Liyue Port, Yujingtai.

Emperor Yanwang was killed, and Lord Ningguang of "Tianquanxing" ordered the Qianyan Army to seal off the whole place and investigate everyone at the scene one by one, starting with those who looked more suspicious.

Soon Qian Yanjun asked Li Qiuzhi and the others.

"Who are you? Where do you come from?"

Because it felt like Li Qiuzhi and the others were very powerful, in order to prevent suspicious persons from escaping.

The captain of the Qianyan Army surrounded them with a Qianyan Army team of several people and asked in a serious tone.


Facing such a powerful formation, Paimon, who was always eloquent, was frightened and hid behind Ying to prevent himself from saying the wrong thing.

Ying glanced at Li Qiuzhi and motioned to leave it to you.

Li Qiuzhi rubbed her soft hands, nodded his head lightly to show that there was no problem, and then calmly said to the Qianyan Army in front of him:

“We came from Mondstadt and are honorary knights of the Knights of the West Wind.

“I am currently traveling through the seven countries, and I happened to hear that the annual ‘Seven Stars Inviting Immortals Ceremony’ in Liyue Port is about to begin, so I wanted to come over today to pay homage to Lord Yanwang.

“But who knew this would happen.

"His Majesty the Rock King is so powerful that he cannot be assassinated by a few of us with low strength, and there is no reason to do so."

He talked for a long time, and all the information that needed to be disclosed was voluntarily disclosed, so there would be no doubts.

"Honorary Knight of Mondstadt?" The captain of Qianyan Army showed an unexpected look.

Such a big thing that happened in neighboring Mondstadt some time ago naturally spread to Liyue. Of course, he had also heard about the deeds of the two honorary knights.

It seems that one of them is from Liyue, and I don’t know what he was doing in the neighboring country.

Of course they can't care about these little things.

And looking at it this way, they seemed to be compatible. I didn't expect that several honorary knights turned out to be so young.

"Yes, I think it should be easy for everyone in the Qianyan Army to investigate our identities."

Li Qiuzhi said equally seriously.

The implication is that they would not joke around with such an easily exposed identity.

"Well, you guys wait here for a moment. I will inform Lady Ningguang. She should know whether your identities are true."

The captain of Qianyan Army nodded, and then ordered the soldiers holding spears to continue watching, while he went to inform Lord Ningguang.

Lord Ningguang, as the "Tianquan Star", is very sensitive to everything that happens under the sky.

The specific appearance of the two honorary knights who assisted the West Wind Knights in defeating the Wind Demon Dragon must have been heard from the intelligence staff, and they have even been seen in photos.

So just in case, it’s better to ask Lord Ningguang to come and take a look in person.

It didn't take long.

The captain of the Qianyan Army came back soon, but he did not bring the "Tianquan Star" Ningguang with him. He first nodded to the soldiers next to him to indicate that he was right.

Then he said to Li Qiuzhi and the others:

"Lord Ningguang is investigating the cause of the death of Lord Emperor and is temporarily unable to come here.

"But she said she noticed you when the ceremony started, and there is indeed no problem with your identity."

"Huh, great, then we can leave."

Paimon, who was hiding behind, relaxed a little and said quickly after hearing that nothing happened.

"No, not for the time being." Captain Qianyan shook his head, "Although you no longer have any suspicion, Yujingtai is still under lockdown, and no one can leave until the investigation is completed.

"You can rest aside for a while."

After saying that, Captain Qianyan led the rest of the soldiers and continued to interrogate the next suspicious person.

"Why, we have proven that we are not murderers."

Paimon lowered his shoulders in disappointment.

"After all, it's understandable that such a big thing happened. Anyway, it's good that we don't have to be suspected of being the murderer."

Li Qiuzhi also breathed a small sigh of relief.

He turned his head to look at Ying and continued:

"Whatever, just say there's no need to run away."

Ying didn't reply. She withdrew her left hand and crossed her arms across her chest, with a slightly helpless expression on her pretty fair face.

See how proud you are.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Jingtai, with the efforts of Qian Yanjun, quickly and quickly interrogated the identities of everyone present.

Unfortunately, the alleged murderer was never found.

