I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 143 Holy Relic·Heart of the Warrior (two in one chapter)

"In other words, do you artificially create an environment with a relatively high concentration of elemental power for me to practice?"

Li Qiuzhi said thoughtfully.

This is easy to understand. For example, Li Qiuzhi has seventy small balls formed by different elemental forces in front of him.

There are ten of each of the seven elemental powers. They are all mixed together. Now Li Qiuzhi needs to pick out the small ball of wind element. As a novice, it will be a little slower. Even after finding it, it is normal for him to not be sure for a while.

And it will consume more energy.

What Ying did was to first pick out ten small wind element balls and place them directly in front of Li Qiuzhi as if "feeding" them.

Maybe the metaphor isn't quite accurate, but you get the idea.

Obviously, this environment with high concentration of elements will make it much easier for Li Qiuzhi to practice.

"I see, smart Paimon also understands." Paimon, who was wearing a small short-sleeved shirt, also nodded, and then took a bite of the apple he was holding, and then there was a crisp chewing sound.

"Well that's it, so you try it now."

The fair-skinned right foot was stretched out from the slipper, slightly pulled back, and the ankle was pressed between the lower side of the left leg and the soft sofa.

"Okay, no problem."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and put his hands close to the floating and rotating wind element on his white palms.

He activated his character's specialty [The Gospel of the Sky] based on his feelings, trying to slowly guide the wind element in front of him to take control in his hands.

The wind element group spinning on Yingying's hand stagnated slightly.

Then two small "tentacles" were separated and led to Li Qiuzhi's hand. As expected, it was much easier to guide them with Ying's assistance than to guide them by themselves.

"Wow, it's moving, it's really moving. Li Qiuzhi, you are quite talented." Paimeng swallowed the chewed pulp and praised it, and then said doubtfully, "Hey, why did you go back again?"

Just as little Paimon said, just when Li Qiuzhi thought he was going to succeed.

The wind elements that he drew out retracted again. It seems that even if there is an environment with strong elemental power, it still needs to be practiced several times.

"How do you feel?" Ying said as she smoothed her hair that was not completely dry with her left hand.

"It's indeed a lot easier, but there seems to be an additional resistance that wants to compete with you for control of the wind element."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while, summed up his feelings and said.

"My resistance?" Ying pursed her lips, tapped her white chin slightly, and continued to understand, "This time I will let go of the control of the wind element, and I will seize the opportunity to try when it begins to dissipate. Guide them.”

"Yeah." Li Qiuzhi said softly, continuing to hold the rotating wind element ball in his palm.

With a thought, the wind elements lost her support and were about to dissipate. Li Qiuzhi took advantage of this moment to guide them again.

The cyan wind element seemed to have gained some strength to maintain its concentration, and began to slowly rotate between his palms.

"It seems to be successful. Oh, it's gone. Can't these wind elements be obedient?"

When Paimon once again thought Li Qiuzhi was going to succeed, he was disappointed again.

"It doesn't matter. I feel like I've found the trick. I'll just use this method. Let's try it a few more times."

Li Qiuzhi was not as disappointed as Paimon. He did successfully control the wind element just now, but it didn't last long.

As long as you get familiar with it a few times, I believe you will be able to get started soon.

After a long time.

Ying and Paimon continued to practice controlling the wind element with Li Qiuzhi. They yawned and felt a little tired.

Li Qiuzhi, on the other hand, has the expertise of [Abundant Life] and does not seem to feel sleepy.

Li Qiuzhi didn't notice how many times he had practiced it. Anyway, when he looked at Ying's hand that condensed the wind element, he seemed a little unable to lift it up.

My head was moving bit by bit, as if I was about to fall asleep at any moment.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the unstable wind element condensed in her hand that seemed to be dispersed at any time.

He did not wait for Ying to revoke his control over the wind element, but directly tried to guide it. This time he faced little resistance, and the rotating wind element easily came into Li Qiuzhi's hands.

One second, ten seconds, one minute, three minutes...

"Huh~ It finally worked!" Li Qiuzhi said in surprise. He felt that he could freely control the wind element.

