Along the main road through Fengqi Land, you can reach the Daupa Valley. There are three large Qiuqiu tribes here, and the Black Sun tribe is one of them.

The other two are the succulent tribe in the north and the sleepy tribe in the south.

The Black Sun Tribe is located in the east of the canyon. It was near this tribe that Diluc's underground intelligence network discovered traces of the Wind Demon Dragon's stay.

But no red crystal was found at that location, so it was most likely that the Qiuqiu people of the Heiri tribe took it away.

After Li Qiuzhi and Lisa rushed there without finding anything, he activated the "Great Illusion Dream, Senluo, Vientiane, Violent Qi and Sin-Severing Eyes" and followed the traces of the wind element to find this place.

Compared with the ordinary Qiuqiu people's camp, the Heiri tribe appears to be much larger.

There is a simple wall made of wooden boards outside, and there is a lookout tower in every corner in different directions, with a Qiuqiu man standing on it at any time with a crossbow in hand.

Such a high degree of discipline is a bit incredible for the Qiuqiu people. It is obvious that there are traces of the Abyss Cult behind it.

"Miss Lisa, let me sneak in and do some reconnaissance first."

After all, this is reality, not a game. Even with Lisa here, there probably won't be any accidents, but it won't be good if you get injured. If you can keep a steady hand, you still have to be steady.

Lisa's fair arms were folded and held under the chest wrapped in snow-white fabric, she shook her head slightly and said:

"I sense that there is a guy inside that is quite powerful for you. If you sneak in, you will most likely be discovered by it. If you get hurt somewhere, sister, I will be very sad~"

"Uh, so Miss Lisa, are you going to take action?" Li Qiuzhi was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly and said.

Since Lisa said there were enemies inside that he couldn't deal with, it was basically untrue. After all, his stealth was just optical invisibility. It didn't make much difference whether he faced powerful beings.

"That's all we can do. Little adventurer, let's make some noise and try to attract it out."

The purple skirt swayed slightly in the wind and caressed the calf wrapped in black stockings. Lisa put her index finger against her white chin and thought for a while before saying.

"Okay, no problem." Li Qiuzhi nodded and replied.

There are many monsters in the camp, but it is still their territory. If you enter rashly, you may be quickly besieged. Outside, they have no advantage of the geographical environment.

It's easy to lure them out, just launch an attack.

Just in time to practice the technique of attaching fire elements to arrows.

Li Qiuzhi took out the adventurer's hunting bow from the evil eye, and an armor-piercing arrow appeared on the drawn bow string with a slight movement of his thoughts.

Not a moment.

The fire element stored and released by the evil eye gathered on the tip of the arrow, and a blazing red light bloomed.

The whole process took about three seconds, which was much slower than Amber and Fisher, mainly because he was not yet proficient.

Li Qiuzhi hid behind the tree, using the dense leaves and thick trunks to shield himself, and aimed at the bow-wielding man on the observation deck.

His hand loosened.

The red fire elemental arrow instantly penetrated into the Qiuqiu man's head without any trace, and the bone mask became slightly charred.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 201 experience points. 】


The Qiuqiu Man on the other observation deck immediately sounded the alarm when it noticed something unusual, and then looked around, but for a while it didn't find out which direction the arrow came from.

After all, Li Qiuzhi's arrows have the extraordinary property of being invisible and silent.

Just as the Qiuqiu people were stunned for a few seconds, Li Qiuzhi's second arrow had attached the fire element and was shot.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 232 experience points. 】

As the two Qiuqiu people on the observation deck died, roars erupted in the Black Sun camp.

A group of Qiuqiu thugs rushed out of the camp. Some were holding wooden shields, some were holding axes, and some were holding explosive barrels made of large slimes.

[Level: Thirty-five] [Level: Forty-one]...

A total of nine large-bodied Chuqiu thugs appeared, and the lowest level was above level 35. It can only be said that they are one of the Chuqiu tribes that can stand for a long time in the Dadaupa Valley.

It does have good overall strength.

If Li Qiuzhi was the only one coming over, he would definitely not dare to touch their troubles and would just stay away.

At this time, they were also looking around to see where the enemy was, and two more Qiuqiu men with bows came to the empty observation tower.

After a while.

Qiuqiu shamans and charging Qiuqiu people with torches all appeared, piles and piles of darkness.

Lisa, who was standing behind Li Qiuzhi, took two steps forward on black high heels. The dark purple gemstone hanging from her anklet swayed slightly from side to side as she walked.

She patted Li Qiuzhi on the shoulder, looked behind the group of Qiuqiu people in the distance and said:

"Oh, little adventurer, look, they are indeed those inhumans from the Abyss Order."

"Ice Abyss Mage"

Li Qiuzhi's nose slightly smelled the soft and fragrant fragrance that makes people feel comfortable and is unique to girls. His eyes saw that the ice mage who followed the Qiuqiu people at the end was actually level 56.

If I had sneaked in without knowing what to do and was discovered by it, I might have turned into an ice sculpture all of a sudden.

"over there!"

The Ice Abyss Mage was indeed more powerful than the people of Qiuqiu. It felt the flow of elemental power nearby and barely noticed the faint traces of fire elements left in the air.


After receiving the instructions from the Ice Mage, the people in Qiuqiu all rushed towards Li Qiuzhi and the others.

What he saw was like a surging black tide, and a completely irresistible sense of fear rose in his heart.

Damn it! Who can resist this force?

Li Qiuzhi's eyes narrowed, and he had the urge to climb up the tree immediately. Fortunately, the thought of Lisa being by his side made him feel a little more at ease.

Control the evil eye to release the fire element, condense it into a fireball in your hand, and then throw it at the wooden shield of the shield-wielding thug.

Suddenly, the wooden shields were instantly ignited. In order to prevent their shields from being damaged, the two Qiuqiu thugs at the front quickly stopped and patted the flames with their bare hands.

A Qiuqiu thug behind with an ax suddenly jumped into the sky and struck Li Qiuzhi and the others like a falling meteorite.

"Haha, what a terrifying momentum."

Lisa gently raised her black-gloved palm upwards, and at the next moment, countless thunder elements crazily gathered from the surroundings toward her palm, as if dyeing the sky purple.

One of the lightning formed by the thunder element was pulled by the iron ax and swept towards the falling Qiuqiu thug.

Visibly watching it stagnated in mid-air for a while, the burning pain and paralysis made it struggle to make various movements to relieve the pain, but to no avail.

It didn't take long.

All the thunder elements were compressed on Lisa's palm to form a thumb-sized sphere. The rich purple color naturally turned black, like a black hole singularity in the universe.

"Bang!" The Qiuqiu thug was smashed down by the electric shock.

[Your teammates defeat powerful enemies and gain 540 experience points. 】

The honorary knight title came into effect and Li Qiuzhi gained 30% of his experience points. At the same time, the group of Qiuqiu people in front were too frightened to move.

They all looked at the "singularity" of the thunder element on Lisa's palm with fear.

Please collect it, recommend it, vote for me, and read it! Please, everyone! ╰(*︶`*)╯

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