There are so many people looking for immortal magic for the "Five Sword Sect". If they all asked them how many millions they would get, they would go bankrupt on the spot!

Qiu Shicai and the others had no choice but to leave after they couldn't get the money. After all, he couldn't force it on them.

But after that day, they became more and more angry and couldn't sleep.

So he was smart and came up with a plan.

Don’t you want to cultivate immortality? Then I will become an immortal and teach you. As long as you successfully kidnap this little guy, why bother to find the art of cultivating immortality?

Just ask his father Zhao Kuo to get it!

"Oh? Do you want to learn my magic?" Qiu Shicai looked at the little boy pretending to be serious.

"Yes!" the little boy Zhao Bing replied.

He grew up listening to the stories of the Emperor, and wanted to be like him, so he was very interested in immortal magic.

Today he unexpectedly met this person who claimed to be the true successor of the emperor. He was surprised and surprised. His first reaction was disbelief, but there was hope in his heart that made him stay to see if he was true.

The story he told later seemed like a personal experience, and he also used talismans that only immortals can know!

What he saw with his own eyes made Zhao Bing choose to believe that he should be the disciple who had received the true inheritance of the Emperor, and he couldn't be wrong.

He didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he asked the half-immortal master to teach him the magic of immortality.

"Haha, I see your firm determination to seek truth in your eyes.

"If you want to learn how to cultivate immortality, I can teach you, and I won't even charge you any money, but you must pass my test."

The corners of Qiu Shicai's mouth raised slightly, and he kept telling himself that he was about to succeed. He must perform well at this time and not miss.

"No matter what the test is, please tell me, I will definitely pass it!"

Zhao Bing clenched his fist and said.

This half-immortal master saw that I was determined to seek the truth and actually refused to accept any money. He was indeed a disciple who had received the true inheritance of the emperor. He must also want to find a successor.

I don’t want the immortal magic I learned from the Emperor to be lost.

I, Zhao Bing, am fourteen years old now, and I have been searching for the Tao steadfastly for four years. Have I finally received the mercy of the immortals today?

"Humph, the test is very simple. Although I know that you are determined to seek the truth, if you want to practice immortal magic, you must avoid the world and not be disturbed by the distractions of the world.

"So, you must let me see that you have the perseverance to endure a lonely life in the mountains, and then I can teach you the magic."

Qiu Shicai stroked the long black beard on his chin and said.

"Okay, Master Half Immortal, please tell me what I need to do?" Zhao Bing naturally agreed without hesitation.

"It's a simple matter. You and the half-immortal go to the wilds of Ogihua Prefecture and live in the "morning dew in the morning and clouds in the evening" life for a few days. I will be able to tell whether you have the talent to cultivate immortality."

Qiu Shicai said with a smile.

When you leave with me, you won’t be at my mercy!

Hey, boy, what kind of immortality can a good young master cultivate?

Zhao Bing's eyes lit up, yes, this is how cultivating an immortal should be.

Just when he was about to agree, the attendant beside him said anxiously:

"No, young master, there are not only wild beasts but also many monsters in the wild. How can you live in that kind of place?!"

"Since immortals can do it, how can I cultivate immortality if I can't!"

Although Zhao Bing has a gentle personality, he is also stubborn and can't be pulled back by ten cows, just like he pursues immortality and wants to become an immortal.

"Yes, it is your destiny that I am willing to give you a chance. It just so happens that I am free now and can set out to test you for two days, or you should miss it."

Qiu Shicai felt that he had grasped the little guy's emotions, and he was so excited that he almost laughed.

Next, there are no surprises.

What the young master of the "Wudao Sect" wants to do is beyond what a follower can persuade him to do.

The onlookers, who were mostly old people and children, seemed to be deceived. In fact, they were frightened by the fact that the Void Burning Talisman in his hand pointed the two people to find the treasure.

Seeing the so-called half-immortal leaving with the little boy, and the boy scolding his entourage not to follow him, Paimon also felt a little strange:

"It seems like something is not right. Should we follow up secretly to take a look?"

"Didn't you think that guy was pretty powerful just now?"

Ying put her hands on her waist, her white fingers slightly bent and pressed against the lower abdomen covered by the white dress, and looked at her with a "scratch" expression on her face.

"Isn't that because I don't know much about the Immortal family's talismans? Then I thought about it and it didn't seem too difficult to do this kind of thing. It felt like some kind of 'trick' done by a busker on the street."

Paimon spread his hands and said.

"Well, we really can't just sit idly by when there is such an obvious problem. Let's just follow them and see what they are up to."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and said.

Just now, he briefly turned on the Golden Judgment Eye in the crowd and looked at the so-called half-immortal. He was only seventeenth level and was about the same as an ordinary West Wind Knight.

There is no need to worry about any danger at all.


Ying and Paimon are also kind-hearted people. They have this idea in the first place. In short, they cannot let the villain's conspiracy succeed.

After a while, the onlookers here slowly dispersed.

The young man who should be the little boy's entourage should have gone back to inform the little boy's family.

It seems that he is a wealthy family in Liyue who can afford to hire an entourage.

If it was really a kidnapping scene, then we would rescue the little boy who was deceived because he was new to the world.

I can't help but give 1.8 million molas as a thank you.

Hey, this kind of thought is basically what normal people would have, but he didn't save people just for profit.

After all, he is essentially a good young man of the new era who is friendly to others and willing to help others within his ability. He won't mind even if he doesn't receive thanks when the time comes.

Li Qiuzhi thought with a smile.

On the wild road from Shimen to Dihua Prefecture, Li Qiuzhi and Ying secretly followed the middle-aged man to see what he was going to do with the little boy.

After all, even if I had doubts about him, I still judged based on general logic that he was some kind of person with evil intentions.

But now they haven't done anything, and it's hard to do anything without evidence.

If a thief shouts "Catch the thief" and beats him up, it will be troublesome.

In this regard, both Li Qiuzhi and Ying were relatively stable. As for Paimeng, after flying with him for a long time, he lowered his shoulders and started shouting that he was hungry.

But there is no choice but to endure it for now.

When it was close to noon, the middle-aged man and the little boy in front of them slowly walked to the wilderness where there were few people.

"Stop it."

Qiu Shicai's body in gray robe stopped moving and said with a playful smile on his face.

"Hey, are you here, Master Half-Immortal?" the little boy Zhao Bing looked around and asked with some confusion.

"Ha, young master, it seems that your father dotes on you too much. With your intelligence, how can you inherit the 'Five Swords Sect' in the future?"

Qiu Shicai shook his head and said.

At the same time, two figures appeared in front of the road. They were the two people who had said they were going to find the treasure - the young man wearing a turban and the fat man with a round face.

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