Mondstadt, Fountain Square.

After a few people returned here, Sugar had already taken the research materials he had harvested and couldn't wait to say goodbye to everyone and return to the laboratory.

"Sister Sugar, let's go fish fry together next time!"

Xiao Keli, who was wearing something like a red badminton ball, waved her hand and said with a happy smile.

"Fried fish," Sugar said, a little afraid to agree, fearing that she would be imprisoned if Captain Qin found out, but she reluctantly nodded, "Yeah, well, let's talk about it next time when we have time."

"Goodbye, Sugar, and thank you for the wallet. It's very cute."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile on his face.

Hearing that Cute Sugar suddenly blushed again, there was a simple drawing of herself embroidered on the wallet. If she said the wallet was cute, wouldn't that mean she was talking about her?

Sugar covered her furry animal ears and shook her head, "Ah Sugar, you can't continue to think nonsense."

He was just saying polite words normally. If he thought about it any longer, his brain would almost evaporate, and he would not be able to conduct experiments properly in the future!

"I know, I know, bye!"

Sugar quickly swung her legs wrapped in knee-length black stockings and trotted away, her cloak flying like a flag.

"He's gone. He ran faster than Keli when she went to fry fish." Keli spread her hands, a little surprised.

"Then, Keli, let's go back too, otherwise Captain Qin will find out that we went to fry fish."

Noelle said slightly worriedly.

"Okay, goodbye brother, Honorary Knight!"

Keli nodded and said goodbye to Li Qiuzhi. When she was about to leave with Noelle, a gentle and lazy voice came from the left.

"Oh~ you have been discovered, little Keli, little Noelle haha."

Miss Lisa, who was wearing a purple dress and a pointed witch hat today as always, crossed her white arms under her soft breasts and walked over slowly.

He said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah, it's Lisa, sister!"

Keli almost said the word that would have unpredictable consequences.

"Hey, how did Miss Lisa find you here?" Noelle touched his silver-gray hair with some embarrassment and lowered his head.

"Humph, the sound of those bombs exploding spread throughout Mondstadt. You guys really played a big trick! Tell me, what is going on."

Lisa asked with a hint of severity in her gentle words.

"Is such that"

Noelle told the story exactly as it happened.

"Oh, is there actually a guy from the Abyss Cult who is interested in Xiao Keli's bomb?" Lisa was a little surprised after learning about it.

"Yes, what a nasty bad guy!"

Keli thought of the Fire Abyss mage trying to snatch away her schoolbag, and she was still a little angry.

"Even so, it's true that you sneaked out to fry fish. Otherwise, you wouldn't have met the Abyss Mage at all, so you can't make excuses."

Lisa's expression softened a lot, and then she continued:

"You guys should go back first. Qin is waiting at the Knights. As for whether he should be detained or not, it depends on your attitude."

"Woo, got it."

The two girls, one big and one small, left dejectedly.

"Haha." Lisa covered her mouth and chuckled, then her emerald-like pupils moved to Li Qiuzhi, "Little adventurer, you are next~"

"Uh, no, Miss Lisa, I didn't take Xiao Keli out to play, we just happened to meet her on the road. This has nothing to do with me."

Li Qiuzhi said slightly nervously.

He thought Lisa would also hold him accountable.

"Hmm~ I don't want to tell you this, I just want to ask you for something."

Lisa came closer on high heels with golden butterfly patterns, and the insteps of her feet clinging to the opaque black stockings showed graceful lines.

"You have something to ask me for?"

Li Qiuzhi was relieved but also a little confused.

Lisa sighed and nodded and said:

"Oh, you know that Qin guy has been working intensively since the typhoon, and just now she had a cold and fever.

"Although Barbara recovered quickly, we all wanted her to rest.

"But the work that needs to be done is there, and she won't rest until it's done, so I want you, little adventurer, to find any reason to let her leave the office.

"As for the work she hasn't finished yet, I can help you first and then give her a final look."

Li Qiuzhi dilated his eyes slightly, wondering if he had heard wrongly. It felt more difficult to get Captain Qin to withdraw from work than to complete a legendary mission.

"Well, Lisa, how can I do something that neither you nor Barbara can do?"

Li Qiuzhi said helplessly.

One of you is a good best friend and the other is a biological sister and you can't handle Captain Qin. Why do you think I can complete this difficult task?

"I know her.

"As an honorary knight awarded by Qin herself, if you ask her for anything, she will definitely find a way to find a way to help you.

"After all, if any rumors spread that 'the acting captain ignored the honorary knight's request', it will affect the image of the knights, and she will definitely not sit idly by."

"Isn't this 'moral kidnapping'? How could I possibly do such a thing?"

After hearing Lisa's idea, Li Qiuzhi felt a little embarrassed, which was somewhat inconsistent with his kind and upright character.

"As long as you agree to help, how about I teach you how to develop elemental combat techniques and elemental bursts?"

Lisa pursed her soft lips and said with a smile.


The so-called elemental combat skills and elemental bursts are just the in-depth application of a certain elemental power that you have mastered.

If the level of his skill "Wind Element Control" were higher, he would probably be able to develop it by himself, but with Lisa's guidance, it would save him some time to explore on his own.

Anyway, even if you find a way to give Captain Qin a break, it doesn't seem to rise to the level of "moral kidnapping."

Just when he was wavering and hesitating whether to agree, Li Qiuzhi suddenly remembered something and asked:

"Um, Miss Lisa, do you know anything about ways to improve your mental power?"

His current mental strength is a bit weak, which means that the specialty of [Psychic Tentacles] cannot be of much use.

I had thought about finding time to ask Lisa, who is very knowledgeable, and now I just happened to mention it.

"Mental strength?"

Lisa's fair face showed some surprise. The mainstream of Teyvat continent was elemental power, and there was relatively little research on souls and spirits.

Not to mention ways to improve mental power and use it.

Of course, the lack of research does not mean that the mental power of God's Eye holders like Lisa is not strong.

It's just that without the skills to use mental power, there is no way to use it.

Just like there is "internal power" in martial arts novels, but no corresponding "kung fu".

But if Li Qiuzhi tried to use the "spiritual tentacles" he had just mastered to attack Lisa's consciousness, he would be instinctively rebounded by stronger mental power.

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