I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 206 Suppression (please follow up)

Liyue, on the outskirts of Shimen.

Two people in the world were fighting with the disciples of the "Guhua Sect". Li Qiuzhi walked towards the little boy who was tied up and thrown aside in hiding.

Ying is also ready to intervene in the battlefield at any time.

Not long after, Li Qiuzhi touched the little boy's side. At this time, he suddenly appeared and startled the little boy, making him scream.

The people who were fighting were all attracted and stopped temporarily to look over.

Qiu Shicai noticed that a stranger was approaching his "financial owner". He was startled and hurried over using Qinggong footwork.

Li Qiuzhi chuckled, picked up the little boy and ran back.

He did this deliberately to attract the attention of the kidnappers so that they could chase him.

Ying was lying in ambush a little behind and could give him a surprise later.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

When the middle-aged man was chasing him, Ying suddenly emerged from the woods on the side of the road and knocked him out neatly.

After all, he only has some strength among ordinary people, and has no resistance at all to Ying, who is already at level 42.

That's right, Ying and Paimon improved two levels in the half month they went to Liyue, which was very fast.

It can only be said that he was a powerful person who could once raise his head to look at the night sky and point at any star to travel there.

The remaining young man wearing a turban was very surprised when he saw this and wanted to run away quickly, but was stopped by Sun Yu, a disciple of the "Guhua Sect", and his junior sister Xiao Que'er.

"Get away!"

Yao Liang shouted with an angry look on his face.

"Hmph, that's a nice thought, do you think you still have a chance?" Xiao Que'er said sarcastically.

She and her senior brother directly used their long swords to stop the thief in front of them.


Yao Liang clenched his fists. He couldn't even beat this woman just now, let alone another man now.

There was no other way. He sighed and collapsed on the ground, unable to do anything but surrender.

Since there was no rope, Sun Yu knocked the thief out directly, and then he and his junior sister walked towards Li Qiuzhi and Ying.

"Thank you both for your help. Who are you?"

Sun Yu first bowed his hands and thanked him, and then asked in confusion.

"Wait a minute, it's not two, it's three."

Before Li Qiuzhi or Ying could answer, little Paimon who was hiding aside hurriedly rushed out.

She couldn't help in the fight, but being thanked was something you couldn't miss.

"Where did the mountain monster come from?"

Xiaoque'er looked at the flying thing that suddenly appeared and shouted sharply.


Paimon quickly stopped the flying figure, then covered his mouth and hid behind Ying, his little hands pressed on her white shoulders, his head popped up slightly and he looked at the girl in front of him fearfully.

"Paimon is not a monster!"

Ying saw that Paimon had been misunderstood, with an angry expression on his fair face, and his amber eyes staring straight at her.

Li Qiuzhi also frowned when he saw this situation.

When they reported their names earlier, Li Qiuzhi knew that these two people were characters who had appeared in the game. They were from the "Guhua Sect" and were often seen in daily tasks.

Among them, the senior brother has a stable character and wants to revitalize the "Guhua Sect".

But his junior sister, Xiaoqueer, was far behind. Not only was she weird and bad-tempered, it turned out to be the case when she saw her today.

"Junior sister!"

Seeing that his junior sister didn't see the situation clearly, Sun Yu yelled harshly at him without thinking, then he cupped his hands to Paimon behind him and said:

"I'm sorry, Lord Paimon, it was my junior sister who offended me, please forgive me."

"Lord Paimon, hehe, okay, I don't care~"

Upon hearing such a novel title, little Paimon quickly forgot about the unpleasantness just now, and waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

"Senior brother, how can you talk to outsiders!"

Xiaoque'er didn't seem to understand what was going on, so she pulled her senior brother's arm and complained.

"Junior sister! Why don't you apologize to me quickly!"

Sun Yu was really helpless towards his junior sister, and it was better to take her out to bump into more walls, so as not to collide with any powerful people in the future.

Xiao Queer rarely saw his senior brother scolding him so loudly, and a feeling of grievance suddenly welled up in his heart.

Didn't you just shout when you saw a strange flying guy? Senior brother, how could you do this to me?

The more Xiao Queer thought about it, the more aggrieved she became, and then she ran back.

"Hey, junior sister!"

Sun Yu tried to hold her back, but failed. He could only watch her back running further and further away.

In desperation, he could only hold fists with Li Qiuzhi and apologize again, and then hurriedly chased his junior sister to prevent her from causing any trouble alone.

"Well, you are really a weird little junior sister."

Paimon spread his hands and said silently, and then stamped his feet in the air angrily:

"That guy actually called me a mountain monster! No, I have to give her a bad nickname too!"

"Well, this time I agree with Paimon!" Ying put her hands on her hips and nodded with a smile.

"Well, in that case, let's call her 'the grumpy little junior sister'!"

Paimon rubbed his chin with his tiger's mouth, thought for a few seconds and then said with bright eyes.

"What a nickname."

Li Qiuzhi complained, and then heard the little boy he was holding say: "Hey, who are you? Are you here to rescue me? Put me down quickly."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I almost forgot." Li Qiuzhi then realized that he seemed to be carrying someone else.

While putting the little boy down, he guided the wind element to cut the knotted rope around him, and "poof" the little boy fell directly to the ground.

"Hey, why don't you be gentler!"

Zhao Bing patted his pants and stood up, complaining.

"Humph, we are your saviors, can you have a nicer attitude!" Pamon said to the little boy with his hands on his hips and some dissatisfaction.

Why does he feel like that "irritable little junior sister"?

"Ahem, this is indeed the case. I am Zhao Bing, the young master of the 'Wudao Sect'. In order to thank you, would you like to follow me to the 'Wudao Sect' to talk about it?"

Zhao Bingyou hugged his fists and said.

"Uh" Paimeng rubbed his head and looked left and right at Ying and Li Qiuzhi, a little unsure of his decision.

"Forget it, I just happened to save you on the way. We have to rush to Liyue Port next, so we won't waste any more time."

Ying shook her head, and the golden hair on her forehead and side of her face also swayed.

Hearing this, Zhao Bing's eyes widened and he quickly said: "How can this be done? You saved me as the young sect leader. If you don't show any thanks at all, what will others think of our 'Five Sword Sect' if word spreads?!"

Why don't you just give me something valuable? What nonsense? Li Qiuzhi thought silently in his heart.

Of course, in order to protect his image, he did not say this, but nodded gently in coordination with Ying.

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