I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 127 Negative favorability (two chapters in one)

Not far from Mondstadt Cathedral, the huge Aeolus statue on the square is right in front of you.

The few people who heard Li Qiuzhi's plan stopped. The breeze was blowing, and Ying's white dress exposed her snow-white back. The two streamers blended into the wind like a provocation and occasionally photographed the young adventurer next to her.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Ying who was deep in thought and didn't notice at all. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly and he grabbed the funny ribbon.

"The adventurer's plan is good. It can not only get the harp, but also separate the relationship and help the knights. But the problem is how to disguise yourself as a fool?"

Wendy looked down at the ground and stroked her chin with her fingers, thinking.

"Yes, yes, I am also wondering about this." Paimeng looked at Li Qiuzhi with his starry eyes and nodded.

Under the obliquely cut skirt, her legs wrapped in over-the-knee boots were revealed. The golden patterns on them seemed to be flowing with light. Ying raised her head and took the ribbon from Li Qiuzhi's hand and said:

"I have a bad feeling about the Fools. If you can thwart their plot, just give them your orders and I will fully cooperate."

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 120 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (15/400)]

The first time she met the Fools was at the negotiation site where one of their female diplomats used an aggressive tone to embarrass Captain Qin, wanting to take over the defense of Mondstadt and even kill Tevalin.

This makes Ying really have no good impression of the fools at all.

"There is no need to be so solemn. After all, we are honorary knights and we should help the knights."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorable opinion prompt that popped up on the character panel and smiled before continuing to explain:

"Actually, it's very simple to do this. I defeated a stupid debt processor a long time ago and tortured them out of their 'stealth assassination technique'.

“As long as I go invisible and take away the Sky Harp, and let the guards discover that someone is taking the Harp while invisible, then they will naturally suspect the Fools immediately.

"The theft of Mondstadt's treasure is enough reason for the Knights to demand an explanation from them."

The art of invisibility is not common. If you don't doubt it, who else can you doubt?

After all, the reason why the Knights were attacked was because they failed to deal with the wind disaster well, which allowed them to make various almost delusional demands on this basis.

Because even if they know that there is something wrong with the Fools, as a diplomatic mission, the Knights are obligated to be responsible for their safety.

"I see, this can indeed restrict them. At least until the Sky Piano is retrieved, they will be watched closely by the Knights and will no longer be able to interfere with how Mondstadt deals with the Wind Demon Dragon."

Paimon is sometimes very clever, and he can easily understand the truth after a little thought.

"But in this case, we won't be able to act together with you." She said with her fair-skinned cheek facing him, her amber eyes showing a slightly worried look.

As the place where the Sky Piano is stored, the guards arranged in Mondstadt Cathedral will definitely not be weak or lacking. If you are still caught despite being invisible, you will really have no choice but to ask the leader of the Piano to fish for someone.

This would be too embarrassing.

"So when I take action, you guys should be nearby to support me. If something goes wrong, rescue me as soon as possible!"

Li Qiuzhi is certainly not an arrogant person, and I feel that what Ying said does make sense.

"Yeah, now that the plan is clear, let's arrange the specific action time in the afternoon. Most of the guards will be off work around six o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be safer to take action at that time."

Wendy said with a smile on her face and a nod.


Of course, Li Qiuzhi had no objection. In the game plot, Ying's actions did not start until most of the guards were off duty.

However, due to the appearance of the Fools who had thoughts about the Sky Piano, she was still discovered by the guards who stayed behind. In the end, not only did she not get the Sky Piano, but she was also wanted. On the contrary, the Fools did nothing.

Therefore, when taking action, you must be alert to whether the member of the Fools will appear. The person who will be sent to steal the Sky Piano will probably not be weak.

If it is still taken away by her, it will really lose the face of the prophetic time traveler.

There was still some time before the action, so Li Qiuzhi first accompanied Ying and the others to check out the hotel, but the price of eight thousand molas per day was still a bit expensive.

She also needs to save some money for travel expenses on the journey to find her brother.

Then he continued to search for a long time but still couldn't find anything satisfactory. Paimon floated in the air with his hands hanging down, sighing with a tired expression:

"Don't those hotel owners just think that we are foreigners and deliberately raise the prices to kill us?"

