I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 21 Defeating the Ruins Guards

Li Qiuzhi asked Weir and Noelle to help collect all the arrows and crossbow bolts that could still be used. When faced with Weir's question, he said:

"I want to try using crossbows to see if I can defeat the ruins guards."

"Well, this is too dangerous!"

Weir changed her stance slightly, her orange ponytail swaying slightly to express confusion. She had no idea why Li Qiuzhi was obsessed with fighting monsters to "practice".

"That's why we use the repeating crossbow."

Li Qiuzhi originally didn't want to provoke them, but after discovering that the treasure thief group had such a good thing as a serial crossbow, he felt that there was no chance of hitting their core and paralyzing them.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is to try not to attract the "hatred" of the second ruins guard when choosing a target. You need to keep a long distance, which is a bit difficult to do with his wooden hunting bow.

After all, the power of the hunting bow is a bit low, which is fine for hunting, but it is not good against the ruins mechanism with super high physical resistance like the ruins guard.

Moreover, the repeating crossbow can fire continuously. If it hits the core of the ruins guards in a short time, there should be a chance to paralyze them.

"Besides, don't you want to go to the ruins discovered by the treasure thief group to confirm whether there is really a secret realm?"

Li Qiuzhi asked with a smile. As an intelligence trader, you can't be unsure of the authenticity of the information. That would be too irresponsible.

"Yeah, that's right."

Weir raised her right hand and put her fingers on her snow-white chin to think. Li Qiuzhi said that the urgency in her heart was revealed. There was information about a secret realm, which would be worth a lot to Mora whether it was sold to the Adventurers Association or the Knights of the West Wind.

"By the way, do you know how to use a bow? Can you shoot accurately?" Li Qiuzhi asked Noelle and Weier at the same time after thinking about it.

"Eh? Do you want us to use the repeating crossbow?" Noelle turned his head to the side, looking at the green grass and said in a weak tone, "I practice the West Wind Swordsmanship, and I am not very good at bows and arrows."

Looking at her side face, through the silver-gray hair, you can see the delicate and snow-white ears looming in the gap between the hair.

Weir could also guess what Li Qiuzhi was thinking and said with a smile:

"I have learned some bows and arrows before, so it won't be a problem to hit the core of these big guys guarding the ruins with a repeating crossbow."

He probably wanted to use the two repeating crossbows left behind by the treasure thief group to attack the core of the ruins guard together. If the repeating crossbow could hit with the power of the repeating crossbow, the probability of success would be high.

"Good, then we can try it."

Li Qiuzhi smiled excitedly.

"Leave it to me to protect you." Noelle said confidently, while holding his right hand slightly to show encouragement.

After deciding to clean up these ruins guards, Li Qiuzhi began to count the harvest from the treasure stealing group.

The two repeating crossbows were used to deal with the ruins guards. The unused crossbow arrows, plus the still usable ones found nearby, totaled more than forty, which was enough to be divided between Weir and himself.

The formulas for the two elemental potions cannot be prepared temporarily because there are no materials, but as trophies for three people, each person can copy one copy, so that everyone can gain something.

As for the last scimitar left by Qiao Nick, Li Qiuzhi planned to use it to practice "Basics of West Wind Swordsmanship". Although it was a knife, it was still a one-handed weapon and should be able to do it.

If you buy a brand new one, it won't be cheap. If you can save money, it is just for getting started. You will still need to change to a better quality one-handed sword in the future.

Neither Weier nor Noelle were interested in the scimitar, so Li Qiuzhi accepted it directly.

The next step is to deal with several ruins guards wandering around the Qianfeng Temple. In order not to be targeted by the Wutai ruins guards at the same time, they must be careful to keep a sufficient distance.

Using the rubble and broken stone pillars in the Thousand Winds Temple to hide themselves, they descended again from the heights of the grass-covered hills.

The wandering routes of the ruins guards did not get too close to each other. Li Qiuzhi and the other two squatted in a fixed position and took aim with their repeating crossbows.

Wait for the ruin guard to approach the shooting range while wandering.

The repeating crossbow of the Treasure Thief Group can fire five arrows in a row. The effective range is 70~80 meters, which is not very good, but it is still very good.

And the distance of more than seventy meters should not attract the "hatred" of the other ruins guards.

After not waiting long, a ruins guard walked toward Li Qiuzhi and the others with mechanical and slow steps.

The dazzling core of the head was exposed. Li Qiuzhi and Weier took aim with the repeating crossbows in advance, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

Noelle was alert to her surroundings to prevent any accidents.

The ruins guard stepped on the stone-paved ground step by step, not realizing that someone was ambushing it more than a hundred meters away.

The kingdom that once produced them has long been destroyed. Without instructions, they will just wander aimlessly until a creature appears in front of it, triggering its hostile judgment.

At that time, no matter who it is, they will once again witness the glory of the civilization that was once called Kanria.

Unfortunately, at this time, the despicable stranger was ambushing it with two female companions without any martial arts.

Watching the ruins guards slowly approaching the effective attack range, Li Qiuzhi's eyes sharpened and he whispered to Weier beside him:

"Later I say shoot, and we pull the trigger together."

Most of the skills in the third-level hunter's archery and the second-level basic west wind archery are also applicable to the repeating crossbow. It is up to him to judge the right time to attack, and Weier only needs to be responsible for aiming.

The breeze stirred up some dust around her feet. Weier ran her fingertips across her forehead under her hair, wiped away the non-existent sweat, and took a deep breath. She was already prepared.

"Ready! Three, two, one, shoot!"

Li Qiuzhi saw that the rust-colored ruins guard had appeared within a suitable range, and then issued an attack command.

Two consecutive archer crossbows fired ten crossbow arrows at the core of the ruins guard's head, hitting the target accurately. The first two arrows were bounced off by the relatively solid core.

Starting from the third arrow, damage appeared in the core of the ruins guard. The fourth, fifth, and sixth arrows expanded the damage, and traces of golden current burst out and flickered, leaving him in a state of semi-paralysis but not falling down.

The last few arrows finally extinguished it, and the ruins guard collapsed to the ground.

"It's really fallen!" Weier's expression showed excitement.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 422 experience points. 】

The corner of Li Qiuzhi's mouth raised slightly. Although he encouraged Weier and Noelle to fight the ruins guards for experience points, he was a little surprised to get so many experience points after defeating them.

Now that he has accumulated more than 600 experience points, he will soon be able to level up again. Li Qiuzhi thought silently, looking at the remaining ruins guards with even more intense eyes.

One ruins guard fell down, and the rest were still wandering around, as if they wouldn't react if they didn't find the enemy.

It seems that although the ruin guards are powerful, they are not difficult to deal with if they understand their weaknesses.

Thanks to the readers who collected, followed and voted, thank you! O(≧▽≦)O

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