"Is your junior brother Xingqiu? Well, thank you."

Li Qiuzhi first expressed his gratitude, and then tried his best to explain clearly:

"Actually, it doesn't mean that there are any benefits. The main reason is that we have our own affairs. Joining the "Guhua Sect" may distract some energy and time. If it is just a name and not doing anything, then there is no need, right?"

"I see. It seems that I was indeed abrupt."

Sun Yu touched the back of his head and said with some understanding.

Sure enough, if you want to revitalize the "Guhua Sect", you still have to rely on yourself. It is a bit unrealistic to try to let others join in to promote the revitalization of the sect.

Is this the so-called "floating foundation"?

"Humph, senior brother, don't think about revitalizing the sect all day long, can't you just take care of yourself?"

Xiaoqueer raised his eyebrows and said.

She actually wanted to say "Stay with me more" later on, but she felt something was wrong when she said it, so she changed her mind.

"Junior sister, you don't understand. As a disciple of Guhua, you should take this as your own responsibility."

Sun Yu shook his head, then took out pen, ink and snow paper from his bag and wrote briefly on a flat stone on the ground before handing it to Li Qiuzhi.

"You guys, my junior sister and I have some important matters to go to the Shimen. We'll see you again in the future!"

He cupped his hands and smiled.

"Well, I'll see you later." Paimon also followed suit and said. Li Qiuzhi and Ying also clasped their fists and nodded.

As the two disciples of the "Guhua Sect", Sun Yu and Xiao Queer, left, Li Qiuzhi and the others continued to set off while the time was still early.

I heard from Sun Yu that it is two days' journey from Wangshu Inn.

If you don’t want to spend more than one night in the wild, you should set off quickly. If you walk faster, you can arrive tomorrow night.

Because I just finished eating not long ago.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying couldn't run either.

I can only walk slowly for half an hour and then rush on the way. If I encounter hills, I can run up and use the wings of wind to glide down and rush down. It will not only go faster but also save more energy.

"This way of traveling is a bit too slow. It would be better if I had a bicycle."

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help feeling a little emotional as he walked slowly on the road.

If there is a bicycle, I believe that with their physical strength, using a bicycle may not necessarily be slower than a motor vehicle, if the bicycle is strong enough.

"What kind of car is a bicycle?" Paimon asked curiously, touching his chin.

"This is a means of transportation from my hometown that allows you to move forward quickly by pedaling."

When Li Qiuzhi met Ying and Paimeng, they both wanted to know more, so they talked about it in detail. Anyway, there was nothing going on right now, so it was just a casual chat.

"So it's this kind of thing, so I seem to remember seeing something similar to my brother on who knows which planet."

Ying patted the hem of her skirt that was cut diagonally down to reveal her white thighs. She crossed her arms and nodded her head lightly. Li Qiuzhi's words made her past memories resurface in her mind.

It was a world with nascent industry, and people were troubled by the slowness of travel.

Suddenly one day.

A small company that produces wooden carts has launched a new product - a vehicle with two wheels standing side by side and connected by an iron frame in the middle.

It seems to be similar to what Li Qiuzhi described, except that the name is slightly different. It is called "human-powered two-wheeled iron frame vehicle".

That company seems to have become successful because of this product.


As if he realized something, Ying suddenly stretched out his left hand to hold down Li Qiuzhi, who was swinging his arm slightly beside him.

Li Qiuzhi glanced at the white palm on his right hand, stopped and asked doubtfully:

"Huh? Did you think of anything?"

Her amber pupils glanced at him, and a smile appeared on her pretty fair face:

"You asked me if it's possible for us to develop a 'human-powered two-wheeled iron frame vehicle' and open a production factory. If it sells well in Teyvat in the future, we won't have to worry about Mora at all!"

Um? !

Ying's words surprised Li Qiuzhi and at the same time, he felt a little excited.

The principle of bicycles is not difficult. As long as you ride it a few times and have a little curiosity, you can basically understand it, and it is not impossible to recover after spending some time.

The most important parts of the bicycle are the gears and the frame. With the level of the blacksmiths in Teyvat, there is absolutely no problem. However, the rubber wheels are a bit troublesome.

The wheels of the four-wheeled carriages he saw in Mondstadt were all made of wood, and he didn't know if rubber existed in this world.

After all, if rubber could be invented, people would not think of using it in carriage wheels.

Li Qiuzhi expressed his doubts.

"This is a small problem. If that doesn't work, just use wooden wheels like a carriage. Even if it shakes a little, it's still an excellent means of transportation!"

Ying is quite knowledgeable about this.

"Hey, hey, hey! Didn't you say you were going to find your brother? Why are you talking about doing business in the future?"

Paimon was confused as he listened. He had no idea what the two guys from another world were talking about. In order to join the conversation, he could only try to help Ying find his original intention.


Ying's originally cheerful look suddenly slumped, and she let go of Li Qiuzhi's hand and lowered her shoulders.

Although this project seems to be very profitable, it is not something that can be done overnight to completely establish a "human-powered two-wheeled iron frame vehicle" factory that can be mass-produced.

Then the matter of finding my brother will be delayed, which is not okay!

She looked at Li Qiuzhi with some frustration:

"If you're interested, I'll leave this matter to you. I still have something to do with my brother."

Ying felt a little bit disappointed, it was obviously rare to think of such a great business opportunity.

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but smile when he saw this:

“Haha, this is also a small problem, we don’t necessarily have to build a factory.

"We only need to make a sample and ride it around Liyue Port, which is known as the city of thousands of sails. Those smart businessmen will probably smash our door to pieces before tomorrow and come to us for cooperation.

"At that time, we can just sell the design drawings at a high price and make a lot of money. We don't have to worry about the start-up capital or the risk of losing money if no one buys it!"

"Is it that powerful?" Paimon expressed some doubts.

"I think so. If I get rich like Mora, your little Paimon will be able to have a different meal every day!"

Li Qiuzhi said in a seductive tone.

"What?! Eat something different and delicious every day!"

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Paimon's eyes seemed to burst with some kind of light that shone brighter than the sun.

She immediately turned around and encouraged Ying and said:

“If you don’t want to find something to do with your brother, it’s better to go slow.

"Anyway, there are not many clues right now. We only know that it is related to the Abyss Cult. Let's become the richest man in Teyvat and eat all the delicious food in the seven countries before looking for it, hehe!"


Ying put her hands on her hips and gave Paimon a disgusted look. This guy forgot about everything when it came to delicious food.

After thinking about it for a while, she seemed to think that Li Qiuzhi's method was feasible, and it wouldn't take long to make a sample.

Moreover, with Mora, she can strengthen the holy relics and weapons that are still in their initial state, making it easier to go on adventures and find her brother in the future.

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