I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 199 The End (Two in One)


The Water Abyss Mage never expected to be hit by flames so suddenly.

But it was too late to escape in a flash, as the last bit of water element in its elemental shield was instantly evaporated.

As the elemental shield broke, it fell into dizziness under the backlash of magic, and the raging tsunami slowly calmed down until it disappeared.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 3722 experience points. 】


The wind element was dispersed.

Captain Qin couldn't help stroking her snow-white chest and coughing weakly. It seemed that such a high-intensity use of the wind element still had some impact on her when she had just recovered from her illness.

"Captain Qin, are you okay?" Li Qiuzhi showed a concerned expression, "I clearly promised to rest, but I didn't expect to come to deal with the Abyss Cult's stronghold."

He complained like this.

"Of course there is no problem. Being able to clear out an abyss stronghold that threatens Mondstadt is enough to cheer me up."

A smile appeared on Qin's fair face, and there was indeed no confusion between her eyebrows that appeared due to illness.

"That's good." Li Qiuzhi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then said, "In this case, let's check if there are any other monsters from the Abyss Religion in this secret realm, and then go back early."

"Well, it's all thanks to you today, Honorable Knight, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to clear this stronghold so easily."

Qin nodded and said with her soft and red lips slightly parted.

[Qin has a good impression of you and gains 210 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (300/600)]

Next, Li Qiuzhi and the two walked through all the places that could be seen and visited in this secret realm. After finding that there were indeed no other monsters, they left the secret realm.

During this period, Li Qiuzhi also collected the materials dropped by the monsters. In addition, the materials obtained from previous adventures should be able to sell a lot of molas.

After coming out of the secret realm.

The two found that the cover-up in the cracks in the mountain wall had disappeared, and the secret portal was revealed without any cover.

"How to deal with this?" Li Qiuzhi asked a little confused.

You can't just leave such a big secret realm here and ignore it, even though there are no treasures in it.

"...Well, I will arrange for the West Wind Knight to come and take over when I go back later. There is a lot of space in the secret realm. We still need to discuss how to use it."

Qin crossed her arms and her breasts wrapped in soft and smooth fabric rested gently on her arms. She thought for a moment and said.

Generally speaking, the secret areas that have been explored are not completely useless. They can also be transformed into secret laboratories, weapons depots, granaries, etc.


It's a space with such an excellent location and very easy to guard, but it's impossible to just leave it there and wait for monsters to occupy it again.

The breeze in the forest blew by, and the golden sunset fell on the two of them, as if covered with a layer of light.

Mondstadt, headquarters of the Knights.

Li Qiuzhi and Captain Qin pushed open the door of the acting leader's office and walked in. Lisa, who was handling work for Qin, raised her head slightly and looked at the two of them:

"Oh, you're back so soon. How does it feel to be on vacation?"

Under the wide brim of the pointed witch hat is the lady's white smiling face, but there seems to be a little fatigue between the eyebrows.

I don’t know if it’s because he hasn’t stopped since he took over Captain Qin’s job.

"Not bad." Qin nodded.

"Actually, we encountered some accidents." Li Qiuzhi briefly talked about his encounter with Master Abyss.

"Oh, that's true."

Lisa held her forehead helplessly, never expecting that Qin would encounter such an unexpected thing after it was a rare occasion for her to go out to relax.

"It doesn't matter. Rather than simply resting, being able to do something for Mondstadt can cheer me up more."

The sunlight outside the window penetrated and shone on Qin's snow-white chest. She shook her head and said with a smile.

"Oh, you are so stupid." Lisa sighed after hearing this.

She suddenly lay down on the table as if she was tired, and her back arched a little.

Maybe this is a little trouble for girls.

It's not very comfortable even if you want to lie down and take a rest.

"Okay, Lisa, you don't have to worry anymore. I'm not that fragile. Let's go, let's go to the cafeteria to eat together."

Qin smiled and said.


