng Molong to gain experience points.

Didn't you see that they were just passing by in the sky, and then attacked with a wind element, and they were defenseless?

Li Qiuzhi is self-aware on this point, and it is better to be more cautious and not to tease the Feng Molong, otherwise it will not be wonderful if someone accidentally involves him.

On the other hand, as a traveler who can travel across the worlds, although he has lost most of his power, his memory is still there.

If you have the opportunity, you can learn about this aspect and see if you can learn the skills of traveling around the world.

After all, if there is a chance to go back to Earth, I still have to go back and have a look. Besides, with the skills to travel to other worlds, I can explore more unknown worlds.

This is something to look forward to very much!

Although I don't know whether the traveler's ability to travel around the world is a skill that can be learned or a talent of his own.

Even if it is the latter, there is no way to learn it like knowledge, but there is still a chance to obtain her abilities after reaching the full level of favorability.

Because before in the secret realm of Thousand Winds Temple, I already knew from the abyss mage that their leader was Traveler Kong.

As a girl, Li Qiuzhi can gain her favor.

After all, the blessing of the Life Seat ability that he received at full level of favorability is not the Life Seat ability in the original work.

Rather, it is a special ability that has a clear symbolic representation of the personality, experience, etc. of the person with a maximum favorability level.

Just like everyone in the Teyvat continent has their own unique destiny seat, even though Ying is not from Teyvat, she also has her own destiny seat.

It's called Traveler.

What the travelers themselves are doing is also traveling in Teyvat, by the way... well, mainly looking for missing relatives.

No matter in the past or in the future, the fate of travelers seems to be closely related to travel. This is probably why the seat of fate is called "Traveler".

Because the most symbolic and representative characteristic of travelers is “travel”!

Therefore, if Ying's favorability towards Li Qiuzhi reaches full level, then the probability that he will receive related ability blessings is very high.

This is part of the reason why Li Qiuzhi is looking forward to it. The other reason is of course his curiosity about the protagonist of the game.

By the way, the origin of the guide Paimon who has been following the travelers is quite mysterious and quite interesting.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi would not take the initiative to explore other people's secrets. This could easily arouse hostility, so it was better to let things take their own course.

While Li Qiuzhi was thinking wildly, Fischer and Irene checked the injuries on his back.

Several slits had been torn open on the back of the thin short-sleeved shirt. Looking inside, there was a piece of red skin with traces of blood spilling out.

"Huh...fortunately, I have some trauma medicine, let me apply it on you!"

After Fischer confirmed that the problem was not serious, he stood with his legs wrapped in black stockings slightly apart, folded his arms, and returned to his majestic appearance.

With a slight movement of thought, a bottle of West Wind Church brand trauma medicine powder appeared in his hand.

"Humph! Bear with it!" A smile appeared on Fischer's fair face.

She pressed Li Qiuzhi's shoulders and motioned for him to bend his back and lift up his clothes.

He uncorked the bottle with his hands and poured the white powder onto Li Qiuzhi's rubbed red back, forming a pile like a mini hill.

Then he pressed the powder pile with his white fingers and spread it like a circle.

Along with the soft touch from the gentle fingertips, there is also a little heat and tingling.

As time passed, Fischer was still rubbing his back carefully and gently. The girl's warm body temperature was transmitted through the contact of her fingertips, which slightly relieved the pain in Li Qiuzhi's back.

"Feeling better?" Erin asked from the side.

"Okay, that's enough. If Your Royal Highness rubs it any more, the skin will fall off!" Li Qiuzhi said slightly jokingly.

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Fischer frowned and subconsciously wanted to slap him on the back, but then changed his actions temporarily out of pity.

Taking advantage of the situation, she picked up her breasts and gently pressed them on the soft upper abdomen that was close to the netted black silk bottom. She slightly raised her white chin and let out a dissatisfied "hum".

It is clear that this princess is helping you with good intentions, but she still dislikes you, really!

"Oh, that's really surprising. Wasn't that a demonic dragon just now?!"

The night crow Oz flew out from deeper inside the cave, and was carried farther by the hurricane because it was too light.

"Hmm, I always thought it was a legendary existence, but I didn't expect that one day I would be able to see it with my own eyes!"

Erin's eyes widened as if they could shine brightly.

Haha, even if you don't see it today, you will see it in a while, and then everyone in Mondstadt will be able to witness it causing a storm to attack the city. Li Qiuzhi thought with a little grudge in his heart.

"Is it worthy of your surprise that this kind of existence is not even comparable to the pets in my princess's backyard?"

Fischer puffed up his chest, then flipped the golden hair beside his ear and said proudly.


Irene showed an expression of disbelief, but after a day of getting along with her, she had a little understanding of Fischer's character, so she did not refute.

She changed the subject and said:

"That dragon was probably just passing by, and it should be gone now. Let's leave as soon as possible!"

Although Irene was a little excited to see the legendary dragon, judging from its behavior, this dragon was still quite dangerous. In order to prevent accidents, it was better to leave first.

"Well, the things in my backpack are scattered, let me pack them up!" Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

There are several bottles of elemental potions in his backpack. Please don't damage them. After all, it is not easy to collect those elemental materials.

"Okay, let's help together!"

Everyone gathered up the things scattered on the ground. Li Qiuzhi found that the backpack had a big tear from the shoulder strap and was completely unusable.

The quiver and the arrows inside were slightly bent due to the impact.

For ordinary people, this may have a great impact on use, but Li Qiuzhi's archery has the extraordinary characteristic of "advanced stability", so it should not be a big problem.

Thanks to "Huandao" for the 183 coins reward!

Happy New Year, dear readers! Please make your first order!

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