I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 217 Ying’s Sword Intent (two-in-one)

The blue moonlight caressed the two figures beside the bed.

His amber pupils shrank slightly, and he never expected that he would be kissed suddenly!

Does this bastard guy sleep like this with Fischer every night? Her mind was thinking about these experiences that she had never had before.

After being kissed for more than ten seconds.

It felt like something parted her lips and touched her teeth.

Ying was shocked and quickly lowered her head, not continuing to kiss Li Qiuzhi.

Somehow, after experiencing this unimaginable experience, Ying's mood calmed down.

She realized that she didn't seem to reject the feeling of being kissed by Li Qiuzhi.

Do I like him? No, no, definitely not, how could I like this guy!

Ying herself was thinking a little uncertainly.

Suddenly she felt her forehead touch something soft and moist. She knew without thinking that she had only experienced this with her lips before.

——Li Qiuzhi was kissing her forehead.

Ying twisted her body slightly, but did not break free from the restraints. She sighed helplessly and let him go.

She didn't believe this guy. She hugged him so tightly all night, and would always let him go when he fell asleep, and then sneak back to bed.

This way you can avoid being discovered.

Ying thought to herself while feeling Li Qiuzhi's warm embrace.

Just pretend nothing happened tomorrow.

She was not ready yet how to deal with Li Qiuzhi who knew what happened tonight.

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 600 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (505/700)]

A favorability prompt popped up on Li Qiuzhi's character panel, but unfortunately he didn't know it yet because he was asleep.

In the morning, the sky was just bright.

A voice echoed in my ears as if coming from afar.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up quickly, it's already dawn!" Paimeng flew to Li Qiuzhi's head and shouted loudly.

She felt that she was tired of shouting.

Li Qiuzhi rubbed the corners of his eyes, yawned and slowly opened his eyes.

I don’t know why the quality of my sleep last night was so good, it felt like I was at home.

It seems that I even had a dream where I hugged Fischer and slept together. It seems that I missed her a little bit after being away for two days.

"Thank you, little Paimon, I heard you no need to shout anymore."

He said as he propped up his upper body. When he saw Ying sitting by the bed who had already woken up and got dressed, he was a little confused:

"You seem to be in a bad mood? Did I snore last night? I shouldn't have."

He remembered that he had no habit of snoring while sleeping.

Ying tugged on her long white sleeves, raised her head and glanced at Li Qiuzhi, and said in a calm tone:

"No, it's just that the moonlight is too bright and I can't sleep. Maybe I'm not used to the environment here."

This bastard held her for at least an hour before letting go, turning over and changing his sleeping position, allowing her to find a chance to climb into the bed.

But in the following time, Ying kept thinking about this guy kissing her and didn't fall asleep at all.

It's him when you open your eyes, and it's still him when you close your eyes.

This really made her unable to calm down, causing her to suffer from insomnia, leading to a lack of energy.

"I see."

By the way, it would be nice if you just closed the curtains.

While Li Qiuzhi nodded in reply, he also silently complained in his heart.

"Get up quickly, it's half past five now, and the caravan is about to set off."

Ying took out a golden pocket watch, opened the cover and looked at the time, then closed it again with a "click" and put it back and said.

"That's right."

Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly and packed up the things in the guest room with Ying and Paimon.

Several minutes passed.

Li Qiuzhi and the others took the keys and went to the reception hall of Wangshu Inn to check out Phil Godette. After getting back the deposit of 10,000 Moras, they walked to the square below.

There are many people who got up early, and there are dense crowds below, like black ants that have found food and are carrying it back and forth.

Li Qiuzhi and the others easily discovered the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's convoy on the dirt road outside the Wangshu Inn Plaza.

Because they had a flag with the word "Feiyun" on the top of the carriage.

There are at least seven or eight four-wheeled carriages with such flags, and it is not known what they are carrying. Generally speaking, they are nothing more than handicrafts or spices unique to the region.

It might also be food. After all, there are only a few things that are suitable for long-distance transportation and can still make money.

As a few people walked over, they saw a young man with navy blue hair waving to everyone outside the four-wheeled carriage at the end of the motorcade.

"Good morning, Xingqiu."

Paimon had forgotten the fierce bidding scene with him yesterday and greeted him with a smile.

You can see it directly without even thinking about it.

She definitely chose to forgive Xingqiu without her conscience because she wanted to give them a free ride so that they didn't have to continue their hard journey. She is worthy of your little Paimon.

