I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 130 The Sad Acting Leader (2 in 1)

Li Qiuzhi put away the Wings of Wind and threw Warlock Lei Ying on the ground, then helped the blond girl, who was also sleeping soundly, to stand up.

Ying's head rested on his shoulder, her soft lips parted a little, and when she exhaled hot breath, she could see the white tips of her teeth hidden behind her lips.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face with slightly closed eyes, Li Qiuzhi patted it twice with his hand, feeling a warm and smooth touch on his palm.

Maybe his movements were too gentle, but Ying just felt that her lips were a little dry, so she stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked it, then pursed her lips and continued to exhale hot breath evenly, without any intention of waking up.

"She is such a good sleeper. Try pinching her nose and mouth. If she can't breathe, she will definitely wake up!" Paimon first complained with his hands on his hips, and then made suggestions.

"You can also use water. Your skin will wake up if you suddenly get cold." Wendy also expressed her thoughts.

"Hey, that will make the clothes wet easily. Wet clothes will be uncomfortable to wear!"

Paimon crossed his arms and retorted.

"Hey! It seems so." Wendy touched her hat with a smile on her face.

"What does 'Hey' mean? I really want to give you an unpleasant nickname!" Pamon snorted and raised his chin as if he didn't want to pay attention to him.

"I also think Paimon's proposal is better."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said, pressing his index finger and thumb on both sides of the soft nose respectively.


He saw Ying frown, naturally parting her lips wider, and shifted her breathing to her mouth.

"Hey, let me come here!" Paimon pinched Ying's philtrum and lower lip. Ying, who couldn't breathe at all, suddenly opened his eyes and woke up completely.

Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi and Paimeng quickly let go of their hands.

"Ahem, what happened to me just now?" Ying raised her head from Li Qiuzhi's shoulder and took two deep breaths of air, her fair face turning slightly red.

"It's all this guy's fault. When he used the song to attack the enemy, it also affected you. He just wanted to splash you with water to wake you up!"

Paimon pointed at Wendy unceremoniously and said.

"This is just an unavoidable accident." Wendy spread her hands helplessly, "and haven't little Pai Mengyou and Li Qiuzhi successfully awakened the travelers now?"

Ying didn't care about this, she still expressed her gratitude to everyone.

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 120 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (135/400)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorable opinion prompt that popped up on the character panel, nodded slightly happily and said:

"Now that we have captured the Thunder Fire Warlock, we will interrogate him first to see if we can find out what the Fools' conspiracy is."

"Well, that's right!" Pamon nodded vigorously and said with a smile.

Li Qiuzhi and the others first tied up Warlock Lei Ying and took off her purple evil eye to prevent her from resisting after waking up.

This time, there was no need to wake up Ying Ying. Wendy used the wind element to roll up a ball of water in the lake and splash it directly into the face of the Thunder Ying Warlock.

The cold touch interrupted her sweet dream, and the Thunder Fire Warlock was suddenly woken up by surprise and couldn't help shouting angrily:

"Who! What a guy without eyes!"

She was about to raise her hand and guide the elemental power, but found that it was useless at all. The evil eye could not sense it, and her hands and feet could not move. Then she looked at several familiar figures that appeared in front of her.

The previous memories began to come back slowly, especially when I actually fell asleep listening to the sound of the piano!

How can this be!

She is one of the elite fools who can follow "Madam". How could she be caught by a few guys who don't know where they came from?

This really made her a little unbelievable.

But the fact was already the case. Warlock Leiying could only look at the people in front of him and threatened loudly: "Who are you! Do you know who you are against!"

"Okay, okay, everyone knows that you are fools, so tell me why you stole the Sky Piano. What is the conspiracy of your executive officer 'Ms.' in Mondstadt?"

Li Qiuzhi asked with a smile on his lips.

"That's right, tell me quickly, or I will continue to beat you!" Paimon, wearing a golden crown, floated in mid-air and waved his small fist majestically.

"Hmph, didn't you also steal the piano? You have the nerve to ask me!"

Thunder Fire Warlock said sarcastically.

"Oh? So you really covet the power of the Wind Demon Dragon?" Wendy said, stroking her chin and thinking.

No, of course not. If Li Qiuzhi didn't understand the plot of the game, he would have been misled by the appearance of Warlock Lei Ying.

