I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 105 The insidious Abyss Mages

The sword blade penetrated the Qiuqiu Shaman Gan Chai's neck muscles, and basically felt no resistance.

The stroke was very fast, and not even a trace of blood was brought out.

Li Qiuzhi left behind them and walked towards the next Qiuqiu man holding a bow.

Only then did they realize that Li Qiuzhi had appeared due to the attack, and quickly turned around, and then nothing happened...

The moment the two Qiuqiu people turned their heads, the force threw their unsupported heads away.

Experience points +254

Experience points +246

With Fischer restraining and attracting the attention of the Qiuqiu mob, the remaining small and thin Qiuqiu people had no way to resist Li Qiuzhi, who was already approaching them.

It doesn't have strength, it doesn't have flexibility, it can only be pierced by an edgeless sword!

Experience points +162

Experience points +171

Experience points +146

After all the ordinary Qiuqiu people were dealt with by Li Qiuzhi, he looked at the situation on Fischer's side.

Somewhat unexpectedly, I discovered that the Qiuqiu thug was pierced by several arrows flashing with lightning, but they were not in critical positions, so he did not fall down yet.

It seemed that Fischer was deliberately holding back.

"Seeing as your servant seems to have some reason, you often rush to defeat the enemy with your own hands. Then I will leave this princess to you!"

Fischer brushed his hands through the golden hair that covered his ears, gently raised his fair cheeks, and said a little generously.

She had been curious since before. At first, she just thought that Li Qiuzhi defeated the enemy before her and was deliberately playing tricks on her.

But after getting along with him for a long time, it feels a little strange. Could it be that the reliable attendant also has this... this... well, the habit of "stealing monsters"?

After thinking deeply for a while, Fischer finally thought of a suitable adjective, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Li Qiuzhi gave the Qiuqiu mob the final blow that made it lose its ability to resist. The edgeless sword penetrated its head from behind.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 503 experience points. 】

"Haha, if your Royal Highness is curious, it's okay to tell you. In fact, I have a talent that makes me stronger when I defeat my opponent!"

Li Qiuzhi said frankly in a joking tone.

Most people would probably be suspicious. For example, Irene looked like she was indeed a strange person.

But for Fischer, who was the princess of the Condemnation, there was an expression of sudden realization on her fair face, and she believed it without reservation.

After all, as the master of Youye Pure Land, traveling to all worlds can be easily achieved. As her reliable attendant, it is not surprising that he has some powerful talents.

"I see, it's no wonder that you, my servant, don't have the Eye of God, but you have such powerful martial arts!" Fischer put away his weapon, folded his fair arms on his upper abdomen with meshed black stockings, and slightly lifted his chest. said.

"Miss, this is probably because Mr. Li Qiuzhi is very talented and can gain more insights from defeating his opponents!" Nightcrow Oz reminded helplessly.

In its understanding, the meaning of what Li Qiuzhi said was similar to "Every time you defeat your opponent, you can see a stronger self." This kind of motivational speech.

"Hmph~ As the most reliable attendant of my princess, isn't it natural to have powerful talents?"

Fischer raised his face, and the golden hair on his forehead was covered with a black eye mask, shaking slightly.

[Fischer has a good impression of you and gains 150 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (310/800)]

It seems that because she felt the trust of the reliable attendant in telling her secrets, Fischer also slightly improved her liking for him.

"Um, do you want to clean up these slimes?"

Erin pointed at the fire slime that was leaning against the flames of the campfire stand and had a tendency to come to life again.

"Looking at the rain outside, we probably won't be able to go back for a while. How about making a circle with some rocks to trap them, and then put a pot on it to cook something to eat. Anyway, everyone is almost hungry now! "

In fact, Li Qiuzhi remembered that he had seen them using fire slime to cook things in the Qiuqiu camp before, and he became a little interested in this behavior for a while.

"This is no problem, but I suggest you simply block the hole to prevent any more monsters from breaking in!"

Oz, the night crow, flapped his wings and thought for a while before saying.

This is not a difficult thing, after all, the entrance of the cave seems to be only more than one meter wide and less than two meters high.

It doesn't take much time to dig some soil with a blunt shovel and pile it half a meter high, and then cover it with branches to camouflage it.

Just when everyone was about to start taking action, a sinister laugh with a strange sound suddenly came from outside.

"Jiejie, does that stupid dragon think it can get rid of us if it rains? It's just stalling for time!"

Another voice continued:

"However, the fire mage actually fainted due to the rain breaking his shield. It will really cause trouble for people. Let's wait here for it to wake up and then chase that stupid dragon!"

It seems to be an abyss mage?

When Li Qiuzhi and the others heard this inhuman voice, they immediately thought of those strange guys.

On the contrary, Irene was a little confused. Just as she was about to ask a question, Fischer quickly covered her up.

Irene's eyes widened in confusion, and Li Qiuzhi made a hissing gesture at her. They were at the end of the cave, some distance away from the entrance, so the abyss mages had not discovered them yet.

If a sound is made, it can be easily transmitted, just like what they say at the entrance of the cave can be clearly heard by them.

Listening to their words, it seems that they have some intentions towards the Wind Demon Dragon.

Li Qiuzhi, who had the foresight, certainly knew that the Abyss Cult really wanted to control the Wind Demon Dragon in order to help them destroy the Kingdom of the Seven Gods.

Unexpectedly, they started planning soon after the Wind Demon Dragon woke up.

"Jiejie, there seems to be fire in here. Are there any humans hiding here?"

The following words from the Abyss Mage shocked everyone slightly. They did not extinguish the flames on the small campfire in time, so they were seen without any surprise.

"Perhaps they are from Qiuqiu. They just ordered them to make some food to honor us, Jie Jie."

An abyss mage said with a sly smile.

"Anyway, let's go in and take a look. If it's a human, just tie it up and throw it to that stupid dragon for food. If you kill the human you've been protecting with your own hands, its last persistence will be tainted, and it will definitely no longer be able to resist our control. Come on, Jie Jie!"

Another abyss mage said sinisterly.

Li Qiuzhi frowned deeply when he heard what they said. He did not expect that these two abyss mages would come up with such a cunning plan.

Seeing the coming danger, Li Qiuzhi winked at several people.

Then he activated his skills and entered the "stealth" state to see if he could recreate the sneak attack plan he carried out against the Abyss Mage in the secret realm.

He just heard that one of the fire mage's shields was broken, so thinking about it, there is still a good chance.

The one who can kill one first is the one!

The cave tunnel of tens of meters was not very long. Li Qiuzhi soon saw the Abyss Mage and the others in the middle, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Thanks to "Almighty Student" for the 1,500-coin reward!

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