Li Qiuzhi thought slightly amused.

"Good morning everyone, our Chamber of Commerce is not here yet, please wait a moment."

Xingqiu smiled and nodded, leaning on the side of the carriage and saying.

In fact, it didn't take long. About five or six minutes later, everyone was here, and it was almost six o'clock in the morning.

The team member continued to feed the horses some grass, and then started to set off.

The wooden wheels made a soft creaking sound as they ground on the uneven road.

Each carriage will not be filled with goods. There will be a little free space at the end of the carriage, which can barely accommodate a few people.

In this case, the whole team plus the carriage driver, a total of more than 20 people, would not have to walk outside.

After all, most of them are caravan guards, used to prevent monsters or treasure thieves from coming to rob you. If there is no place to sit, you need to walk.

What should you do if you are tired from walking and suddenly encounter danger?

Therefore, even if there is a lot less cargo to be loaded, some seats must be freed up for people to sit on.

If you make less money or lose all the goods, you will lose money. You don’t need to think about it to know how to choose.

"By the way, Xingqiu, aren't you the second young master of the Chamber of Commerce? Why do you still need to escort the caravan in person?"

Paimon asked with some confusion as he sat on the cargo inside the carriage.

In her understanding, as a young master of the Chamber of Commerce, wouldn't it be better to just lie at home and count money?

Because of the small space, Li Qiuzhi and Ying, who could only sit close together on the wooden board, also looked at Xingqiu opposite with some curiosity.

“It’s not because the fabrics transported this time are all the best fabrics from Mondstadt, each piece of which is worth tens of thousands of moras.

"If we are robbed, the loss will be huge. The Chamber of Commerce is relieved and can only let me, the second young master with a decent martial arts, join the escort team. Alas, I haven't bought the new novels in the bookstore yet."

Xingqiu said with a bored expression.

"Hey, does this mean our journey will be dangerous?" Paimon said with eyes as wide as the stars.

"This is not necessarily the case. The average treasure-thief group will not dare to take action when they see our 'Flying Cloud Flag', and they may not encounter monsters."

Xingqiu crossed his arms and shook his head.

"We will take action if there is danger."

Ying put her legs together, pressed her left hand on her soft knees wrapped in white boots, and pushed Li Qiuzhi's arm with her right hand.

"Well, just think of us as temporary guards." Li Qiuzhi leaned back against the carriage and put his hands on his legs.

It will take more than ten days to go to Liyue Port. Xingqiu is willing to take a few of them with him on such a long journey.

"Okay, thank you all." Xingqiu smiled and nodded, "By the way, it looks like you are going to Liyue Port for the first time. You should be a little unfamiliar there. Let me tell you about things there. ?”

"Hey, I really want to ask for it, especially if you have something delicious to eat, I have to tell you clearly!"

Paimon, who was wearing a tiara, clenched his fists and said excitedly.

While following Feiyun Chamber of Commerce to Liyue Port.

Li Qiuzhi and the others did not sit in the car all the time during the day, but would also come down to walk around and practice swordsmanship with each other.

Xingqiu was also very interested in this, and even used his own "Guhua Sword Technique" to exchange and learn together.

Li Qiuzhi already mastered advanced swordsmanship, so he easily learned the "Guhua Swordsmanship" and the ordinary-level swordsmanship "Remembrance of the Dead" that he had figured out by himself.

Ying and Xingqiu also gained a lot, especially Xingqiu, whose realm has reached the level where "one method can apply to all methods".

His understanding of swordsmanship is not much inferior to that of Li Qiuzhi. Perhaps this is the so-called genius.

Ordinary people like Li Qiuzhi need to "cheat" to be able to beat a genius like him. It can only be said that this is the diversity of people.

When the team camped and rested in the evening, Li Qiuzhi and Ying continued to discuss the "bicycle design drawings".

It took a week to barely design the frame and wheels.

During this period, Li Qiuzhi also found time to upgrade the "Guhua Sword Technique" to the full level.

He has acquired an extraordinary characteristic called "Gu Hua", which enables his attacks to be imbued with a sharp dark sword light that can easily cut through even steel.

After integrating it into the "Clan's One-Handed Sword Skill", apart from the name becoming "Clan's Sword Technique Guhua", it only has one more extraordinary characteristic.

It has not transformed into esoteric swordsmanship.