Lisa left the chair with her buttocks resting on her skirt, straightened her skirt, looked at Li Qiuzhi with emerald-like pupils, and said:

"Humph~ Little adventurer, you have worked hard for you to accompany Qin all day long. Starting tomorrow, if you have time in the morning, come to the library to see my sister. I promised to teach you the elemental burst~"

[Lisa has a good impression of you and gained 190 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (470/500)]

"Okay, Miss Lisa, I'm looking forward to it."

Li Qiuzhi said with a happy expression on his face.

At night, the stars appear as expected.

Luoluobei Street, the small rental yard of Youla's family, when Li Qiuzhi returned here, he could already hear the chirping of insects in the yard.

Two fireflies emitting a little light flew in front of me.

Just now, when she was about to come back from eating in the Knights' cafeteria, Miss Lisa took out her pocket watch and looked at it. She found that it was still early and asked him to explain the knowledge of developing elemental combat skills and elemental bursts.

This will save you the time of having to figure it out tomorrow.

In fact, both of these can be slowly explored once one has mastered the elemental power to a certain extent. Lisa's guidance only speeds up the process.

Overall, Li Qiuzhi benefited a lot and is looking forward to future studies.

Just when Li Qiuzhi wanted to use the key to open the door.


The brown wooden door was opened from the inside, and a girl with smooth blond hair appeared behind the door. It was little Amy.

She slightly raised her white chin and said in a haughty tone:

"Humph, why did the stupid servant come back so late?"

"I asked Miss Lisa some questions at the Knights, and I came back a little late. It seems that Her Royal Highness has successfully completed her mission today, but why don't you go home and take a look?"

Li Qiuzhi was a little confused. Fischer hadn't been home for two or three days. Aren't her parents worried?

"The two of them are also adventurers, and they often go abroad to very far places. Anyway, they go back alone. I thought about it and decided to come over and accompany you, this idiot servant."

Wearing long black silk sleeves, Fischer folded his hands on his upper abdomen, showing a "Thank me" look.

"I see."

Li Qiuzhi nodded in understanding, then smiled softly, took two steps forward and got closer to Fischer, and they could even feel each other's breath.

Fischer had a slightly proud expression, a light blush appeared on his fair face, and silently glanced to one side.

She didn't retreat because of this, but seemed to be waiting for something.

Li Qiuzhi naturally understood this. He put his arms around little Amy's back and asked her to stick to him.

He touched the tip of Fischer's nose with the tip of his nose, and then touched her aqua-glossy lips.

Fischer slowly closed his eyes and responded proactively.

I don’t know why, but today when I went to the Star-Zhaing Cliff to investigate the monster’s lair, I suddenly felt a little lonely without the stupid servant around.

Obviously Oz is always around, so there is no problem in being alone.

Is this what happens after becoming lovers? I really can’t figure it out, and of course I don’t need to figure it out. Anyway, this guy is here, just come over if you want to see him.

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised that little Amy had become so proactive.

He brought the wooden door behind him with his feet, kicked it shut slightly, and then his right hand around Fischer's waist slid down her spine, held her hips through the purple-black skirt, and picked her up.

Fischer's legs, wrapped in panty-style semi-transparent black stockings, had to open and lift a little in order to support his body, and then her soft calves overlapped to hug him.

The warm body temperature was transmitted to Li Qiuzhi's waist through the thin fabric.

After a while, Li Qiuzhi walked towards the living room, and then he threw Fischer down on the light blue soft sofa.

The bodies of the two people slowly sank in, as if falling into a pile of cotton.

The morning fog dissipates and the sun shines through the clouds.

The next morning, after breakfast, Li Qiuzhi looked at the time and went to the library to find Miss Lisa to learn about the outbreak of elements.

Fischer also went out to the Adventurers Association to complete today's investigation work.

For the next half month, the two of them had similar lifestyles. They would come home to have sex at night and go out to work during the day.

During this period, Li Qiuzhi was not only learning elemental combat techniques and elemental burst development techniques with Lisa from 8 to 9 in the morning, but then he went to the Adventurers Association to accept commissions.

