I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 208 The Red Devil (please read)

Ogihua Prefecture.

Walking on the dirt road, the breeze blows gently.

The white ribbon on the blond girl's scarf flew up slightly, waving in the wind like the horsetail grass by the river in the distance.

"Hey, look, are they the 'irritable little junior sister' and her senior brother just now?"

Paimon crossed her arms, and some wrinkles appeared on her sleeves. With sharp eyes, she saw the two people sitting on the shore saying unexpectedly.

"It seems like they are fishing. Do you want to go over and have a look?" Ying glanced at Li Qiuzhi with her amber eyes.

After all, the two disciples of the "Guhua Sect" also helped save the little boy named Zhao Bing.

Now that the little boy was brought back safely by his father, it would be a good idea to tell them.

"How about forget it, that 'irritable little junior sister' has a really bad temperament."

Li Qiuzhi didn't want to deal with people with bad tempers.

"Well, it seems it's too late, they have already noticed us." Pamon raised his finger and pointed forward.

Sun Woo was waving to them.

"It seems there is no other way. Let's go over there."

Ying gently patted her fair cheek with her palm, nodded in response and walked over.

"Oh, okay."

Li Qiuzhi showed a helpless expression.

You can pretend not to see it and leave without being discovered.

But since he was discovered and the other party greeted him, it would be a little rude to just leave like this.

There was no other way, Li Qiuzhi and the other three could only walk towards Sun Yu and his junior sister.

"Sun Yu and the 'irritable little junior sister', why are you here?"

Paimon spread his hands and asked with some confusion.

"You 'mountain monster', who do you think is irritable!"

Before Sun Yu could answer, Xiao Queer heard the nickname "Cranky Little Junior Sister" which obviously referred to her, and as expected, she became really irritable!

"As I said, Paimon is Paimon, not some 'mountain monster', you are this hateful 'irritable little junior sister'!"

Paimon glared hard at Xiaoqueer and retorted unceremoniously.

Seeing that the two seemed to be quarreling, both Ying and Sun Yu quickly pulled their men behind them.

"Sorry, my junior sister has a bad temper, but she is also a good person who often does justice. Please forgive me."

Sun Yu cupped his fists and said with a bitter smile.

"Haha, okay, actually we don't care." Li Qiuzhi said with a generous smile.

By the way, it's quite interesting to watch Paimon and Queer bicker.

"Huh, thank you." Sun Yu nodded, and then asked about his main purpose of stopping a few people, "I was unable to see the aftermath of the incident because my junior sister was having a temper. Is that boy safe?"

"Hey, of course, Paimon and the traveler will take charge of this, uh"

Paimon looked at Li Qiuzhi as if he had remembered something and continued:

"Plus this guy. Not only has the boy been taken back by his father, but the kidnapper has also been brought to justice!"

"That's good!"

Sun Yu nodded, then answered Paimon's question just now, and said with a smile:

"It's almost noon. Junior sister and I are fishing here to prepare lunch. Do you want to try the secret grilled fish summed up by our "Guhua Sect" seniors?"

"What! Secret grilled fish! I want to eat it, I want to eat it!"

When Paimon heard about the delicious food, he immediately became excited and agreed without even asking Li Qiuzhi and Ying for their opinions.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying both gave her a look of disgust.

"Little glutton."

Xiao Queer, who was holding his arms behind Sun Yu, also snorted with disdain.

"Okay, junior sister, you can continue to go fishing and meditate!" Sun Yu could not help but order with the dignity of a senior brother.

In this regard, Xiaoqueer had no choice but to go fishing obediently.

Then several people set up a bonfire and burned some charcoal to grill fish. Li Qiuzhi and Ying also took out some cold water and dry food that had been prepared in advance.

After a long time, the charcoal and fish were ready to be processed.

Suddenly I heard Xiao Queer exclaiming: "Brother, come quickly! I seem to have caught something big!"

Li Qiuzhi and others were attracted by her shout and looked over.

I saw the little bird holding a fishing rod made of thin green bamboo. The transparent fishing line was taut and bent and extended the fishing rod into the river, even pulling the little bird into the river.

But how is this possible!

Although she has a bad temper, her strength is pretty good among ordinary people.

What Li Qiuzhi saw was level 16, and what kind of fish would have the strength to pull her? !

Several people rushed over to see what was going on. Among them, Sun Yu helped Xiao Queer pull the fishing rod together. The fishing line felt like it was about to break.

"This is the Red Devil King!" Li Qiuzhi said in surprise when he saw the looming figure in the river.

The main reason why we know him is that when the fishing system was first launched in the game, he fished every day until there was no more fish to exchange for weapons.

Therefore, this very special red fish has been seen in many fishing spots.

"It turns out to be such a bully in the water. It seems that we have to give up on our junior sister. Our fishing line is not that strong."

After Sun Yu heard Li Qiuzhi's words, he was slightly surprised, and then thought of their ferocious appearance, he couldn't help but sigh.


Xiaoque'er was a little disappointed, but at this time she noticed that her senior brother was holding a fishing rod with her, and she was a little happy for some reason.

"Well, senior brother, I think you can continue to pull it, in case it suddenly loses strength."

Xiao Que'er said suggestively.

"Uh, whatever." Sun Yu didn't know what his junior sister was thinking and didn't notice anything.

"Wow, this red fish looks a bit ferocious, and it also looks delicious. Li Qiuzhi, why don't you shoot it with a bow and arrow."

Paimeng Fei looked at Li Qiuzhi in mid-air, blinked and said.

"This is no problem."

Li Qiuzhi nodded. He looked at it with his golden sin-judging eyes and found that the fish was as high as level 12 and seemed to be a little stronger than ordinary people without training.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, so the experience points brought to it cannot be ignored.

He took out the adventurer's hunting bow, aimed at the Red Devil King, and then shot it with an arrow.

An ordinary arrow accurately penetrated its head, and the bright red blood mixed with the river water flowed out, ending its life of doing evil in the water.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 42 experience points. 】

"Oh? Brother Li's archery skills are good." Sun Yu said with some surprise when he saw that he easily shot the Red Demon King hiding under the river.

Looking at him carrying a big sword, I thought he was practicing close combat skills, but I didn't expect that his archery skills were so sharp.

"Hmph, if you have a bow and arrow, senior brother, you can definitely do it."

Xiaoqueer thought it was no big deal.

Everyone has become accustomed to her character.

Paimon originally wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, it was better not to quarrel with her, and it was more important to eat. She said to Sun Yu:

"Pull it up quickly, otherwise the blood in the fish will drain and it won't taste good."


Just when Sun Yu nodded and wanted to lift the Red Devil into the air above the river with his junior sister.

A huge black figure suddenly jumped up from the river, and the splashing water slightly wet the clothes of the people near the river. It opened its bloody mouth and even bit off the fishing line and swallowed the Red Devil. .

Then he fell back into the river and quickly swam upstream.

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