Granu's main purpose is to find someone to deal with the monsters he may encounter, so as not to have to do it himself and disturb himself from finding what he needs.

"Of course, no problem."

Considering that Fischer is still at home and has promised to take care of her for the next two days, it is not easy to go too far for the commission.

At least you have to be able to get back in time at night, otherwise it will be too late to prepare dinner.

And Sugar said it was near the Whispering Forest, so it wouldn't be too far away and it felt just right.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi readily agreed.

"Well, I originally planned to prepare other things in a few days before looking for the vine mushrooms, but now I can move forward. Thank you."

Sugar put his hands behind his back and looked at the ground.

[Sugar has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (230/300)]

Li Qiuzhi smiled when he saw the favorable impression prompt that appeared on the character panel. He didn't know what kind of abilities he would be given when Sartang's favorable impression of him reaches the full level.

I have some expectations. After all, the "Great Illusion Dream, All-Seeing Violent Energy, Sin-Severing Eye" given by Fischer is still very useful.

The most important thing is to be able to intuitively see the enemy's strength, which can effectively avoid the situation where he unknowingly provokes a powerful enemy and is then counterattacked.

Unfortunately, the favorability level is only level three now, and it will probably take a lot of time to reach the full level.

It seems that I still have to find more opportunities to get along with girls.

"Haha, it seems that we have already discussed it. That matter should not be delayed. If we leave now, we can come back early.

"It's different for me. I thought I could have a day off today, but I didn't expect that I was called by Albedo and said that he needed to use ice elements to help him do some experiments. Alas~ I just wanted to go to the pub for a drink."

Cavalry Captain Kaia spread his hands, showing a slightly helpless expression, and complained.

"As colleagues, we should help each other, right?"

Abedo has a calm expression. He is a gentle man who seldom smiles.

"Well, let's set off first." Sugar nodded lightly and walked out of the city gate, followed by Li Qiuzhi.

Whispering Forest.

The branches of the trees overlap to form a dense mesh, and the brilliant sunlight passes through it to form round pillars of light.

These lights gently caressed the sugar-colored knee-high garter stockings, and swayed quickly as the legs swung back and forth.

"Ah, Mr. Adventurer, look over there. There is a vine hanging on the tree. Let's go and look for it."

A look of surprise appeared on Sugar's fair face.

According to Sanduang, the vine mushroom is a fungus that grows in large green vines. It usually appears between ten and twenty days after rain.

The green round head in its initial state is no different from an ordinary mushroom. As it grows, the top will slowly crack like a cross.

When fully mature, the philodendron mushroom appears to be turned over.

The blooming head looks like a beige flower, so it is called "vine flower mushroom".

"Have you finally found the vine? I hope you can gain something." Li Qiuzhi has been walking around the Whispering Forest with Sugar for a long time.

There is nothing to gain from the front.

It didn't rain about ten days ago, so there are a little bit less, and they are a good hemostatic agent even if they are not treated.

Generally, people passing by will collect them when they see them.

The two of them walked towards the vines. Under the shade of the trees, they felt that the wind blowing was a little cooler.

"Well, it's hard to pull down such a big vine. Please wait a moment, Sutangyou. I'll climb up and have a look."

Li Qiuzhi said as he looked at the green vines hanging on a tree that was at least five or six meters high.

"Well, please."

Granu clasped her hands slightly and raised them up, with a shy and blushing face at all times, and said to him.

After pulling the vine and finding that it was quite strong, Li Qiuzhi pulled it, leaned his body and stepped on the trunk of the tree, and walked up slowly.

More than ten seconds later.

Li Qiuzhi was already standing steadily on the broad branches of the big tree, and the vines were still extending a little higher, but it didn't matter.

Because he had already seen the mushrooms that were exactly the same as those described by Granulated Sugar, right above his head within reach.

"Ha, I finally found you." Li Qiuzhi chuckled.

He stood on tiptoe and stretched out his hand to pick it off when a sound like a wind chime sounded in the quiet forest.

It's like throwing a stone into a calm lake and causing turbulent waves.

Under Li Qiuzhi's perception, the surrounding wind suddenly became chaotic and fled to both sides as if being pushed away by something.

There was a sense of crisis approaching crazily in his mind, and driven by this sense of crisis, Li Qiuzhi immediately gave up picking the philodendron mushrooms.

While retracting his hand, he leaned back slightly, stepped on his feet and jumped down to the ground.

Right now.

Li Qiuzhi saw a huge green wind blade cutting into the branch where he was standing.

Two arms-thick branches were cut off as easily as cubes of tofu, and all that could be seen were a few faint growth rings on the flat cross-section.

Li Qiuzhi landed smoothly on the dirt ground with many fallen leaves, and then looked solemnly along the direction of the wind blade.

On the crown of a tree next door, stood a large green bird the size of an adult duck. It had a long tail that was not feathered, a bit like the hairless tail of a mouse.

But it is green, and there seems to be a wind chime hanging at the end. The "dinging" sound just now must be caused by its movement.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Qiuzhi's eyes slowly turned golden and he opened his sin-judging eyes. He could clearly see the creature's level and weaknesses.

[Level: fifty]

"This is a monster that periodically migrates across the continent, the wind chime bird!"

As an expert in "biological alchemy", Sugar has some knowledge of many monsters on the continent of Teyvat.

So I recognized this strange bird when I saw it.

"Monster? That means it's dangerous."

Li Qiuzhi has never seen such a monster even in the game, and its level 50 strength should not be underestimated.

"I, I think so. This kind of monster likes to eat fungi. It may also be interested in the vine mushroom and become hostile to us who want to pick the mushrooms."

Sugar pushed up the round half-rimmed glasses on her fair nose and continued guessing:

"Why don't we give up on this mushroom? Although we don't know where this bellbird came from, if it can grow so big and not die during migration, then it may be very powerful."

"Well, let's retreat first."

There is a ten-level difference between Li Qiuzhi and the Wind Chime Bird, and it also has airspace advantage. It is really unwise to conflict with it at such a close distance.

However, it attacked me with vengeance, and I remembered it!

Later, when you retreat a little further, let this guy see what a real sneak attack is!

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