The training ground became silent at some point.

The two invisible forces of fighting collided together, making Erin feel a little out of breath.

This was not a physical oppression, but purely a clash of momentum between two experienced warriors. This was really difficult for Erin, who had just experienced a wild adventure not long ago.

In desperation, she could only retreat slightly to the edge of the training ground, and then she felt more comfortable.

Li Qiuzhi would naturally not bite the bullet and attack Captain Qin when he didn't find an opportunity.

His eyes gradually turned golden, trying to see through Commander Qin's flaws with the "Great Illusionary Dream, All-Seeing, Violent Qi, Sin-Cutting Eyes".

What surprised Li Qiuzhi a little was that he thought that his strength of level 40 plus Fischer's level 38, a total of level 78, should be able to let the "Sin-Judging Eye" see through Captain Qin.

But there was no sign of any weakness in the upright knight in front of him.

Of course, there is no level mark that represents strength.

This shows that Captain Qin's strength is not only level 78, but should be above level 79 as expected, and there is a high probability of breaking through level 80.

No wonder she is so admired by Eileen and admired by the citizens of Mondstadt.

While his ability to manage national affairs is outstanding, his own strength is also very outstanding. He is really a perfect ruler with both civil and military skills.

However, this is not too surprising.

On the continent of Teyvat, the rulers of each country other than gods also have more or less good military force.

"Ahem, honorary knight, please come and attack. I will not fight back until you have used a full set of 'Wind Pressure Sword'."

Qin's fair face showed a serious look. Once she made a move, she would not be merciful just because her opponent was not as strong as her. At most, she would not fight back and practice with the honorary knight.

This is her understanding of the integrity and virtue of the Knight of the West Wind.

"All right."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, he never thought he could defeat her.

The first is the basic sword style of "Wind Pressure Sword". The tip of the training wooden sword is slightly raised. When Li Qiuzhi taps his toes and lunges forward, he directly penetrates the air and stabs Captain Qin.

Although Li Qiuzhi is very fast, it is nothing to Qin, even though she is a little weak now.

Relying on her understanding of "Wind Pressure Sword", she easily discovered some flaws in Li Qiuzhi's use of this swordsmanship.

This flaw was caused by the combination of body movements and swordsmanship. Since he was not familiar with the use of the "Wind Pressure Sword" in actual combat, he thrust the sword with a little too much force.

You don't leave yourself any room left, so if you need to return to defense, you may be too late.

Of course, except for those who are far superior to Li Qiuzhi in swordsmanship, most people would not be able to take advantage of this flaw even if they find it, because Li Qiuzhi will complete the attack faster.

It is too late for the opponent to counterattack.

But unfortunately, Qin's understanding of "Wind Pressure Sword" and her strength far surpassed Li Qiuzhi's.

So she took advantage of this flaw first and easily pushed away Li Qiuzhi's wooden sword, immediately revealing the unguarded hole in his chest.

If Captain Qin attacked, the battle would be immediately over. However, she agreed to wait until Li Qiuzhi had used up a full set of sword skills before fighting back, so she put the sword back without any follow-up action and stood calmly again.

Li Qiuzhi knew that Captain Qin was helping to point out some of his mistakes, so he quickly attacked with the second sword move.

In this way, the battle between the two seemed to be back and forth, but in fact it was Captain Qin who was giving advice and corrections.

However, this also made Eileen, who couldn't see any clues, exclaimed that it was incredible.

She didn't expect that this guy Li Qiuzhi could actually fight with her longed-for Captain Qin for so long!

Fortunately, Captain Qin's last sword was easily placed on Li Qiuzhi's neck, which made her sigh in relief.

Sure enough, Captain Qin is still the strongest. The honorary knight is about to go aside!

A smile appeared on Eileen's face, and her fluctuating mood finally subsided.

"As expected of an honorary knight, you have already begun to master the 'Wind Pressure Sword'. With your talent, if you insist on practicing every day, you will soon reach the next stage."

Qin put down the wooden sword lying across Li Qiuzhi's neck, and couldn't help but be surprised at his growth rate during the battle just now.

[Comprehended skill: Wind Pressure Sword·Secret 1 (1/1000)]

As soon as Captain Qin finished speaking, skill comprehension prompts on Li Qiuzhi's character panel also came one after another.

Huh, it's really good. I've finally gotten started.

Originally he just wanted to learn a common skill, but he didn't expect Captain Qin to be so generous and directly teach him the secret-level "Wind Pressure Sword"!

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but smile and said:

"Well, thank you, Captain Qin!"

"In addition to being an honorary knight, you are also my friend. There is no need to say this." Qin nodded, "I have been bored in the office for many days. Exercising is also good for my body."

She returned the wooden sword to Irene who ran over, then crossed her arms and smiled and said:

"Since the task you asked me to do has been completed, let me ask you to do it instead.

"Have lunch later and accompany me to Fengqi Di. I have rare free time and want to read a book under a tree that makes me feel peaceful and not confused."

After hearing what Captain Qin said, Li Qiuzhi smiled and said:

“It’s so rare to have free time, it’s just that you’ve arranged too much work for yourself.

"We should arrange more work for everyone that does not have to be done personally. Just like now if I want someone to accompany me to read quietly, I will definitely agree. After all, the title of Honorary Knight cannot be earned in vain.

"It is also an honor for me to be able to help Captain Qin."

"Yeah." Qin pushed her golden hair behind her ears and nodded.

[Qin has a good impression of you and gains 180 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (390/500)]

The wind rises from the ground, and behind the statue of the Seven Heavens there is a big tree symbolizing the great hero "Winnessa".

"Whenever I feel confused, I will come here." Qin looked up slightly at the crown of the big tree. "I have been following Lady Vanessa's footsteps and want to do my best to protect Mondstadt."


Li Qiuzhi knew that he was the great hero who overthrew the rule of the old nobles, established the Knights of the West Wind, and became the original leader of the Knights.

It can be said that without her, Mond would not be what it is today.

Captain Qin's admiration for this great hero feels like Irene's admiration for her.

In a sense, Captain Qin is really similar to the Vanessa she admired.

"However, after this illness, I understand that I am still far away from Lady Vanessa. How can I protect Mondstadt if I can't even cope with it at this level?"

Qin put her white palms on her chest and sighed.

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