"Goodbye everyone, I'm going back first!"

A smile appeared on Erin's face, she waved and trotted away.

The wings of the night brought up a weak air current, and Oz, who also disturbed his lady's dress, said:

"Okay, let's go on an adventure together next time, Miss Eileen."

"I didn't sleep well in the cave last night, and I also went back." Fischer turned her face sideways, her long golden hair slipped between her fingers, and she yawned as if she was a little tired.


Fischer then moved her legs, which were wrapped in asymmetrical black stockings that showed soft curves, and left with Nightcrow.

Then, Li Qiuzhi brought three pieces of water element ore to the blacksmith shop near the city gate.

"Hello, Mr. Wagner!" Li Qiuzhi greeted the strong man who was blacksmithing with a smile.

"Oh, it's you, kid. Did you use up those arrows again so quickly?"

Wagner just finished the last blow, put the hammer aside and said.

"Not yet, Mr. Wagner, didn't you say last time that the fire element ore for forging quenching rockets was gone, so I brought you a few water element ores this time. Do you think they can be forged into similar arrows? "

Li Qiuzhi placed three pieces of aqua blue ore in front of Wagner.

"It seems that your harvest today is good. Adding the cost, I have to sell more than ten edgeless swords to earn these few pieces of ore from you!"

Wagner grabbed a piece of ore with his broad palm and carefully observed its color.

He looked around at the aqua ore, while touching his chin, he continued:

"It's very good. Just holding it in your hand can feel that it attracts the surrounding water elements.

"They are enough to be used as auxiliary materials to forge a good three-star one-handed sword. It would be a waste to use them all to make arrows!"

After all, arrows are disposable consumables.

"Three-star one-handed sword..."

If it were made into a weapon, it would be impossible to make it entirely out of water elemental ore, because the hardness and toughness would be insufficient.

Generally, other materials such as steel and crystal ore are added as the main materials.

Crystal ore, in particular, is one of the best materials for forging high-star weapons and is basically a must-have.

Therefore, it is difficult for a weapon forged from such a variety of materials to stimulate elemental force through air friction like a quenched rocket.

As a one-handed sword that can be used for a long time, it will not be made into a one-time consumable like a tempered rocket just for a temporary elemental attack.

If the ore can automatically restore the consumed elemental power, then that's another story.

"Forget it, Mr. Wagner, the enhanced edgeless sword I have is enough for the time being. What I lack mainly is the means of elemental attack."

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and decided to get elemental arrows.

"Haha, okay, but the production methods of water element arrows and tempered arrows are very different. It's hard for me to say how many arrows can be made, and whether they can even be successfully made. You can come and see in a few days. .”

Rather than elemental arrows, Wagner wanted to build a three-star weapon. After all, it would not only better reflect the blacksmith's skills, but also make more money.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, left the blacksmith shop, stepped onto the stairs on the street, passed by the Deer Hunter Restaurant, and was about to have something to eat, when he saw a few familiar figures near the fountain in the square outside.

Paimon was wearing a golden tiara and was all white, Ying was wearing a backless white dress, and Amber was a scout knight with long dark brown hair.

Her red bunny ears were swaying gently in the breeze, a smile appeared on her fair face, and she and Ying were chatting about something.

Since the three of them were all friends of Li Qiuzhi, he put aside the idea of ​​wanting to eat and walked over to say hello.

Then, before he was completely close, Li Qiuzhi was discovered by the keen reconnaissance knight.

"Eh? Li Qiuzhi!" Amber pressed her fingertips on her soft belly and continued to ask, standing with her arms akimbo, "Did you just come back from an adventure like this? How did you end up like this?"

Li Qiuzhi's clothes had torn holes everywhere, and he did look a little embarrassed.

"Haha, I was just a little unlucky. I met the Wind Demon Dragon passing by and was hit by the hurricane it rolled up."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said indifferently.

"It turns out Amber knows this guy too." Paimon clasped his hands behind his back, his starry eyes showing some surprise, "We also had a meal together in the wild!"

"Do you mean we had dinner together?"

The dim sunlight shone on Amber's smiling face.


Ying nodded and said in a relatively taciturn tone.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Although Li Qiuzhi had foresight on the plot, he didn't remember every detail clearly, so he asked this curious question.

He now only has some vague impressions that Ying and Paimon met Amber on the way to Mondstadt. Soon after they were brought back to the city, they encountered the Wind Demon Dragon who rolled up a storm to attack the city.


It can’t be during this time period! Li Qiuzhi felt something in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

Amber lowered her chin with her white fingers, thought about it and explained:

"When I left the city at noon to carry out the task of cleaning up the Qiuqiu people's camp, I happened to meet the traveler Ying and her partner Paimon. Because there were dragons around the city recently, I wanted to escort them into the city while completing the task.

"But I didn't expect that the traveler was very good. In fact, it made my mission a lot easier. So as a thank you, I wanted to give the traveler a small gift."

"small gift?"

Li Qiuzhi seemed to have remembered that this gift should be the Wings of Wind.

"Hehe, I'm also a little curious about what the gift Amber mentioned. Will it be something delicious!?" Paimon's eyes seemed to be glowing with golden light, looking very expectant.

Ying held her breasts, slightly lifting them to reveal the soft curves between her white skin, and looked at her with a speechless expression on her face.

"Humph~ Let's get to a higher position first and then tell you." Amber smiled mysteriously, then looked at the young adventurer aside and said, "By the way, Li Qiuzhi, you can come too, and I'll give you a gift by the way. Give you one!"

"Oh, even me?" Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised.

"That's right. Anyway, just follow me first!"

Li Qiuzhi followed Amber and the others to a high position on the street above the Fountain Square, and then took out two pairs of wing-like things from the Eye of God.

"Qiang Qiang, the gift you promised is - Wings of Wind!"

"Wings of Wind?!" Ying showed a somewhat surprised expression.

"Hmm! Whether it is a scout knight or an adventurer, the Wind Wings are indispensable equipment, allowing us to move in the air easily!"

Amber's white high-heeled over-the-knee boots stepped on the stone ground, and her snow-white thighs glowed with a delicate golden light in the sunset.

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