I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 107 Oxygen supplementation? !

Outside the cave, the lightning collided with the torrent, and finally dissipated and shattered into nothingness.

Night Crow's body gathered thunder elements.

After speeding through the heavy rain, a trace of electric arc was left behind that caused an electromagnetic reaction.

Oz's night wings glowing with thunder, carrying the raindrops, rotated at high speed, like a tornado formed by a thunderstorm, crashing into the water abyss mage.

With a wave of the water mage's staff, several water balls were instantly generated to block the situation.

In the rain, it absorbed a large amount of water elements that were everywhere, making it appear larger than the water balls that trapped Li Qiuzhi and the others. Oz could only follow the gaps to get around them.

It wants to attack the Water Abyss Mage directly!

Even the water mage with the blessing of the environment did not dare to face this blow head-on. It activated magic again, moved away from its original position, appeared behind Oz, and instantly released a magic bubble in front of it.

This is not a water ball trap magic that gathers a large amount of water elements. It is a slow and non-threatening attack.

The main purpose is to arouse the contempt of the enemy. If it dares to hit it directly, it will feel the same suffocation feeling as a water balloon!

Oz easily saw the problem and casually spit out a thunder bomb to destroy the bubble.

"I didn't expect you, a black-feathered bird, to be so powerful. Work for our Abyss Order. Humans are not your destination!"

Mage Water Abyss said in a bewitching tone.

"I am a member of the young lady, but I am different from the notorious abyss monsters like you!" Nightcrow Oz continued to counterattack with magic bullets of thunder.

"In that case, let's drown ourselves in the water with them!"

The water mage's staff tapped the air, and the surrounding heavy rain seemed to be controlled by it, turning into a ferocious maw and sweeping towards Oz.

Irene approached the water ball that trapped the two in the cave. Under the guidance of Li Qiuzhi and Fischer's body language, she quickly understood that the two needed to try to pull them out on their own.

Although I am a little afraid that I will be swallowed, it is worth taking a little risk to save my two friends!

Erin took a deep breath, stretched out her hand towards the water balloon, and went in easily as if touching the water.

There was no attempt to swallow her later.

A happy smile appeared on Erin's face. She didn't make any noise that would attract the water mage's attention. She grabbed Fischer's hand and pulled it back hard.

But something that worried everyone still happened.

That was the situation where you could come in from the outside but couldn't get out from the inside. It was the water-colored magic circle that blocked Fischer's hand that was about to be pulled out.

When Li Qiuzhi saw this, his mood sank a little.

This magic that works with water polo trapping people should be cast inside the water polo as expected. There is no way it can automatically identify the target.

If the abyss mage had this magical attainment, he wouldn't have to go to such trouble to trap them with a water balloon.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi felt that the solution to cracking this water polo should be external.

But Erin, like him, had no way of affecting the water element.

Maybe as long as you use elements that won't affect Li Qiuzhi and the others, and attack a little, you might be able to interfere with the magic that uses the water element!

Although he was in a hypoxic environment, Li Qiuzhi's brain still maintained a good level of wakefulness, and he continued to think while his mind was spinning.

Suddenly I realized that since the thunder element can electrocute me, I might try using the fire element to attack.

The evaporation reaction between the fire element and the water element will not consume the entire water ball in one instant, thereby attacking them, but it may be enough to interfere with the operation of magic!

There are several small slimes outside. Grab them and absorb them with the flames on the campfire stand to restore them to their active state.

Given the strong territorial awareness of the monsters, there is a high probability that they will attack Li Qiuzhi and the others who are close at hand.

This might destroy the water polo magic.

There seemed to be no other way but to let Aileen give it a try. Li Qiuzhi used his hands and feet to maximize his body language.

Fortunately, it was not something difficult to express. It took the ice-snowy and smart Erin less than a minute to understand and take action immediately.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi felt his sleeves being pulled.

When she turned around, she found it was Fischer. Under her golden hair floating in the water, her fair face was slightly blue, and her expression looked uncomfortable.

From time to time a series of small bubbles appeared between the lips.

Her legs wrapped in black stockings slowly fell weakly to the bottom of the water ball, and a magic circle appeared to block her from falling.

Fischer took advantage of the situation and put his legs together and bent his knees. The soft curves of his calves that were close to the stockings were slightly spread apart and squatted down.

It seems that after holding his breath for a long time, he has almost reached his limit. He has no strength to even stand. If he continues, he will lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen.

There is no solution to this situation, because Li Qiuzhi still has enough oxygen in his body.

He can use kissing to break up some of it.

The strong sense of suffocation made Fischer feel very uncomfortable, and she caught a glimpse of the reliable attendant pointing at her lips.

She was confused for a moment, then opened her eyes wide in understanding, and then felt her face get a little hot. Kissing, kissing, etc., although it was usually something only lovers would do...

But, this is also a very important first aid skill in dangerous emergencies, so there is nothing to be shy about!

Moreover, if he is a reliable servant, he does not seem to feel too embarrassed.

Forced by the feeling of suffocation, Fischer's head became a little unclear. Li Qiuzhi looked at Fischer's fair and blue face, which was slightly flushed at this time, and she nodded gently with her head.

After getting the agreement, Li Qiuzhi was not surprised. After all, her affection for him had reached level eight!

He came to Fischer and squatted down, pinched her jawline with both hands, raised it slightly, and moved his lips towards the girl's softer lips.

Fischer looked away trying to remain calm.

This is the first time Li Qiuzhi has felt the touch of a girl's lips. Could it be that the warm body temperature can be transmitted even in water?

After he opened Fischer's mouth slightly, he felt as if the oxygen in his body had found an outlet and was sucked in quickly. Now it was his turn to start to suffocate.

The oxygen supplementation process is quick.

Just now, Fischer, whose heartbeat was faster due to shyness, consumed more oxygen, and became even more uncomfortable, finally slowly recovered.

She calmly separated her lips from Li Qiuzhi and turned her head as if nothing had happened, leaving him with a fair profile.

Looking outside the cave entrance, he could vaguely see the figures of Water Mage and Night Crow still fighting.

But Li Qiuzhi could understand from the few favorable impressions recorded on the character panel just now that her mood at this time was not so peaceful.

[Fischer has a good impression of you and gains 600 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (110/900)]

This was probably when his mind was confused and he instinctively tried to convince himself that it would be okay to kiss the attendant in an emergency.

I automatically recalled a lot of things, and maybe I found his bright spots when I got along with Li Qiuzhi.

At this time, the symptoms of suffocation were relieved. As a girl, Fischer could not help but associate kissing with her lover.

Therefore, under that calm expression, his mind was thinking about the two of them, and he unknowingly developed a good impression of Li Qiuzhi several times in a row.

[Fischer has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (310/900)]

[Fischer has a good impression of you and gains 350 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (660/900)]

[Fischer has a good impression of you and gains 250 favorability points. The current favorability level is 10 (full level)]

Please read it, collect it, vote for me, and thank you readers for your support!

In the afternoon, I created a chicken and a goose in advance, because there are relatives coming to visit tomorrow, so the update of the second chapter will be a little slow.

Thanks to "Voice Music" for the 500 coin reward!

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