After playing for a while, he removed the control of the opponent's upper elements. After they completely dissipated, Li Qiuzhi tried to guide the condensed elemental power without Ying's assistance.

The subtle breeze swirled in his palms. After practicing many times to become familiar with the feeling of guiding the wind element, he had successfully mastered this technique!

"Ah, did you succeed? If not, I will fall asleep."

Paimon, who was lying on the sofa with his soft thighs as his pillow, rubbed his confused eyes.

"It seems that you have studied well. Let's stop here today. After a few more days of practice, you should be able to apply it in actual combat."

Ying was relieved when she saw that Li Qiuzhi finally succeeded. She raised her hands and stretched, and her white short-sleeved vest was slightly lifted to reveal her white belly.

the next morning.

After Li Qiuzhi and the others finished breakfast, they came to the Knights, greeted the West Wind Knight standing guard at the door, and entered the acting leader's office.

"Two honorary knights and Paimon are here."

Qin, who was wearing the uniform of the Knights, said with a smile. This time she did not sit on the desk and chair in the office area near the window.

Instead, a little unexpectedly, there was a cup of steaming black tea in front of the long square table on the right.

The scout knight with a red bunny ear knot on his head also sat next to her.

"Good morning, Captain Qin, eh? Amber is here too."

Paimon first said hello to Qin, then looked at Amber with some surprise and said.

"Hey, I'm also a knight of the west wind. What's so weird here? Li Qiuzhi and Ying come over and have tea!"

Amber's fair face showed a smile, she stood up, picked up the ceramic teapot on the table, and poured a cup of black tea for several people.

"Wow, it smells so warm."

Paimon did not sit down on the chair like Li Qiuzhi and the others, but directly suspended in mid-air, held the teacup up to his nose, smelled it and said.

Qin picked up the white tea cup and put it into her soft lips and took a sip:

“This is a souvenir given to me by the Tianquan star from Liyue when he came to Mondstadt to discuss business cooperation.

"It seems to be tea produced from a tea tree called 'Dye Longxue'. According to what people in Liyue say, this special tea tree is different from the general growth pattern. Young buds will only grow on a large scale every winter. The leaves need to be nourished by snow and cold. They only have a special tea aroma when picked during the 'heavy snow' period. They are very rare, so they are precious."

"Heavy snow? Is this a day when it snows heavily?"

Ying looked at the face reflected in the red liquid in the tea cup and said with some doubts.

"'Heavy snow' does not refer to the weather of heavy snow. It is a solar term in the calendar of neighboring Liyue, a fixed day."

Amber explained.

"That's it." Ying and Paimon both nodded.

"Hey, Li Qiuzhi is from Liyue, so he should know something about it, right?"

Amber asked, looking at the young adventurer.


Li Qiuzhi paused as he picked up the tea cup. He knew about "solar terms", but how could he know about things like tea trees that were not mentioned in the game.

Well, when he had just traveled through time, he had always felt a little sorry for Amber because he had not told the truth to Amber due to various reasons.

Now I just take this opportunity to make it clear. Anyway, if you continue, you will be exposed one day. It is better to take the initiative to say it, so as not to lose your goodwill.

"That Amber is actually not from Liyue." Li Qiuzhi replied after a moment of silence.


Amber nodded twice to show that I was listening, and then opened her eyes wide in response.

"Well, that's actually the case." Li Qiuzhi patiently explained to An Bo and Captain Qin that he came from another world. "At that time, in order to avoid being misunderstood by you, I said that I was from Liyue. After all, I said that I was from Liyue. Anyone from another world would think there’s something wrong with him.”

"Well, that's what happened. If I hadn't known you for a long time and knew that you weren't a prankster, I would have thought you were joking."

Amber said slightly surprised.

"No wonder, you seemed to be an ordinary person with weak martial arts skills before. It's understandable that you hide your bizarre origins."

Qin's snow-white back was cushioned with a shawl, leaning on the backrest and nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, since it happened for a reason, I won't care about you cheating on me."

Amber's red bunny-ear hair knot swayed, her soft lips slightly curved and she said with a smile:

"Rather, I'm glad you told me your secret. It shows that I'm worthy of your friends' trust."

