I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 169 Ying prepares to go to Liyue

Even if people don't tell this guy, they can definitely guess what the purpose of Queen Winter's collection of God's Hearts is.

Perhaps that secret was of great importance and was not something they could know now, so Wendy kept it hidden.

The Heart of God may have been given out half-heartedly. Li Qiuzhi had some guesses about this based on the game plot.

"Well, before I leave, I'll give this to you, little adventurer, as compensation for taking away your treasure chest last time."

Wendy rubbed her chin, then stretched out her hand slightly as if thinking of something, and a green slice appeared in his palm.

"What is this?" Li Qiuzhi looked at him with some confusion.

"These are the scales I asked Tevalin for. They are very good wind element materials, and I also recorded an archery skill in them." Wendy said with a smile on her face.

"Archery?" A look of surprise appeared in Li Qiuzhi's pupils.

Fengshen's archery skills are so exciting that I'm a little excited just thinking about it. Could it be a skill that surpasses the secret level?

"Well, its name is 'God's Archery', which comes from the era when many demon gods existed, and it contains some improvements of mine.

"According to the current theory, it should be a secret level, but if you want to use its ultimate secret, you must master the wind element. Unfortunately, the matter of granting the Eye of God has nothing to do with me, otherwise I would get one for you. "

Wendy spread her hands and said regretfully. After all, the gift of the Eye of God actually has little to do with the god of the corresponding element.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, I know a little bit about the wind element, but I'm not very proficient in it yet."

Li Qiuzhi took the cyan scales and seemed happier.

What Wendy gave us turned out to be a skill that was even more advanced than the secret. It is said that only a handful of people will understand their own secret after reaching the peak of their martial arts skills!

And this kind of martial arts with profound meaning can also be taught to future generations if a systematic learning method is developed.

This is the so-called secret level. This is the introduction that Li Qiuzhi saw in the collection of books in the Knights Library.

He didn't expect such a rare thing, and he got it by accident today!

"Oh? As expected, they are from outside the world like the travelers and have special abilities." Wendy said a little surprised.

"Hey, singers, I don't remember anyone telling you that they are from outside the world. How did you know?"

Paimon asked with some confusion.

"Of course this is because you have an aura of 'wind' that is completely different from that of the Teyvat continent."

Wendy explained briefly.

"Huh? Why can't I feel it at all?" Pamon sniffed Ying's hair, then spread his hands, "There is only the scent of hair."

"Idiot Paimon, this shouldn't be smellable."

Her soft-lined legs, wrapped in over-the-knee white boots, swayed slowly and rhythmically, and she said in a sarcastic tone.

"When your understanding of 'wind' has reached the level of a demon, you can probably tell." Wendy nodded, and then continued, "Next, I will go to the 'Singing' to save Mora for Dilu. Mr. Ke will leave first after paying off his debt, alas."

"okay, bye."

Everyone looked at him walking towards the Angel's Gift Tavern and felt a little funny in their hearts. He was really a destitute god.

"By the way, why didn't he ask Tevalin for another dragon scale to solve this problem? After all, it is worth a gorgeous treasure chest."

Paimon put his hands on his hips and looked at Wendy's back, tilting his head in confusion.

Forget about little Paimon, I already thought of the Wind Demon Dragon with treasure chests hanging all over it. Li Qiuzhi couldn't control his thoughts and said silently in his heart.

"Li Qiuzhi, Ying, what are you going to do next?"

Half of the elastic band on the black over-the-knee leather boots sunk slightly into the inner side of Yura's snow-white plump thighs. She crossed her arms and turned her head slightly and asked.

"I want to buy some supplies in the afternoon, and then I will set off to Liyue tomorrow to go on a journey to find the next god."

Ying put her white fingers against her soft chin, thought for a while and said.

"I also want to visit Liyue, but even taking a carriage there seems a bit far. How about you find the teleportation anchor point there and come back and take me there?"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

His look of wanting to cheat and cheat immediately made Ying and Paimon put their hands on their hips and look at him with disdain.

"Although what you said makes sense, why do I feel like I'm helping you work?"

Ying crossed her arms and continued to look at him with disgust.

"That's right!" Paimon nodded solemnly.

"After all, it's human nature to be lazy. How about I pay to compensate you for the supplies you need on your way to Liyue?"

Li Qiuzhi certainly had no intention of letting them "work" in vain.

"That's pretty much it." Ying and Paimon nodded with satisfaction.

"Oh, that's a pity. I was also thinking of inviting you to go to the Benlang Territory in the afternoon to clean up the monsters in the beast realm."

Yura said with a look of regret on her fair face.

"Forget it, it will take a few days to get there." Pamon shook his head.

"Well, it's almost noon now, how about you accompany me to the Mao Tail Tavern for a drink?" Youla invited a few people.

"Hey, going out to drink in broad daylight, was Yura hurt by what those people said just now?"

Paimon said with some surprise.

"Huh, who cares about these trivial things!" Yura hugged her chest, slightly raised her white and soft chin and said while looking away.


Isn't it obvious that I care a lot? Li Qiuzhi and others thought silently.

"Hehe, okay, it's time for lunch!" Pamon said with a smile.

"Hmph, let's go then, let me invite you."

Walking near the Fountain Square, Youla led a few people up to the Cat Tail Tavern under the street steps.

At the same time, a favorable impression prompt also popped up on Li Qiuzhi's character panel.

[Yura has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (225/400)]

The Mao Tail Tavern sells basically wine and drinks, and the only desserts available are soft bread and cakes, which are generally enough to fill your stomach.

The most important thing is that there are a lot of cats here, and they don't scratch people. When you touch them, you obviously feel that your mood becomes more relaxed.

After lunch, Youla went back to the Knights and prepared to take the guerrilla team out to perform the mission. Li Qiuzhi and Ying also spent two hours buying enough supplies for the long journey.

Everything such as basic medicines, healing potions, dried meats, grains, etc. were prepared. Even the load of the two of them was fully loaded and they still had to carry large and small bags in their hands.

Li Qiuzhi spent a total of two hundred thousand molas, which made him feel a little distressed.

After returning home and waiting for Ying and Paimon to pack their things, Li Qiuzhi went out to the Adventurers Association to ask where Catherine Fisher was.

After all, Wendy used an archery skill and Tevalin's dragon scales as compensation for the gorgeous treasure chest, which meant that Fischer also had a share.

In this case, it is natural to tell her.

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