I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 192 Qin was forced to rest

Mondstadt, headquarters of the Knights.

After casually greeting the two West Wind Knights standing guard outside the door, Li Qiuzhi entered the knights' hall and knocked on the door of the acting leader's office without much hesitation.

As expected.

Lisa had come over early and took Captain Qin to sit on the long square table on the right side to drink tea.

This was the plan agreed upon by the two. Lisa would come to the acting team leader's office to chat with Qin between seven and eight in the morning, and Li Qiuzhi would just come over at this time.

This way it won't seem too deliberate.

"Hey, honorary knight, it's you, what's the matter?"

Qin took a sip of tea and coughed slightly.

Although I only had a slight cold and fever, and it was cured by Barbara yesterday, my body still became a little weaker than usual.

"Uh--" Li Qiuzhi was about to say the wording he had thought of yesterday, but now facing Captain Qin, he seemed to have forgotten the words!

No, I have to calm down and think about it slowly, don't be impatient!

Qin put down the teacup she was holding in her fair hands, looked at Li Qiuzhi who had been "uh" for a long time with a strange look, and said with a smile:

"We are all friends. Besides, you are also an honorary knight of the Knights of the West Wind. There is no need to be embarrassed to talk about anything."

She pushed back her golden hair, which was much brighter than the sun, and her delicate snow-white ears slowly emerged, and finally her hair hung gently behind her ears.

"Ahem, Captain Qin, I just have a small personal request."

Li Qiuzhi also coughed slightly, trying to relieve his tension.

After all, he has another main purpose in mind. Generally speaking, it is normal to be a little nervous. He is not a professionally trained spy.

Especially in front of friends, lying can be a bit embarrassing.

"Oh? Please tell me."

Qin looked at Li Qiuzhi with some confusion. In her memory, the young adventurer in front of her rarely came to her specifically to ask for something.

He did not use his status as an honorary knight to gain any convenience in the Knights.

Therefore, in her heart, Li Qiuzhi is a good person who is not interested in small profits, modest and kind, which is what Qin likes about him.

Today I came here specifically to see her. Is it something particularly important?

Qin thought with some doubts in her heart.

Li Qiuzhi relaxed his facial muscles, exhaled slightly and said with a smile:

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that I've encountered some bottlenecks in swordsmanship recently.

"So I want to ask Commander Qin, who is a master of swordsmanship, for advice. If possible, I would also like to learn a new swordsmanship and learn from it a little bit to see if I can find a breakthrough point."

"Want to ask me about my sword skills?"

Qin's body leaned slightly back on the backrest, and her right leg, which was wearing white tights and boots, was folded over her left leg.

She asked doubtfully:

"But, I see that your swordsmanship is inferior to mine. Is there anything I can teach you?"

Even the proud guerrilla captain Youla lamented that Li Qiuzhi's swordsmanship was so powerful that he could even comprehend the extraordinary effects of secret swordsmanship from ordinary swordsmanship.

This is something that is difficult for her to do, or in other words, those who can do this are very rare on the continent of Teyvat.

However, perhaps it is precisely because of this that his understanding of ordinary swordsmanship has reached its limit, so he came to seek higher-level swordsmanship from me.

Jean thought thoughtfully.

"Ahem, Captain Qin, I want to learn the swordsmanship you used to slash the wind blade on the Star-Zhailing Cliff."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

Although he can also use the wind element to shape it into a wind blade and cut it out, there is a slight difference from what Captain Qin can do with his sword skills when he has the blessing of a weapon.

According to the settings in the game, without the basic attack power of weapons and multipliers of skills, the power is much worse.

And since the words were said, even if the request was a bit sudden, it had to be said, otherwise the logic would not be correct and Captain Qin would become suspicious.

"I want to learn my wind pressure sword." Qin raised her white index finger to touch her lower lip, with a little surprise in her clear pupils.

Her "Wind Pressure Sword" is a secret-level swordsmanship, and it requires control of the wind element in order to use it, otherwise it will be just a show.

However, in addition to the fire element evil eye given by Lisa, the honorary knight seemed to also know the wind element information, and she had also heard about it.

There is no need to worry that he cannot meet the conditions for learning, but she has been a little busy recently and has not been able to spare time to teach swordsmanship.

"Okay, okay? Captain Qin." Li Qiuzhi looked at her expectantly.

"Yes, yes, but"

Qin's fair face showed a troubled expression. On the one hand, she didn't want to reject Li Qiuzhi, but on the other hand, she had work to complete.

"But I probably won't be able to spare time in these two weeks. So how about I come to you when I have time?"

In the end, the sense of responsibility as the acting leader trumped her personal feelings, and Qin could only politely reject Li Qiuzhi's request.


Sure enough, it doesn’t work?

Li Qiuzhi didn't seem too surprised. If he could succeed so easily, Lisa wouldn't need to come over.

However, Captain Qin had already mentioned this, and Li Qiuzhi might get offended if he continued to pester him, so he nodded and said there was no problem.

Next, it depends on Lisa's performance. He has tried his best and has not shown any flaws.

"Jin, don't you think you need a break? So take this opportunity to give yourself a break."

Just when Li Qiuzhi was about to leave, Lisa, who was wearing a purple pointed witch hat, slightly parted her soft and moist lips and said.

"It's Lisa"

Qin understood what her friend meant. She was probably a little worried about herself because she was sick last night.

“I know you’re busy, but isn’t the honorary knight’s request also your job?

"If the news spreads that the hero of Mondstadt, the honorary knight of the Knights of the West Wind, comes to ask the acting captain for advice on such a trivial matter as swordsmanship and is rejected, then our knights will be looked at strangely by everyone outside. Yes."

Lisa held her forehead and said pretending to be distressed.


Sure enough, Miss Lisa still used this trick. Li Qiuzhi thought helplessly.


Qin's eyes widened slightly, but she didn't expect that she would use her sense of responsibility to threaten herself.

But she couldn't find any reason to refute it, because she herself felt that Lisa was right.

"Haha, how about just taking a day off? During this period, how about I help you complete your work?" Lisa said with a smile.

"So you are"

Qin was not an idiot, and she quickly figured out the main purpose of these two guys, so she asked Lisa why she didn't get back to sleep today and came to her for tea.

"Oh, okay."

She trusted Lisa's ability, and she didn't want to let down the feelings that the two of them had gone to great lengths to express.

Happy birthday, Captain Qin!

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