I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 138 Summoning the Wind Dragon

"Can you guarantee your safety?" Li Qiuzhi asked after thinking for a while.

There is no such dangerous operation in the game plot as forcing one to climb onto the back of the Wind Demon Dragon.

"Don't worry, I will help block Tevalin's attack." Wendy answered with a smile while holding the Sky Piano in hand, touching her hat.

"In that case, let's start the summons."

The breeze blew her golden hair away, and her fair ears were faintly visible. She nodded her head and said there was no problem.


Wendy walked to the top corner of Star Reaching Cliff near the outermost corner of the mountain. The Sky Piano, which was full of pure wind elements, emitted a soothing and crisp music under his playing.

Like a gentle breeze, flowing into the endless space between heaven and earth.

Not long after, a dragon roar came from a distance, and the cyan figure flew past the woods below the Star Picking Cliff. The terrifying pressure scared the small group of birds and flew up in panic.

The beasts and monsters underground can't help but run around.

"Here it comes." Li Qiuzhi saw the dreamlike and gorgeous creature again. "It may fly off the cliff later. I feel this is an opportunity to climb on its back."

"It makes sense. This also has an unexpected effect, and with the blessing of my 'wind', I should be able to board it smoothly and be ready for travelers."

Wendy nodded first, and then said to Ying.

Tewarin, I will definitely save you this time, so please be patient. Wendy looked lovingly at the cyan figure that was approaching.

"Add me, and I will go up and delay time for you." Diluc crossed his arms and said calmly.

"Okay, thank you."

Ying nodded in thanks, then stared at the cyan figure rushing up from the bottom of the cliff.

The white high-heeled boots she wore covered her knees and showed clear lines. Then her body's center of gravity sank slightly, and her calves jumped forward with force, landing towards the head of the Wind Demon Dragon.

Tevalin looked at the little bug attacking him, roared angrily, opened his huge mouth and wanted to swallow the bug in one gulp, and shouted:

"Barbatos, did you really unite humans to hunt me?"

"No, Tevalin, we just want to help you." Wendy used the wind element to push Ying away, allowing her to barely avoid the Wind Demon Dragon's bite.

Yingzai stepped on the head of the Wind Demonic Dragon, and his whole body slid down its back.

At the same time, Diluc jumped neatly onto the back of the Wind Demon Dragon, and a gust of wind lifted up the huge cyan figure and appeared in front of everyone.


Tvarin raised his head and roared angrily at the sky.

At this time, it seemed to feel betrayed again. When it woke up, no Mondstadt knew it, and now its former friends actually united with others to hunt it!

This makes it less angry.

This is betrayal! betray! betray!

Tevalin's huge dragon eyes slowly turned red, and the poisonous blood infection deepened.

"Tear all of you to pieces in the storm!"

Dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, and the torrential rain roared along with the hurricane. Eventually, they formed a huge tornado with airflow rotating upwards and hit the Star Cliff.

"Oops~ I'm going to get wet." Lisa held down the pointed witch hat that was about to blow away, with a faint smile on her fair face.

The front hem of her dress slid into the inside of her legs wrapped in knee-high black silk stockings with the wind, and the skirt tail was lifted back like an escape, and swayed violently. The black silk lace shorts wrapping her soft buttocks also So it's slightly revealed.

Captain Qin raised his arm to cover his eyes. She saw the Wind Demon Dragon condensing huge wind bombs around her and hitting the two people on her back.

Then a sword light wrapped in flames scattered the wind bullet.

But soon the next wave of attacks came again.

"Jie Jie, that's right, your Fengshen has betrayed you, let your anger tear him apart!"

Suddenly, two abyss mages appeared next to the Wind Demon Dragon, one in aqua blue and one in ice white. One of them said to Tevalin in a bewitching tone.

The wind demon dragon, who was already losing his mind, became even more angry when he heard the words of the Abyss Mage!

"The Abyss Cult has indeed appeared."

Li Qiuzhi opened his golden sin-breaking eyes and stared at them. One had level 63 and the other had level 65. They were stronger than the Ice Abyss mage he met among the Black Sun tribe.

Wait, level 65?

He remembered that Fischer was at level thirty-seven and he was at level twenty-seven. Adding the two together would reveal a goal with a maximum strength of level sixty-four...

But in this case, how could we see level 65?

First of all, it's definitely not dazzling.

If you think about it this way, the most likely thing is that Fischer has become stronger in the near future, so the effect of the "Great Illusion Dream, All-Seeing Violence, Violent Energy and Sin-Severing Eye" ability obtained from her has also increased.

"Hmph~ Isn't this already expected?" Lisa pursed her lips and said.

"Lisa, let's deal with the Abyss Cult. We can't let them interfere with the travelers' purification operations."

Qin took out a one-handed sword with a guard. It seemed to be the standard weapon of the Zephyr series, a four-star Zephyr sword.

She wrapped the invisible power of wind around the sword, and for a moment it was like holding a blue storm.

Then the storm began to spread around, blocking the violent wind and rain from the Wind Demon Dragon. Lisa put down the hand pressing the hat, and the magical weapon West Wind Secret Book appeared beside her and turned the pages automatically.

"Help sister try to see how hot these lightnings are~"

Lisa smiled softly and stretched out her right hand towards the two abyss mages in the sky. Several purple magic circles spread out next to her palm.

Electric current flashed, and then the thunderstorm flew upwards and hit the elemental shields of the abyss mages.

"What a tricky human being!"

The two abyss mages felt that their elemental shields were rapidly depleting, and they quickly flashed out of the range of the thunderstorm.

When they reappeared next to the Wind Demon Dragon, a cyan wind blade condensed from the wind element flew past and struck the ice abyss mage's elemental shield.


The ice element on the shield spread instantly, consuming a large amount and freezing the water abyss mage next to him.

"Awesome, worthy of being Captain Qin!"

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect that Captain Qin could compress the wind element on his sword and slash out the wind blade. This was a very cool move.

"Haha, little adventurer brother, I will leave the Abyss Order to you. I have to help the travelers and the others have a heart-to-heart talk with friends they haven't seen for a long time."

Wendy said something with a smile, and the blue wind elements gathered on him and slowly rose on the spot, and flew towards the Wind Demon Dragon.

"Okay, be safe."

Li Qiuzhi opened the adventurer's hunting bow, and the fire element condensed on the tip of the arrow, shooting towards the Ice Abyss mage.

The fire element is very effective in consuming the ice element shield.

Thanks to "shanhaiy" for the 100 coin reward!

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the reward of 325 coins!

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