[Amber has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (350/400)]

"Amber is right. As an honorary knight, the Knights will always have your strong backing no matter what!"

Qin folded her hands and hugged her chest and said with a faint smile.

[Qin has a good impression of you and gains 180 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (10/500)]

Due to their high foundation of goodwill, Captains Amber and Qin expressed their understanding to Li Qiuzhi even when they heard such unexpected things, which made him somewhat relieved.

"Ahem, Captain Qin, Amber, actually I am too."

At this time, Yingye, who had white flowers on her golden hair, said with an embarrassed expression.


Captain Qin and Amber looked helpless. When had there been so many visitors from another world?

Not only did he happen to appear in Mondstadt, he also became an honorary knight of the Knights of the West Wind.

After thoroughly understanding what happened between Li Qiuzhi and Ying, Qin sighed and nodded:

"What happened to you is indeed a bit unexpected. There is indeed a certain reason for you to hide it. If too many people know about it, it will inevitably cause trouble, so we will not announce that the two honorary knights are visitors from another world. out.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. You are here to get the reward of the holy relic that I promised yesterday."

"Well, that's right." Li Qiuzhi and Ying nodded slightly.

"I have two sets of holy relics here. Because they have the same power, even if they are still in their initial state, the resonance effect of the sets can provide good power blessings to the wearer."

Qin stood up and took out two sets of golden-yellow holy relics from the Eye of God and placed them in front of the two of them.

"Ah, so beautiful!" Pamon looked at their colors and thought of the round Mora.

"Humph~ They are called 'Warrior's Hearts'. The Knights previously discovered a new secret realm, and everyone went to explore it together. That's where they found it."

Amber said with a slight smile on her fair face.

"I see, then we will accept it without mercy." Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

He remembered that the two-piece set of the holy relic "Warrior's Heart" in the game increases attack power, and the four-piece set increases damage to targets with high health points.

Overall it's pretty good.

The existence of holy relics and treasure chests are both relatively miraculous. Their essence is that they have magical power after a long period of historical precipitation.

So the way the gear carries them is also amazing.

Anyone who touches it with their hands can choose to integrate it into the body in the form of energy. In this way, even if it is successfully carried, taking it out can be done with just a thought. It is very simple.

After receiving the rewards from the Knights, Li Qiuzhi and the others had nothing else to do and were ready to leave.

According to the plan before leaving, the three of them came to the Knights to collect the rewards, and then went to the Adventurers Association to receive the commission.

Although Ying hasn't asked Wendy if she knows who the god who kidnapped her brother is, she probably knows that it's not that obscure God of Wind.

So soon she would start her next journey, but before that she needed to earn enough mora to buy some necessary supplies in Mondstadt.

After all, it would take about a month for a caravan to pull goods by horse-drawn carriage to Liyue, the neighboring country closest to Mondstadt.

She and Paimon couldn't continue to live in the open and hunt for a living, so they had to at least bring enough food and clean water.

"Hey, wait a minute, Li Qiuzhi and Traveler, you should have nothing to do now, right?"

Amber called Li Qiuzhi and them.

"Huh? What's wrong with Amber?" Pamon asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"I'm going to post your brother's missing person notice later, and by the way, I'm going to clean up some debris that was blown to the city walls and rooftops due to the storm. Are you free to join me?"

Amber said thoughtfully.

"Of course I want to go!"

Ying nodded solemnly. Accepting the commission to earn Mora can be done later, but if you want to find your brother, you must pay attention first.

"In that case, let me help." Of course Li Qiuzhi would not refuse.

"Hehe, me too."

Paimon raised a hand, indicating that he wanted to join.

"Okay, let's take a look from the roof of the Knights first. I don't know if anything has blown up."

Amber said with a smile on her fair face.

Next, everyone waved goodbye to Captain Qin, left the acting captain's office, and led by Amber to the stairs leading to the upper floor at the back of the hall.

Two girls wearing over-the-knee white boots walked on the steps with their skirts slightly twisted and their buttocks covered and wrapped by belt shorts. Their heels made a crisp sound when they hit the ground.

Thanks to "Ayato's brother-in-law" for the 308-coin reward!

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