I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 201 Return and start again

Ying and Paimeng washed their faces, then sat at the dining table with Li Qiuzhi and the others and started eating.

"By the way, are you two a couple now?"

Paimon, who was eating a mouth full of grease, looked at Li Qiuzhi and Fischer, who were sitting next to each other and seemed to have become very intimate, and asked doubtfully.

"No, no," Fischer blushed and turned away, denying in feeble words.


Ying and Paimon were speechless. There was nothing wrong with admitting this.

But they also knew that although Fischer said all day long that she was the princess of Youye Pure Land, she still pretended to be majestic.

But sometimes I can be surprisingly shy.

Just like this.

So they didn't continue to ask her, and then looked at Li Qiuzhi with somewhat curious eyes.

"Well, that's about right. It was fine the other day."

Li Qiuzhi did not hide anything, and simply told the two of them that when he said goodbye to Fischer on the street outside the Adventurers Association that day, he subconsciously kissed her.

"Is that so? I thought there was a romantic process, but I didn't expect that it was you who secretly kissed Fischer while she wasn't paying attention."

Paimon spread his oil-stained hands and looked at him with some contempt.

Ying also thought the same thing. If she was secretly kissed by this guy, she would have to be beaten up in public, but she couldn't let him go so easily.

Uh, why should I be myself? Ying shook his head and shook off the images that should not have appeared in his mind.

"Haha. By the way, let's talk about your story. Where are you now? Did you find the teleportation anchor in the wild and teleport back?" Li Qiuzhi touched his head awkwardly and tried to change the subject.

"Well, it shouldn't be considered the wilderness. Paimon and I have entered the territory of Liyue and arrived at a place called 'Stone Gate'."

Ying ate a piece of soy-fried pork, then slightly extended the tip of her pink tongue to lick her lips and said.

"The 'Stone Gate' is the only way for Mond and Liyue to travel... Well, this is what I read in the book."

Fischer blinked his right eye, which was not covered by a black patch.

Shimen Li Qiuzhi himself was somewhat impressed.

After passing the Shimen and continuing forward, it seems to be Dihuazhou, then Wangshu Inn, and finally through Guiliyuan to Liyue Port.

"So it's almost here."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"Not fast at all, there's still half a month to go." Pamon shook his head and said.

"Fortunately, we found a very conspicuous 'teleportation anchor' on the street and teleported back quickly. Feng Dian has been sleeping in the open for so long and wants to have a good sleep."

Ying said as if she was a little tired of living in the wild.

Although when she first woke up, she lived alone in the wild for a long time.

But after finding a good place to live in Mondstadt, I didn't want to go back to the life of living in the open air.

"I see, so you guys want to come back and rest for a day or two before setting off, right?"

Li Qiuzhi understood.

"That's right, that's pretty much it. I'll also replenish some supplies that are commonly used."

Paimon nodded his head lightly, and then continued:

"Are you going to set off with us this time? Anyway, we have already arrived in Liyue. It would be nice to see the scenery along the way."

After hearing Paimeng's words, Li Qiuzhi thought for a while.

I found that I didn't seem to have anything important to do in Mondstadt, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to set off to Liyue to start a new journey.

"By the way, Your Highness, do you want to go to Liyue to see us?"

Li Qiuzhi decided to go to Liyue, and then he asked Fischer on the side.

The two were still in the period of passionate love. According to Li Qiuzhi's idea, of course they couldn't just go, which resulted in Fischer being left out in the cold. He had to invite her to see if she wanted to go together.

"Hmph, if you want to go, go ahead. I am an investigator working for the Adventurers Association, and I am usually very busy."

Fischer raised his white chin slightly and said with a "hum".

Because of her excellent investigative skills, she can easily handle many investigative tasks in the association.

Especially a request to investigate the movements of monsters that would be dangerous to others.

Generally speaking, the Adventurers Association would prioritize these tasks for people with excellent investigative abilities, so she basically had no shortage of tasks to do every day.

Fischer is also quite happy with this. After all, it is easy for her and the commission fee is large.


The main reason is that she also knows that she is here, so it will be easier for Li Qiuzhi to come back, and he will not be unable to see her for a long time.

Then I was too lazy to ask for leave to go to Liyue with this guy.

"All right."

Li Qiuzhi was not too disappointed. After all, there was a teleportation anchor point in Liyue Port, so it would not be difficult to come back.

At this moment, the two people's thoughts were highly similar, and they could only be said to be lovers.

"Well, let's take a day off tomorrow and go out to buy supplies, and then set off again the day after tomorrow."

Ying thought for a while and said.

After dinner, everyone continued chatting for a while, then took a shower and went to bed.


After breakfast, Li Qiuzhi went out with Ying and the others to replenish some supplies.

Especially what Li Qiuzhi needs to prepare himself.

The main thing is water and food, other things like tents are already there.

After buying supplies, it was noon.

Everyone had lunch outside, and then continued to hang out for a long time before returning home at three or four in the afternoon.

Fisher happened to come back at this time, so everyone made some snacks together and had an afternoon tea party.

Soon the afternoon passed, the sky darkened, and it was night time.

In this way, after having dinner again, taking a shower and going to bed, the whole day of rest and vacation passed like this.

It's a new morning again.

Except for the "Moonlight Heavy Sword" Li Qiuzhi carried on his back, everything else he needed to bring was placed in the load-bearing space of the evil eye of the fire element.

After saying goodbye to Fischer, he went to the Knights headquarters with them.

By the way, I told Captain Qin Lisa and the others that they were going to travel to Liyue for a while, and everyone came to the teleportation anchor point under the spire of the Knights' headquarters.

Holding each other's hands, as the teleportation anchor was activated, several people felt that they were suddenly plunged into darkness, and then a few seconds later the scene appeared in their field of vision again.

In front of him was a teleportation anchor point emitting blue light, which seemed to be on a wooden platform at a corner of the street. Outside was a cliff with a high drop.

Pedestrians passing by on the street were slightly surprised when they saw the sudden appearance of several people.

However, as a fantasy world, anything can happen. It's just a few people appearing out of thin air. What's the point of curiosity?

How could it not be strange?

Even for Teyvat, this way of appearing is still a bit too showy.

Really not used to the feeling of being surrounded, Li Qiuzhi and the others ran away as quickly as possible to avoid being blocked and asked questions.

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 480 coin reward!

Thanks to "lovely, Xiaobai" for the 500 coin reward!

I'm out for something, so I haven't had time to check the second chapter yet, so I'll update it later.

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