I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 121 Fire Element Evil Eye·Lisa Improved Version

Li Qiuzhi leaned with his back outside the tent, eating a piece of thick, compressed bread.

Speaking of which, he didn't eat much today, and his stomach was already hungry. Fortunately, Lisa brought food. These were the thick compressed bread made by the Knights that she gave him.

It tastes good, has a good texture and is very filling at the same time.

Li Qiuzhi glanced at the character panel and found that the experience point column clearly displayed:

[Experience Points: 2650]

These experience points were just enough to upgrade to level twenty-seven. He thought about it for a while but didn't keep it. The experience points quickly decreased with a thought and were thrown towards the character level.

Experience points-2600

It was like falling into a girl's arms. The warm body temperature and hot breath made his heart beat faster, and the flowing blood brought warm energy to every cell.

Li Qiuzhi has slightly improved the universal physiological limits of human beings.

He had thought and guessed before that if no breakthrough was made, the species limit for ordinary humans would be level 20.

The limits mentioned here are human body functions and physical strength, which are the final states that ordinary humans can achieve through exercise without the use of any external objects.

After all, even in the continent of Teyvat, biology is universally applicable.

Just like humans on earth, if the running speed reaches 100 meters within ten seconds, no matter how much training is done in the future, the improvement will become imperceptible.

Teyvat probably raises the limits of every species because of the ubiquity of elemental power.

And Li Qiuzhi pushed this limit further to seven levels without making a breakthrough!

Go on like this.

He might even be able to rival the Demon God simply based on his physical fitness as a human being!

While Li Qiuzhi was thinking wildly, a wisp of evening breeze blew open a few gaps in the curtain of the purple tent.

Under the light of the campfire, Lisa could be seen sleeping sideways inside.

A thin quilt covered her shoulders to her hips, and her legs wrapped in over-the-knee black lace stockings were folded up and down, with her knees slightly bent and sticking out of the quilt.

Her eyes were closed on her fair cheeks, and her soft lips were slightly parted to exhale hot breath.

Next to him was a robe and hat that had been taken off and folded. A pair of anklets with dark purple gemstones were placed on the toes of black high-heeled shoes with golden butterfly patterns.

Even though Lisa seems to be defenseless while sleeping, if she encounters any danger, the thing that caused the danger may be instantly annihilated by the thunder magic set somewhere!

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but think this while eating the last bite of thick bread.

Time passed little by little, and the first half of the night passed quickly.

But Lisa had no tendency to wake up at all. It was obvious that she had overslept, and Li Qiuzhi was unable to wake up the sleeping lady.

I had no choice but to continue leaning outside the tent and close my eyes to rest.

Mondstadt, windswept hillsides.

In the early morning, the warm sunshine shined on Li Qiuzhi's face through the curtains of the tent. He frowned, and then he felt a gloom enveloping him. His cheeks felt itchy before he opened his eyes with difficulty.

"Hi~ Good morning, little adventurer!"

Lisa knelt down, her black stockings showing slight wrinkles in the gap between her back knees. Her wide pointed witch hat blocked the sunlight shining on Li Qiuzhi's face. She leaned forward slightly and swept her long chestnut hair over her face. He said with a smile on his cheeks.

"Hey, Miss Lisa, what can I do?"

Li Qiuzhi stood up and looked at the purple curtain in the tent and the thin quilt on his body with some doubts.

"Perhaps you feel too safe next to your sister. Last night you fell asleep outside the tent without warning. Hum~ This is not okay."

Lisa said with a smile on her fair face.

"Haha, that's it."

Li Qiuzhi moved his gaze outside. As expected, he might have been dragged into the tent by her, which was really embarrassing.

"However, we agreed to stay alone in the middle of the night, but the little adventurer didn't wake me up? Well, I have received your feelings for my sister, so I will give this to you in advance as a reward!"

Lisa, who was wearing a pointed witch hat, raised her white arm, and a faint light flashed on her palm, and something with a darker color that looked like a red glass bead with a fire element symbol on it appeared.

[Lisa developed a liking for you and gained 120 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (290/400)]

When she took out the things, she also slightly improved her favorable impression of Li Qiuzhi.

"Is this the debt processor's evil eye?!"

Li Qiuzhi was slightly surprised. It didn't take long. Could it be that the improvement was completed?

"That's right, how can something like this mass-produced by the Evil Eye Factory stump my sister? I've slightly modified the way it guides elemental power, and now it's barely usable!"

Lisa's pink tongue slightly extended out to moisten her soft lips and said.

"Does that mean it won't have any side effects?" Li Qiuzhi took the evil eye and went outside, letting the sun's rays shine on the evil eye to reflect a trace of light.

"Well, having said that, in order to eliminate its side effects, we have to make compromises in terms of performance."

Lisa put away the tent and said with a little regret on her face.

This is an ordinary evil eye. The materials used to make it are not too precious. No matter how you improve it, it will be difficult to break through its own limitations.

"Concession? In other words, the evil eye has been weakened."

Li Qiuzhi also knew little about the evil eye, and had no special feeling after hearing Lisa's words.

"It was indeed said before that it could be an external magic organ that could freely guide elemental power, although this process requires consuming the user's vitality.

"Now it is more like a prop that stores elemental power. It can automatically absorb external elemental power without the user. However, the stored elemental power is limited, and it will take a long time to recover after it is consumed."

Lisa's ankles with purple anklets were wrapped in black stockings, showing soft and clear lines. She stepped on high heels and came closer and said.

"I see, it sounds pretty good."

Li Qiuzhi couldn't put it down, and he didn't feel sorry for it being weakened.

"Hmm~" Lisa folded her fair arms on her upper abdomen, slightly lifting her breasts wrapped in snow-white fabric, showing an unusually soft weight. She pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Young adventurers, just like it. Okay, come on, let me teach you how to release the elemental power inside, it’s very simple.”

Under Lisa's guidance, Li Qiuzhi quickly learned how to use the "Fire Element Evil Eye Lisa's Improved Version".

Wear it on your body like the Eye of God, and use your mental power to control whether to release it. Now he can barely attach the fire element to the weapon.

If you want to use more complex moves, Lisa said you need to have a deeper understanding of elemental power.

But in essence, he does not guide the elemental power. He is just using a prop that can release the elemental power. He is still just an ordinary person, so he cannot sense the elemental power, and it is difficult to have a deep understanding of it.

Therefore, if Li Qiuzhi can attach the fire element, releasing a fireball or something is basically the end. Complex elemental magic, such as Lisa's electrostatic field, elemental marks, etc. are basically out of the question.

It's a bit of a pity in this regard, but it's a pleasant surprise.

Originally, the Evil Eye did not have the ability to store items like the Eye of God, but after Lisa used magic to transform it into a prop that stores elemental power, it also had the ability to store items.

Although it only has a fixed load of ten kilograms, it greatly facilitates Li Qiuzhi's daily adventures.

All I can say is that she is indeed Sister Lisa!

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