"Oh, as a bard, I still know a little bit about the price of hotels in Mondstadt. Eight thousand is already considered cheap. After all, Mondstadt is the most prosperous city in Mondstadt, and there are many businessmen coming and going. If it weren't for Because of the storm, the price of your hotel stay may be more expensive."

Wendy explained using what she saw and heard.

"So that's it." Paimon looked pitifully at the blond girl with a white flower in her hair, "Traveller, you must make more money. I don't want to live on the street."

Ying, wearing long white sleeves, pressed her hands on her soft waist, looked at her helplessly and said:

"Why is it just me making money and you not going?"

"Hey, this is because I am working as your tour guide now, and the reward you have to pay is to support me!"

Paimon replied with a slight smile on his snow-white face.

"How about I take you to the Adventurers Association to register as an adventurer in a few days? With your ability, it won't be a problem to complete some difficult commissions. Those commission fees are very generous!" Li Qiuzhi said his suggestion.

"Well, that's all we can do, otherwise"

Otherwise, the little Mora flowers on hand will be used up in a few days for food and accommodation, Ying thought silently in her heart.

"By the way, didn't you say that you live near Luoluoberry Street? Is your house big? Can you let us disturb you for a few days? Hehe."

Paimeng's eyes moved to Li Qiuzhi.

"Oh? Me, it's not impossible." Li Qiuzhi pondered for a moment. He rented an independent courtyard of Youla's house, except for the living room, kitchen and bathroom on the first floor.

There are three rooms on the second floor. He lives in one, one is a study room, and the remaining one is unused.

Considering that you are also a tenant, renting out an unused room and becoming a second landlord would be suspected of taking advantage of others.

But just letting a friend stay for free for a while is not a big deal.

Besides, it would be much easier to gain favorability if you are close to her, so this is a good thing.

"Well, forget it, I won't bother you anymore. I can't even afford to stay in a hotel for a few days." Ying folded her hands on her upper abdomen, slightly supporting her breasts covered by the dress, her white skin with soft curves Then it rose a little.

She thought about it for a while and felt that even if they were friends, they shouldn't be too troublesome. What if there was a conflict?

"Well, if possible, it would be more convenient to rent it yourself."

Li Qiuzhi nodded indifferently. Having a good impression depends on the change of personal emotions. If you don't rush something like this and show too strong purpose, you will definitely be disliked.

In the end, Ying and Paimon chose to rent the hotel in Eight Thousand Mora, which they felt was the most cost-effective after comparison.

Mond Cathedral.

After settling the issue of Ying and Paimon's accommodation, time passed slowly and finally came to six o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Qiuzhi sneaked into the cathedral avoiding the crowds alone. His stealth assassination technique was level 4, and he could maintain optical invisibility for ten minutes once used.

But this time is basically just enough time for him to sneak in and get the Sky Piano, and there is a high probability that he will lose his invisibility when he comes out.

So when he went in, he had to take a rest to recover from the energy and physical energy consumed by being invisible. He had the specialty of [Abundant Life], so it wouldn't take long to recover.

"Go forward and go through the semicircular stone door on the front."

Wendy's voice merged with the breeze and echoed in Li Qiuzhi's ears. Although Li Qiuzhi had read the game plot, he only remembered the specific location of the Sky Piano and forgot about it after entering the stone door.

So we still need Wendy's guidance to find it quickly and accurately. This is still very simple for Fengshen.

Li Qiuzhi, who was in stealth mode, easily evaded the nuns' eyes and ears, slipped into the semicircular stone door in the middle of the cathedral, and then walked down the winding stone steps.

At this time, a West Wind Knight walked up to him. Li Qiuzhi stopped and pressed against the wall to hold his breath.

Out of curiosity, he turned on the Golden Judgment and took a look at the West Wind Knight.

[Level: seventeen]

This strength should be average among the Zephyr Knights.

After listening to the footsteps slowly moving away, he continued walking down the stairs and came to a large and spacious platform. It was located high in the entire basement, and there were steps on both sides to continue walking down.

"Looking forward from here, the room at the back is where the Sky Piano is stored."

Wendy's voice sounded in his ears again, which reminded Li Qiuzhi that the Sky Piano seemed to be placed there.