It's not that the fools don't have thoughts about the Wind Demon Dragon, but they don't just have thoughts about the Wind Demon Dragon.

Not surprisingly, the ultimate goal of the Fools is to summon the Wind Demon Dragon through the Sky Piano, and then use the Wind Demon Dragon to lure out the Wind God Barbatos, and finally capture the Heart of God.

In other words, their ultimate goal is you. Wendy Li Qiuzhi glanced at Fengshen, who was wearing green.

"It's not that simple. Unless you have a way to control the Wind Demon Dragon, what's the use of summoning the Wind Demon Dragon? Not to mention that its sanity is now affected. Under normal circumstances, it is also the guardian of Mondstadt's four winds. How could it listen to it? You are a lot of fools.”

Li Qiuzhi tried to find loopholes to let Warlock Lei Ying reveal more information.

"You don't have to worry about it now. Our Lady, of course, has her own ideas."

The Thunder Fire Warlock said stiffly.

His amber eyes looked at her calmly, and his soft lips parted slightly and said:

"You lied. At that time, you fool envoys said you wanted to deal with the Wind Demon Dragon. In fact, you didn't even want to, and you had no way to control it."

The breeze blowing along the lake gently disturbed her white skirt, and the white thighs on the over-the-knee boots were looming in it.

"This is really surprising. What good will it do you to go to all the trouble to kill the Wind Demon Dragon..." Wendy's pupils showed a trace of surprise, and she continued to think for a moment and said, "I understand, the Wind Demon Dragon is the God of Wind. It is dangerous and will definitely attract the Wind God, so your target is actually the Wind God, right?"

"What?!" Upon hearing Wendy's words, Paimon also covered his mouth in surprise.

"If that's the case, then it makes sense." Ying stared at Warlock Lei Ying and raised the corners of his mouth with a smile.

Both Fing and Wendy are very smart people, and they can easily sort out and connect various relationships.

"You, how could you..."

Warlock Lei Ying was stunned at this time. She clearly didn't reveal anything, so how could she be guessed so easily.

"So, what is your purpose in finding Fengshen?" Li Qiuzhi asked the last question.

As long as Wendy knows about it in advance, she might be able to keep God's heart from being snatched away.

Even if Wendy finally chooses to give away the Heart of God, which has no effect on him, it cannot be taken away in vain and nothing will be gained like in the game plot.

After all, which one of the Rock God, Thunder God, and Grass God didn't give it to you on their own initiative? You, the God of Wind, didn't know why, but you were kicked and taken away.

No matter how bad it is, you should exchange it for a sum of money so that you won’t have to worry about drinking in the future. Li Qiuzhi thought a little speechlessly.

"Hmph, do you think I know that clearly? You can only know the answer to these secrets by asking 'Madam' yourself." Warlock Lei Ying curled his lips and looked aside.

"Well, since you don't know, it's useless." Li Qiuzhi smiled and took two steps forward to approach her.

"Wait, we won't let you go if you don't"

Before Warlock Lei Ying could finish his words, he felt a pain in his neck and his consciousness fell into darkness and he fainted.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 2230 experience points. 】

Looking at the experience gained successfully, Li Qiuzhi felt that it was not a loss for him to be kicked by her earlier.

Although the Thunder Fire Warlock didn't explain why he was looking for the Wind God, with Wendy's wisdom after living for so many years, she must have been able to roughly guess the answer.

"I didn't expect the fools to do these things deliberately to lure you out, Wendy. What a bunch of bad guys!"

Paimon stamped his feet in the air and said angrily, his amber eyes also showing a worried look.

"Oops, so we need to hurry up and save Tevarin so they don't get a chance to threaten me with it."

Wendy still looked like she didn't care.

"We got the Sky Harp, what are we going to do next?" Li Qiuzhi said as he took the harp out of the evil eye and handed it to Wendy.

"The wind-patterned rosewood and the cool star iron strings are really missed." Wendy held the Sky Piano in her hand and said with emotion, "But if I want to use it to call Tevalin, I'm afraid it's not even close."

"Ah, why?"

Paimon wiped the golden crown, felt its cold metal touch, and asked with some confusion.

"After so many years, the power of the 'wind' on the strings of the Sky Piano has long been exhausted, and we need to replenish it."

