I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 153 On the other side of the border

"They run so fast, let's keep up."

As he watched the monsters in the beast realm shuttle through space with their prey in their mouths, his amber pupils couldn't help but dilate.

Just when she was about to jump from the tree to the ground, the heel of her shoe on the branch slipped forward, causing the bark of the tree to be scratched and she fell back.

"Eh? Traveler!"

Paimon wanted to hold it with both hands, but unfortunately his reaction was a bit slow, and he only touched Ying's hair with his fingertips.

Of course, given her strength, maybe she would be torn off if she caught it.

Fortunately, although Ying was not caught by Paimeng, the direction in which she fell was Li Qiuzhi, who was sitting on the branch.

Seeing the blond girl falling down without standing firm, Li Qiuzhi subconsciously stretched out his left hand to hug her.

First there was the caressing texture of the skirt, and then it turned into the soft touch of snowy skin.

For a moment.

The back of the hand seemed to be touching the soft fabric wrapped in something slightly weighty.

There was no time for Li Qiuzhi to continue to wonder.

The girl's buttocks covered with the hem of the white skirt hit his chest directly. The impact of the weight of her entire body caused Li Qiuzhi, who was sitting on a branch with nothing to lean on his back, lose his balance and fall down.

There was a feeling of weightlessness, and the side of his face was brushed by the rising air current.

"Bang" sound.

Li Qiuzhi hit the ground on his back, and his stomach was also pressed by some extremely soft pressure.

"Ah! Are you okay?" Pamon hurriedly flew down and looked at the two of them worriedly.

Ying, who was pressing on Li Qiuzhi, sat up and found that a hand slipped through the slit in her dress and hugged her waist.

She felt a strange sensation coming from her waist and some of her ribs, and a slight blush appeared on her fair face.

"You guy, take your hands out quickly."

Ying looked down at Li Qiuzhi with a disgusted and helpless expression, parted her soft lips and said.

"Uh sorry."

Li Qiuzhi just calmed down and stretched out his hand with a little embarrassment. He didn't expect that he would reach inside by such a coincidence.

"Huh~" Ying relaxed slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable being hugged like that.

She stood up, patted her dress, and then stretched out her hand to Li Qiuzhi, who was still lying on the ground:

"Are you OK."

"It just hurts a little bit, but it's not hurt at all."

Li Qiuzhi held his white and soft hand and was pulled up. He shook his head slightly and said.

With his current physical strength, falling to the ground at this height is nothing, even if there is a person on top.

"Thank you."

Ying nodded her white chin to express her gratitude.

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 210 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (425/500)]

"Huh...that's great, you're all fine." Paimon, who was a little worried, patted his chest and said in relief.

"Let's go, let's follow quickly, otherwise those monsters will go far away."

The legs wrapped in over-the-knee high-heeled boots swung forward, and the exposed white thighs touched the bright sunshine.

"Yeah." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Although those beast-level monsters use space to shuttle and run with their prey, they cannot always sink into deep space and have to float up every certain distance.

This way, Li Qiuzhi and the others would not be lost.

Not long after, they came to a wide space with the beast realm monster hanging from a distance.

To Li Qiuzhi and Yinghe Paimeng's surprise, there were at least twenty or thirty Beast Realm hounds gathered far in front of them, and there were countless Beast Realm cubs.

"So, so many monsters!" Pamon covered his mouth in surprise, "What are they doing?"

"The space over there seems to be cracked!"

Ying, wearing long white sleeves, folded her arms up and down under her chest, and said with a somewhat surprised look on her face.

"Well, let me get closer and take a look."

At this time, it was time for Li Qiuzhi to come into play, so he directly activated the secret-level skill "Shadow Concealment" to make himself invisible.

Now, as long as he doesn't physically touch those monsters, he will basically not be discovered.

Li Qiuzhi continued to walk towards the beast realm monsters in a swaggering manner.

As for the environment, there is nothing special here. It is just an ordinary corner of the Wolf Territory, but it has gathered many beast-level monsters.

He saw the beastland hounds that had brought their prey back here before, sharing the food they hunted with their companions.


When they went out to hunt, it turned out that they were brought for the monsters here, and the monsters here were not "cripples" who were unable to hunt on their own.

Why does it look a bit like division of labor and cooperation? The division of labor and cooperation among the monsters in the Beast Realm!

One part went out to hunt for food, while the other part, Li Qiuzhi, stopped with his feet on the green grass and looked at a crack in space in mid-air.

Another part of the beast realm monsters are using their "erosion" power to dissolve and expand the space cracks.

"This is"

Li Qiuzhi seemed to understand something. If he guessed correctly, the number of beast-level monsters currently appearing in the Running Wolf Territory was only a small part.

They are trying to continue to expand the boundary between Teyvat and the Beast Realm, allowing more partners to come, including the King of the Wolf Pack in the Beast Realm, the Golden King Beast!

Unexpectedly, it was exactly what Ying guessed. Their "boss" really wanted to invade Teyvat.

Li Qiuzhi seemed to be able to feel the strong oppressive force coming from there through the dark and unclear space crack.

"This is troublesome." He couldn't help but be a little speechless.

After roughly understanding the purpose of the monsters in the beast realm, Li Qiuzhi himself had no way to deal with them for the time being. He could only go back and tell Ying and Paimon what he saw.


Paimon made a surprised sound when he heard that the really dangerous big guy was about to come out, and then asked doubtfully:

"Then is there any way to prevent them from continuing to expand that space crack?"

"There are already a lot of them here, and with the ones outside not coming back yet, our rash actions will only put ourselves in danger."

Ying shook her head and said with her golden hair shaking.

"Well, it's not impossible. I can harass them with bows and arrows from a distance. Maybe it can delay the time for the space rift to fully open."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and briefly expressed his thoughts.

At his current level, his "Arrow that Shoots Down the World" can instantly travel a distance of three hundred meters, and then the arrow will appear again and continue flying normally.

During this period, the kinetic energy of the arrow itself will not be consumed.

In this case, Li Qiuzhi's longest range can reach more than 500 meters, and it will be difficult for monsters in the beast realm to detect him from such a long distance.

Even if he is discovered, he will have enough time to become invisible and escape without falling into siege.

Therefore, the harassment he mentioned is still somewhat feasible.

The only difficulty is that he cannot aim accurately from a distance of 500 meters. Whether he hits or not depends on luck.

Thanks to "Ayato's brother-in-law" for the 101-coin reward!

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 180-coin reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20221227153429132" for the 500-coin reward!

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