The stealth time is limited. Although most of the guards here are off duty, there are still people there before changing shifts, so we have to act quickly.

"Go down the steps on the left and walk close to the wall. This road has just been viewed by the patrolling Zephyr Knight. There will be an opening in a short time. Go quickly!"

When Li Qiuzhi heard Wendy's words, he ran down as fast as possible without making any sound of footsteps without hesitation.

There are many cabinets for storing information and items in the basement. If there is no invisibility, you may need to use them to avoid the eyes and ears of the guards, but now there is no need to be so troublesome.

He walked directly in the middle of the road without making a sound, and the guards completely ignored him.

In less than two minutes, Li Qiuzhi came to the large room dedicated to the Sky Piano, faster than he expected. As long as he got the Piano quickly, he would have enough time to escape without using a second stealth.

"Hurry up and get the piano!" Wendy's urging voice sounded, "There are other people coming here, very fast!"

After hearing Wendy's words, Li Qiuzhi's feet that had not stopped immediately tightened and exerted force, and all the sounds that his ears could still receive suddenly disappeared.

next moment.

He moved at an extremely fast speed, and his body appeared in front of the Sky Piano as if teleporting. He took it in his hand, and then he slowly received the various sounds in the basement.

The strongest one was a sound that cut through the air from behind.

Li Qiuzhi had no time to dodge, turned around and was about to block it with his hand, but immediately realized that he was still holding the Sky Piano in his hand, paused for a moment, and kicked him in the abdomen with a purple calf.

The powerful impact caused him to be launched out like a rocket, slamming into the wall, and even his invisibility was broken.

Fortunately, during the flight, Li Qiuzhi took back the dark red evil eye hanging on his neck with the Sky Piano, and it did not get damaged due to collision.

"Ahem" he coughed twice and spit out some spit.

Thanks to his strong physique, even if he was hit like this, he would only suffer skin injuries, so the problem would not be serious for the time being.

"Haha, the stealth skill also has a special evil eye. It seems that Inspector Hesden gave you a lot of information some time ago. You and the Rose Witch suddenly wiped out one of our strongholds in Mondstadt. It was really disappointing. 'Madam' was so troubled that she was a little angry~ I was standing next to her and felt like my hair was about to be burned off."

A voice came, and what came into Li Qiuzhi's field of vision was a woman wearing a purple tight-fitting jumpsuit and a purple coat with a hood. She had eye patches on her eyes, a smile on her lips, and a purple pendant on her chest. Evil eye.

[The Thunder Fire Warlock has a negative feeling towards you and gains -300 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 1 (-300/100)]

Sure enough, the fool who stole the Traveler's Sky Piano in the game's storyline appeared.

It may be the relationship between women, but Li Qiuzhi's inherent talent seems to be effective on her as well.

Since Li Qiuzhi didn't know her name, the character panel directly displayed Lei Ying Warlock, which is the game's nickname for the Fool soldiers in this type of clothing.

Unfortunately, he was an enemy, so he had negative feelings. This was also the first time that he received negative favorability.

It's a good thing it's an enemy, otherwise he wouldn't know how long it would take to get back to a positive number.

"Hand over that piano, I don't want to delay time because of your stubborn resistance!"

The Thunder Fire Warlock didn't want to stay here for long, and she wouldn't be able to escape if the West Wind Knight found out and blocked the exit.

The silent Li Qiuzhi glanced at her with his golden sin-judging eyes, and immediately the strength and weaknesses of the Thunder Fire Warlock were clearly marked on her body.

[Level: forty-six]

There are no other hidden wounds or various flaws. The weak points of human beings are the head and heart. There is nothing to say.

"Sorry, if you want the Sky Piano, you have to try to grab it."

Li Qiuzhi stood up and took out the edgeless sword from the improved evil eye and said with a smile.

To be honest, with such a huge difference in strength, Li Qiuzhi could probably only delay it reluctantly. It would be a bit difficult to defeat him, but as long as he could hold it off, there would be no problem.

After his stealth can continue to be used, he will become invisible and leave.

After all, if the Thunder Fire Warlock hadn't used a sneak attack just now, she might not have been able to kick him while he was seriously sneaking and hiding.

2 in 1

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 250 coin reward!

Thanks to "The Nameless One" for the 100-coin reward!

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