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Chapter 175 Two people in one tent (please read more)

A space three hundred meters away.

A red meteor suddenly flew out and continued to fly towards the fire element obelisk in the center of the "Black Sun Clan" camp at an extremely fast speed.

The Ice Abyss Mage, who was wandering around the camp, was startled by the fire and thought that another scary guy was coming to attack here.


It looked over warily, but all it saw was a fire elemental arrow, which suddenly hit the elemental obelisk in the center of the camp.

The cold wind of the night blew by, and a red light rose from the elemental obelisk, but nothing else happened.

"Huh? Someone dares to harass this mage!"

The Ice Abyss mage understood what was going on.

There must be a human being who wants to light up this elemental obelisk, but does not have the strength to come in head-on, so he uses this tricky method.

Thinking of this, the Ice Abyss mage looked in the direction of the arrow and suddenly disappeared on the spot.

Fischer saw through Oz's vision that the Ice Abyss Mage seemed to be coming.

She quickly reminded Li Qiuzhi.


Li Qiuzhi didn't ask if he had lit up the element obelisk. He picked up Feixie in a "princess hug" with his backhand and ran back along the original path.

He has powerful physical functions, and in this way, the two of them can retreat faster.


Fischer was slightly surprised when he was suddenly picked up, feeling the breeze blowing his hair to his face.

Then he quickly put the weapon back so as not to hinder Li Qiuzhi's running movements.

The surrounding scenery and the grass on the ground were like "fast forwarding", retreating quickly, and what was seen out of the corner of the eye was just a blur.

"Where are the damn humans?"

The Ice Abyss Mage appeared at the location where the fire elemental arrow was shot. It hovered in the air and observed a circle, but surprisingly saw nothing.

Due to the night, it did not see the two people running away a few hundred meters away.

The Ice Abyss mage held his staff at a point in the void, and an ice-white circle of light appeared, then slowly expanded until it was hidden in the night.

A few minutes later.

The results of the magic detection came back to tell it that there were no traces of humans within a radius of 500 meters.

"What the hell!"

The Ice Abyss mage cursed with some uncertainty.

After escaping last time, it became more cautious. It felt like someone was deliberately luring it out.

For a moment, the Ice Abyss mage's thoughts were flying wildly.

Without any specific clues, it decided to play it safe, lest it die without even ashes like those stupid companions who captured the Wind Demon Dragon.

With this thought in mind, it waved its staff and disappeared again.

Fischer's calves wrapped in black stockings hung on Li Qiuzhi's arms, swaying slightly as he ran. The soft elastic calves and the soft flesh on the back of the thighs pinched his arms, as if they were sinking into a sponge. Pillow feel.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Li Qiuzhi slowly stopped after realizing that the Ice Abyss mage had not caught up.

He put Fischer down, looked at her and asked, "How's it going? Has it gone back?"

Fischer bent down slightly to smooth out the wrinkles on her stockings, then straightened her golden hair and said:

"Well, the Ice Abyss mage has gone back and didn't notice the princess and you, nor did he notice Oz in the sky."

"Huh, that's good."

Li Qiuzhi breathed a sigh of relief. The last time he came with Lisa, he saw that the Ice Abyss mage was at level 60.

It's not something they can deal with head-on for the time being. If it weren't for his super long-range attack ability, this seal would have to be temporarily given up.

"The elemental obelisk has been lit. Miss, Mr. Li Qiuzhi, we can return to the camp first."

Night Crow Oz descended from the sky, nodded and said.

"Well, we should be back to the 'Good Sleepers' ahead. Let's go directly to the right and go around them."

Li Qiuzhi glanced ahead and did not choose to continue back the same way.

He and Fischer walked straight to the right to the top of the cliff, then spread their wings of wind and flew towards the sword tomb.

Time flies.

Dr. Livingstone, who was near the Seal of the Sword Tomb, discovered that Li Qiuzhi and the others had returned safely, and she greeted him excitedly.

"That's amazing, that's great! You actually released two layers of sealing barriers in one go!"

Livingstone said in surprise.

"Fortunately, I just happened to take advantage of the night to light up the element obelisks on both sides." Li Qiuzhi responded with a slight nod of his head.

"As expected of an honorary knight!" Livingstone pushed up his glasses to calm down his excitement and said, "Then only the 'good meat tribe' in the north is left. As long as the elemental obelisk over there is lit up, the sword The seal of the tomb should be broken."


She turned around, clasped her hands together and looked expectantly at the last circle of energy shield in the sword tomb.

"Well, Miss Livingstone, it seems a bit far over there. Let's rest for a night and recuperate before going there."

Oz said as he flapped his night wings.

"Yes, you can't be careless about this."

Dr. Livingstone nodded.

In the wild, if you don't pay attention to rest, you may be eaten by wild beasts or monsters at any time, and you don't know what will happen.

The bonfire illuminated the entire Jianzhong camp brightly.

Fischer took out a purple-black tent and set it up, then got in and prepared to rest.

Oz and Livingstone took turns keeping vigil to prevent monsters from appearing.

Li Qiuzhi just wanted to take out the tent, but after thinking about it for a moment, he realized that with his current relationship with Fischer, it probably wouldn't matter if they slept together.

So he didn't bother to take out the adventure tent and set it up. He came to Fischer's tent and patted the zippered curtain.

"Idiot attendant, what do you want to do if you don't go and rest?"

Fischer opened the curtain and stared at him with emerald eyes and asked.

Perhaps because she was sleeping, she temporarily took back the black eyepatch she was wearing. She was used to seeing her wearing an eyepatch, but now it was a little strange.

"Well, it's just a little cold to be alone, I guess."

Li Qiuzhi considered his words, but before he could finish speaking, a slight blush appeared on Fischer's fair face:

"Idiot! No! You don't want to!"

After she finished speaking, she quickly closed the door curtain and blocked the stupid attendant with impure thoughts from outside.

"Ha ha."

Dr. Livingstone couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Qiuzhi being rejected. It seemed that they were a couple who had just become lovers.

Li Qiuzhi rubbed his head in embarrassment, and had no choice but to set up his own tent next to Fischer's tent.

As the night passed, the sky turned white.

Li Qiuzhi and the others got up early, ate something, packed up the camp, and then rushed to the location of the last elemental obelisk.

After a long time, Li Qiuzhi and Fischer saw the camp of the "Good Meat Clan" from a distance.

"Oz, go and do some reconnaissance."

As an investigator of the Adventurers Association, Fischer is already familiar with this kind of thing.

"Understood, miss!"

Thanks to "Ayato's brother-in-law" for the 256-coin reward!

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 196-coin reward!

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