It seems that he still needs to integrate Ying's "Memories of the Past" into it. Unfortunately, he only has less than 2,000 experience points left, and there is no way to fully upgrade it for the time being.

Another week has passed.

The convoy of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce passed through Guiliyuan and was about to arrive at Liyue Port.

During this process, we also encountered some treasure-thief groups, but they all watched from afar and did not dare to come over.

As a very famous chamber of commerce even in Liyue, this kind of deterrence is still there.

Although the Treasure Thief Group is a huge organization spread across the entire continent of Teyvat, and there are also powerful beings, they have everyone inside, their management is chaotic, and they are truly a mob!

There is probably no word that is more suitable to describe them.

In addition, the huge target of the entire convoy still attracted the attention of some monsters, mainly Qiuqiu people, who did not dare to attack when their numbers were small.

Just because they are not very intelligent does not mean that they are not intelligent at all.

Just like when a mouse sees a cat, it can instinctively judge that it can't beat it, and then run away wisely.

The same was true for these Qiuqiu people. After comparing that their own numbers were not as large as the caravan, they still ran over to rob them rationally and without impulse.

They have become sensible, but Li Qiuzhi has no intention of letting them go.

Anyway, if they don't rob here now, they will rob elsewhere in the future. Since Li Qiuzhi saw it, of course he wouldn't let it go to avoid others suffering.

Gain some experience points by the way.

The monsters encountered along the way were not only Qiuqiu people, but also ruins guards who appeared from unknown ruins and wandered around.

As expected, they were all defeated by Li Qiuzhi with one arrow.

In this way, when he was approaching Liyue Port, he had gained a total of more than 6,000 experience points, which was enough for him to upgrade "Memories of the Dead" to the full level.

Experience Point-4499

Memories of the past 1 (1/100) \u003e Memories of the past 10 (memory/can be fused)

After reaching the level of the swordsmanship "Memories of the Past" originated from Ying, he gained an extraordinary characteristic called "Memories".

The effect is that after hitting the enemy with the sword, it will cause some kind of deep memory of itself, thereby causing interference to the enemy. It can be regarded as a kind of spiritual attack.

If your willpower is not strong enough, you will fall into memories and be unable to extricate yourself, and you will naturally be at the mercy of others.

Li Qiuzhi sat on the carriage and continued to look at the words "Fusionable" that appeared behind this skill, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

As long as it is integrated with the "Clan Sword Technique - Gu Hua", it is probably logical to transform it into a secret sword technique, because these are the extraordinary characteristics of the fifth sword technique!

It is equivalent to drawing cards to guarantee a minimum, and it has reached the point where quantitative changes cause qualitative changes.

There is a high probability that it will be "shipped"!

He did not hesitate, Li Qiuzhi chose two sword techniques and began to fuse them.

The next second.

The two sword skills on the character panel seemed to be thrown into an invisible whirlpool, twisted and entangled together.

Not long after, a new skill appeared on the character panel:

[Sword Intent of Ying·Secret 1 (1/1000)]

Um? It seems a little strange why this skill is named after Ying? Could it be related to the "Memory of the Past" I learned from her?

Before Li Qiuzhi was confused for a long time, the knowledge about "Ying's Sword Intent" appeared in his mind.

First of all, this swordsmanship is very different from the general swordsmanship with fixed moves. As the name suggests, this is a kind of swordsmanship that is learned through long-term sword practice.

Even if you don't have a sword in your hand, you can easily activate it as long as you have a sword in your heart.

Of course, this kind of "Sword Intent of Ying" does not have the blessing of weapons, and its power will be much less.

When it is activated, an enlarged version of the golden silhouette will appear behind Li Qiuzhi.

She is completely condensed by sword intention and holds a golden long sword. She can cut out golden sword auras one after another. These sword auras also inherit the original extraordinary characteristics.

It can easily cut through steel, and it can also evoke certain memories of the enemy.

However, since the current level is only level one, the golden sword energy can only fly about ten meters.

After absorbing this new knowledge, Li Qiuzhi looked surprised. This skill was too powerful. It felt even more powerful than Captain Qin's Wind Pressure Sword.

It's just a little awkward to use. Especially in front of Ying.

As soon as the "Ying's Sword Intention" is activated, the enlarged version of Ying's golden sword intention appears.

It gives people the wonderful feeling of "the infatuated swordsman even wants the shape of his sword to be that of the girl he likes"!

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Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 666-coin reward!

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