A gentle breeze blew by, sweeping the white skirt of her dress onto Ying's soft calves. Paimon next to him also opened his eyes wide and said:

"Eh? Is this being purified?"

"It's incredible!"

Even though Wendy is the God of Wind, it is difficult for her to easily purify the remaining power of the Demon Dragon Dulin. Otherwise, she would have helped the Wind Demon Dragon solve the problem long ago.

If you use the power of God to purify it forcibly, it will cause greater harm to Tevalin.

"Could this be another reason for your special physique?" Although Li Qiuzhi already knew this, he sighed to suit the atmosphere.

"may be"

Ying himself doesn't quite understand it, but since this phenomenon has occurred, he may really have the ability to purify red crystals.

"As expected of a traveler from a foreign land, he possesses unimaginable abilities."

The corners of Wendy's mouth raised, and a smile of admiration appeared on her face. Now she no longer had to find a way to get rid of the dirty power in the red crystal.

He took out another red crystal on his body and said:

"Traveler, I still have a teardrop crystal here. You can try to purify it. Then I will have a way to help Tvarin and completely solve the crisis facing Mondstadt."

"Really? You didn't lie to us, did you?" Pamon looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"Do I look like I'm lying?" Wendy said with a helpless sigh.

"But didn't you get this Tevalin tear from Li Qiuzhi?" Ying put the back of her hand on her waist with a slightly speechless expression.

"Misunderstanding, purely misunderstanding, the treasure chest was exchanged, but the 'checkout' has not been completed yet."

Wendy insists she didn't deceive anyone.

Having said that.

In fact, Ying was also a little curious about whether she could really purify the dirty power in the crystal. She took another red crystal from Wendy's hand and held it in her hand.

After a while, the gloomy power in the red crystal seemed to be expelled by an invisible force, turning into smoke and dissipating like steam rising.

"It's really possible..." Wendy said slightly surprised.

Nothing is more convincing than seeing it with your own eyes.

"Okay, you said you have a way to solve the crisis in Mondstadt. Is there anything we can do to help?" Ying handed the purified teardrops back to Wendy and said with her hands in white sleeves holding her chest.

"Eh? If it's you, you can indeed help. After all, everyone in Mondstadt City has witnessed the fact that you defeated the Wind Demon Dragon. It will be much easier for you to go to Mondstadt Cathedral to borrow something by then!"

Wendy rubbed her chin with the palm of her hand, thought for a moment and nodded.

"Borrow something?" Paimon had some doubts on his face.

"Well, that's something that is necessary to restore the Wind Demon Dragon to normal, but now is not the time to borrow something. I have to prepare it first, so I'll excuse you for now."

Wendy coughed lightly, waved her hand and turned around to leave.

"Ah, are you leaving like this? Where are you going?" Pamon shouted at Wendy's back and asked.

"Go to the place that symbolizes the 'Heroes of Mondstadt', goodbye~"

Wendy's voice came from far away from the green back.

If Li Qiuzhi remembered correctly, when Wendy was trying to exorcise the curse from the Wind Demon Dragon in the woods, she was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Ying and Paimon, causing herself to be corroded and cursed by the power of the abyss.

This is not the power of the poisonous blood of the Demon Dragon Dulin, but the magical curse cast by the Abyss Mage who wants to control the Wind Demon Dragon.

Without this curse, the Wind Demon Dragon probably wouldn't have lost control so easily.

Now the place he said he wanted to go to should be the big tree in Fengqi Land. It was not only an important node in Fengqi Land's leyline circulation, but also the place with the most abundant wind elemental power near Mondstadt.

As a wind god, Wendy should have no problem standing under the shade of a big tree and using the power of the tree to relieve her injuries.

In the game plot, Ying and Paimon will also chase after her, wanting to ask Wendy about the Wind God, that is, himself.

After all, her main purpose in coming to Mondstadt was to find the Wind God to see if it was the unknown god who had captured her brother. And based on Wendy's familiarity with the Wind Demon Dragon, a member of the Wind God, she obviously knew the story of the Wind God.

After that, Youying's purification ability is there, which can work even if she stands next to her. Coupled with the power of the big tree, Wendy's curse is quickly relieved, and then she will find a way. Borrowing the Sky Piano from Mondstadt Cathedral or something...

It was probably such a process... Li Qiuzhi tried his best to recall it, feeling that he must have thought correctly.

Sure enough, when she saw Wendy walking away, Ying thought for a moment and said to Li Qiuzhi:

"I still have some things I want to ask. Regarding finding a hotel and selling materials dropped by monsters, can I ask for your help?"

After saying that, she clasped her hands together in a gesture of begging.

"This is no problem. After all, isn't it normal for fellow honorary knights to help each other? Moreover, although we have known each other for a short time, we are already friends."

Li Qiuzhi smiled indifferently.

She never expected that she would be entrusted with such a solemn request. In the game plot, after she became an adventurer, she would basically only be entrusted by others to complete various tasks.

It was a rare thing for her to ask others for help.

"Hey, Li Qiuzhi, you are so kind!" Paimeng floated in the air and said with a smile, his hands behind his back.

[Paimeng has a good impression of you and gains 90 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (140/200)]

"Well, we'll meet at the Deer Hunter restaurant at noon, and I'll treat you to a big dinner."

Ying flipped her golden hair on the side, her fair ears slowly revealed, and she said with a smile on her face.

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 150 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (195/300)]

Seeing the favorable impression prompts popping up continuously on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi patted his chest again to express that there was no problem.

Ying gave Li Qiuzhi some of the dropped materials she had collected after defeating the monsters she met before coming to Mondstadt City, and then led little Paimon to chase in the direction where Wendy ran.

Soon after.

Li Qiuzhi first came to the Adventurers Association and sold a bunch of miscellaneous things he had, such as slime condensation, dead leaves from the earth's veins, and one-star holy relics.

A total of about 110,000 molas were obtained.

Mainly, two one-star holy relics and a two-star quality leyline dead branch are sold for more Domorahs, while a thousand Morads of slime condensation is not worth much.

After all, one of the most common monsters in the Teyvat continent is slime, so the materials it drops are not rare.

Adding this to the previous savings and the 10,000 molas that were opened from the ordinary treasure chest yesterday, he now has a huge sum of 910,000 molas, which can do many things.

For example, pay nine months' rent to Youla, or buy a cheaper Samsung weapon.

The dropped materials given by Ying were similar, but much more than those given by Li Qiuzhi. The Adventurers Association paid 200,000 Mora to buy them.

With this money, he can live much more comfortably than when he first crossed over. At least he doesn't have to live in the Knights' rescue center.

After leaving the Adventurers Association, Li Qiuzhi continued to help them find a hotel.


Li Qiuzhi was sitting outside the Deer Hunter Restaurant. A construction team was already busy repairing the fountain in the square that was smashed by the Wind Demon Dragon.

The fighting restaurants at that time were actually affected, with their signboards blown off and their stoves cracked.

Fortunately, the problem is not serious. After emergency repairs this morning, we are now able to operate normally.

After a while, he finally saw Ying and Paimon walking down the street, followed by Barbatos, the wind god who was wearing green and often fished.

Thanks to "Ayato's brother-in-law" for the 128-coin reward!

Thanks to "The Nameless One" for the 500-coin reward!

Thanks to "Tianmo" for the 100 coin reward!

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