Wendy explained while stroking the Sky Piano.

"So that's it. Then quickly guide the wind element to it and replenish it with the power of 'wind'!"

Paimon struggled to think of a suitable word to describe "filling the harp with wind elements", but in the end he couldn't think of any words and chose to give up.

"Haha, little Paimon, the ordinary method of attaching the wind element is far from effective. The concentration of the wind element is still too low, and it is difficult to maintain it all the time. Moreover, if you are not careful, you will damage the Sky Piano."

Wendy smiled and said.

"Is that so?" Pamon scratched his white hair in confusion.

"So, it actually needs the 'Wind Dragon Teardrop' to repair it. This is why Wendy collected them."

Ying took out the purified red crystal and said speculatively.

"Hehe, as expected of a traveler, I thought of it. Tevalin's tears have pure and rich wind elements. Simply dripping them on the Sky Piano can replenish the wind elements to it."

Wendy said with a smile.

"Then, without further ado, let's go and give it a try." Li Qiuzhi said without any surprise.

Ying nodded lightly, took two steps forward with her legs wrapped in over-the-knee white boots, and came to the front of the Sky Piano.

She dropped the clear crystals of Wind Dragon Tears on the strings, and they were easily absorbed by the strings like liquid. Slowly, each string had a radiant feeling.

"Wow, she has become more beautiful!" Paimon twisted his hands and feet in mid-air, looking more excited.

"It's not enough. We need more wind elements. Help me drop another one."

Wendy felt that the condition of the Sky Piano was indeed much better than before, and the wind element in it was no longer depleted, but it was still far from being able to call Tevarin.

He took out another purified teardrop crystal and handed it to Ying.


As the second wind dragon teardrop dropped, the Sky Piano burst out with a burst of light, feeling that its wind element charm was even stronger.

However, it probably wasn't enough. He remembered that there were more than two Wind Dragon Teardrops used to repair the Sky Piano in the plot.

Li Qiuzhi thought so.

"As expected, just two are not enough. Traveler and Adventurer, we have to find more ways to find more Wind Dragon Teardrops." Wendy sighed regretfully.

"Ah, why do you want to collect Tevalin's tears? Where can you find them?"

Paimon spread his hands and said helplessly.

"It's really troublesome, and if there are only a few of us, I don't know how long it will take to find him." Ying said with her hands in long sleeves clasped together under her chest.

Li Qiuzhi touched his chin and said thoughtfully:

"How about we explain the situation to Captain Qin and ask her for help. After all, the longer it takes, the greater the chance that the Abyss Order will successfully control Tevalin."

"Yes, we can also ask the knights to help us find it together. By the way, we can hand over this fool to Captain Qin. Just say that she sneaked into the cathedral and tried to steal the Sky Qin, but we stopped her!"

Paimon looked at the Thunder Fire Warlock on the ground and said happily.

"That's right. According to the previous thinking, with this handle, I believe that the diplomatic mission of the Solstice Kingdom will not dare to point fingers at the Knights in the open."

He said with bright amber eyes.

"It seems like this is the only way. I hope you two honorary knights will be useful this time and gain the trust of your captain Qin."

Wendy glanced at Li Qiuzhi and Ying and said with a smile.

"If that doesn't work, why don't you just reveal your identity as the God of Wind?" Li Qiuzhi replied with the same smile.

Since it was already six o'clock in the afternoon when Li Qiuzhi and the others took action, and it took a lot of time to hunt down the Thunder Fire Warlock, by the time they arrived at the Knights' headquarters, the night sky was already filled with stars.

Entering the hall of the Knights, knocking on the door of the acting leader's office, he found Captain Qin sitting at his desk with a sad expression.

The crisis of the Ai Feng Demon Dragon has not yet been resolved, and they have just been informed that Mondstadt's most precious treasure, the Sky Piano, was stolen by the Fools. This makes Qin not worried.

"Hey, Captain Qin, we're here again!" Paimon yelled.

Qin rubbed her temples in discomfort due to Paimon's voice. She raised her fair cheeks and looked at a few people and said with some surprise:

"Little Paimon, two honorary knights and a strange friend, what can I do?"

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 105-coin reward!

Thanks to "Sitting Whale" for the 100 coin reward!

Thanks to "Tianmo" for the 100 coin reward!

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