"Hey, we are a team of adventurers here to investigate these monsters~"

Paimon slowly floated down from the sky and replied.


The gray-haired Lei Ze nodded, and the two wolves approached him, one on the left and one on the right, and licked his hand.

"Then why are you here? And you want to help us?"

Paimon put his hands behind his back and asked with some confusion.

"I, Lei Ze... and... Lupika... live here." Lei Ze said, touching the heads of the two wolves.

"Lupika? Does that mean the name of the wolf?" Paimon asked as he changed the position of his boots-clad feet back and forth in the air while tilting his head.

"Well...them, family."

Lei Ze showed gentle eyes to the two young gray wolves.

"Oh, miss, it seems that the rumors are correct. There really is a wolf boy in the Running Wolf Territory."

Oz, the night crow, said this as he flapped his wings.

"It does surprise this princess."

Fischer hugged his hands and placed them under the breasts covered by the black mesh bottom shirt and nodded slightly.

"Foreign monsters... disturb... the peace... here." Lei Ze said one after another, "I want to... be with... you."

"Are you saying that you want to help us investigate those monsters?"

Ying, who had two beautiful white flowers pinned to her golden hair, said.

"Yes." Lei Zeyan nodded briefly.

"Hehe, that's great, one more person, more strength." Paimon clapped his hands, showing a happy expression.

"Not... alone, there is Lupika... them." Lei Ze said, rubbing the heads of the two wolves at his feet.

Li Qiuzhi touched his chin and thought for a while and asked:

"Lei Ze, since you have been living here, have you discovered where they are distributed?"

Beast Realm monsters are group monsters that must be gathered together in piles. If you want to investigate them, of course you have to find them.

It's not like they just came to your door, but you took the initiative to find their nest.

After all, the adventure team has just learned how dangerous they are.

After reporting it to the Adventurers Association and the Knights of the West Wind, a large-scale cleanup of the Running Wolf Territory will be carried out as expected.

Probably even if it can't be cleared completely, it will be controlled within a certain safe amount.

Otherwise, if they are allowed to expand unchecked in the Running Wolf Territory, they will endanger the residents of Mondstadt sooner or later.

So what Li Qiu and the others had to do next was to investigate their approximate number and location.

And why these monsters appear in the Running Wolf Territory is also something worth noting.

"Lupika...can...smell them." Razer said there was no problem.

"So they also have a great sense of smell. Before we even get close, they will probably be besieged like this."

Paimon spread his hands and said helplessly.


Lei Ze was speechless for a moment.

"Hey, it's easy. Just collect some grass, knead the juice and apply it on your body to cover up most of the smell."

Bennett is indeed an experienced adventurer and has given very constructive opinions.

Even the girls' eyes suddenly widened.

"No, Paimon doesn't want to make himself stink!" Pamon said with his hands on his hips and shaking his head.

Fischer's purple-black skirt was slightly lifted by the wind, and the white thigh exposed by the above-the-knee black suspender stockings on the left looked a little red under the firelight.

She covered her mouth and coughed lightly and said, "I also feel that this matter is a bit inappropriate."

As an adventurer, it is actually very common to encounter this kind of thing. It doesn't matter if you are alone.

But making herself so embarrassed in front of outsiders really hindered the princess's dignity.

Ying, who was wearing a white dress with a slit on her lower abdomen, vaguely revealing the snow-white skin underneath, hugged her chest and nodded silently, then thought for a while and sighed helplessly and said:

"If there is really no other way, then this is the only way."

"Why don't you let me go? I have the skill of sneaking and the chance of being discovered is even smaller." Li Qiuzhi expressed his thoughts with a slight smile on his face.

"Oh, yes, Your Excellency Li Qiuzhi does possess very powerful stealth skills."

Oz, who was flapping his night wings, nodded and said.

"But if you go alone, won't you be able to run away if you are accidentally discovered?"

There was some worry in Paimon's brow.

"Don't worry, I won't get too close to those black wolves, and you can still meet me nearby."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

The main reason why he was so confident was because the battle just now gave him a lot of experience points, which were enough for him to upgrade his stealth to the full level.

[Experience Points: 9534]

With more than 9,000 experience points, it is enough to upgrade two skills.

"Great, then I'll leave it to you, Li Qiuzhi." Bennett knew himself very well. If he followed, no matter how perfect the method was, it might fail inexplicably.

Therefore, it would be the best choice to stay away from Li Qiuzhi and respond outside.

Ying and Fischer also relaxed a little. As girls, unless they really had no other choice, they would still be a little resistant to applying the grass solution.

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 180 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (215/500)]

Everyone discussed the strategy for tomorrow's action and began to clean the battlefield.

In fact, the main task is for Lei Ze and "Lupika" to find the monsters in the beast realm, and then let Li Qiuzhi go invisible to investigate.

Overall very simple.

When cleaning the battlefield, several members of the adventure team discovered that the claws of these monsters seemed to be of good quality and had extraordinary strength. They should be used as materials for forging or alchemy.

Collecting them may fetch a good price.

After finishing it, everyone started to pack up their things and prepare to find a new place to camp for safety.

After all, the original campsite was a bit unsafe.

Taking advantage of the camp relocation process, Li Qiuzhi opened his character panel and began to prepare to increase his strength.

I won’t upgrade my level this time. After all, I won’t be able to run unimpeded in the Wolf Territory all of a sudden if I upgrade to three levels.

The first is the "Stealth Assassination Technique" that needs to be used tomorrow. It only has ten minutes of stealth time at level four, which is really not enough.

Experience points-3900

Stealth Assassination 4 (0/400) \u003e Concealment·Secret 1 (0/1000).

As new knowledge appeared in his mind, Li Qiuzhi was surprised to find that this stealth assassination technique had evolved from ordinary level to secret level!

Perhaps this is because it has the extraordinary characteristic of "stealth and invisibility".

There is no need to reach the highest level to derive extraordinary characteristics like other ordinary skills, so it can directly "transform" and evolve when it reaches the highest level.

Li Qiuzhi thought with some surprise.

Now, in addition to optical invisibility, this skill also has the effects of breath blocking and silent movement, and its duration has been extended to one hour.

This way he doesn't have to bother applying grass to cover up the smell.

It's a little regrettable that not only have the skill levels been reset, but the number of experience points required for each level has also increased.

Thanks to "Duanmuci 10086" for the 125-coin reward!

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