Considering that little Amy would almost always come back at night, Li Qiuzhi rarely accepted commissions that had destinations that were far away and could not be rushed back in the evening in order to cultivate a relationship with her.

Sometimes I also receive commissions such as finding things, temporary helpers, temporary guards, and experimental assistants in Mondstadt.

Since he doesn't have to face monsters, the risk is not high, which makes him make money a little slower.

In the same way, there are no monsters to fight, and the acquisition of experience points is also slower.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi did not think that he had fallen. After all, getting tired of being with Fischer was equally important.

Well then it took almost ten days.

He sold the monster materials that he had collected before, as well as the unused but still useful things, such as the repeating crossbow taken from the treasure thief group.

Just barely made 1.5 million Mora.

Adding this to the 1.25 million molas that Li Qiuzhi originally owned, his family fortune came to 2.75 million molas.

The crafting fee for making four-star weapons in the blacksmith shop is two million, which is enough now.

I originally wanted to see whether Wagner had forged his "Moonlight Epee" on this day. If it was completed, I would take it back by the way.

But in the past, I was told that it would take a few more days.

Although Li Qiuzhi was a little disappointed, he also understood the difficulty of forging four-star weapons, and it was natural that it would take longer.

Moreover, there are still forging blueprints, just follow the steps above. Only Wagner, a master who has studied the art of forging deeply, can do it at such a speed.

If there are no blueprints and you want to forge a new four-star weapon, you must start with the design blueprints and study the properties of various materials and so on.

Calculate it this way.

Without the help of outsiders, even Wagner would have to study for ten years or more before he could come up with a new four-star weapon forging blueprint.

Wagner said that the biggest dream of every blacksmith is to develop a four-star forging blueprint entirely created by himself.

And pass it down. If someone uses the four-star weapon he developed to accomplish any great feats, then this blacksmith will become a legendary blacksmith in the forging world.

This is a reputation similar to that of a legendary adventurer. If you get it, you will become the object of desire for your descendants.

As for the legendary five-star weapon, it is not something that humans can research, and it is incredible to even forge it according to the blueprints.

If word spread, it would be enough to cause shock in the entire Teyvat forging world.

That day, Li Qiuzhi heard Wagner boast about many legendary stories among their blacksmiths. When he left, he was still confused and didn't know whether it was true or false.

And in the five days after leaving the blacksmith shop.

Li Qiuzhi finally mastered the elemental combat skills and elemental burst under Lisa's guidance.

The elemental combat skills he developed are based on the elemental shield of the Abyss Mage. When activated, it can form a constantly rotating wind elemental shield to surround himself.

It can deflect some less powerful attacks, and it also has enough "shield capacity" itself.

In the process of developing this elemental shield, Lisa, who had a deep research on elemental power, helped him a lot.

And in order to achieve the desired effect, Captain Qin, who holds the Eye of the Wind Elemental God, was even invited to help with research from time to time.

In the end, Li Qiuzhi felt that the performance of this elemental combat skill had surpassed the elemental shield of the Abyss Mage of the same level!

Then his elemental burst was based on Captain Qin's suggestion and was based on her elemental burst.

Expand a wind elemental field around yourself, which can cause wind elemental damage to the enemy and at the same time heal the injuries of your own people.

This can be regarded as making up for Li Qiuzhi's shortcomings in having no cure.

In order to let Li Qiuzhi realize the healing properties of the wind element, Captain Qin would activate the elemental burst every one or two days for Li Qiuzhi to experience it carefully.

He was very grateful for this.

After finally mastering the elemental combat skills and elemental bursts, it was natural to give them a name.

In terms of naming, he felt that it was just plain and simple.

So he named his elemental combat skill "Dandelion Shield", and the elemental burst was also called "Windwheel Chrysanthemum Barrier".

They are all names of plants related to wind.

Lisa and Qin said it was very tasteful.

The name of one of their elemental bursts is "Rose's Thunder", and the other's is called "Dandelion Field".

There are also the names of the flowers in it.

Haha, after all, she is a girl, and it is normal to like some beautiful flowers and plants.

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