There was no choice but to lift the blockade of the scene and let everyone go back. At the same time, "Tianquanxing" Ningguang also said that he would investigate the truth about the murder of Lord Yanwang as soon as possible.

Many Liyue locals and foreigners at the scene left with various speculations.

You can imagine what kind of sensation it will cause in the entire Teyvat continent when the news of the murder of Emperor Rock King spreads.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimeng also left with everyone.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to chat with Ning Guang and mention the "bicycle" thing, but after thinking about it for a moment, it would be too rude to go to someone to discuss business with someone just after the emperor was killed.

Besides, Lao Zhang hasn't made a sample yet, so if he wants to get attention, he has to go with a ready-made product.

"Hey, how are you guys?"

Just as Li Qiuzhi and the others left Yujing Terrace along the stone road and turned a corner, a young male voice stopped them.

Several people looked along the source of the sound.

They found a handsome man with orange hair wearing gray clothes and trousers, leaning against the wall and calling them.

"What's the matter, this foreign guy, what can I do for you?"

Paimon touched his crown and looked at him doubtfully.

"Haha, you are also a foreigner to this country. How can any foreigner call other foreigners foreigners on other people's land?"

The handsome man with orange hair and gray clothes couldn't help but laugh twice.

The Fools' executive officer, "Young Master" Dadalia, unexpectedly showed up. Sure enough, he had already noticed them.

Li Qiuzhi secretly thought it was troublesome.

"Hey, it doesn't matter. If you have anything to do, just tell me. If you don't say anything, we're leaving!"

Paimon looked at him smiling and said angrily using his "void stomping" technique.

"Okay, I'm very sorry. You can call me 'Master', just like 'Ms.' I am also the executive officer of the Fools."

"Sir," Dadalia said with a smile.


Ying and Paimon were startled by what such a frank "young master" said, and then they stared at him warily.

If she hadn't known that this was Liyue Port and fighting and hurting people was prohibited, she would have taken out the edgeless sword!

"Well, don't be so nervous. I'm not here to cause trouble for you, although I do want to compete with you in a show of force."

Dadalia spread his hands to show that he was not hostile.

"Even so, we still have nothing to say to you fools."

Li Qiuzhi's eyes gradually turned golden.

[Level: seventy-five]

He is worthy of being the executive officer of the Fools. Although he is at the bottom, he still has a strength of more than seventy levels.

Li Qiuzhi estimated that his current strength was barely enough to defeat an abyss mage of around level 60.

But he still couldn't defeat the existences above level 70.

After all, after the level is high, each level up is a big difference, but if you have two people together, you won't be crushed unless he uses the "Devil King's Arms".

So Li Qiuzhi felt a little more confident when talking to him.

"Oh, my intuition tells you that these eyes seem to have seen through me."

Dadalia smiled and kindly reminded:

"But what you can see with your eyes is only the strength level of my body. But if you underestimate my combat power because of this, you will suffer a loss!"

Li Qiuzhi didn't answer, of course he knew this.

After all, he himself is only level 48, but with his skills and expertise, he can indeed challenge stronger beings.

And the "young master" has the talent of "proficient in all martial arts", and he must be very good in martial arts, so fighting beyond the next level is probably not a problem.

Dadalia saw that the vigilance of several people remained unabated, so he said without hesitation:

"Do you really think that Emperor Yanwang was assassinated and died? He is the God of War. Who can simply assassinate him unless..."

Before he finished speaking, he showed a meaningful expression.

It seemed that they were letting Li Qiuzhi and the others use their imagination.

"You mean the 'Seven Stars of Liyue'!" His amber pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had thought of some outrageous answer.

The corners of Dadalia's mouth curved slightly:

"Of course this is just speculation."

"But even if this is the case, it has nothing to do with us. How can we intervene in other people's internal affairs? Do you have any plans?"

Li Qiuzhi chuckled and said bluntly.

"Haha, it seems that I have been misunderstood by you.

"I have only heard a little about your deeds in Mondstadt, and I have been paying attention to you for a long time during the ceremony.

“It can be seen that you came here with purpose to participate in the ‘Invitation Ceremony’.

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be something I want to see the Rock King."

Dadalia crossed her arms covered in gray sleeves and said in a more confident tone.

After hearing his words, Ying frowned and said:

"So what?"

"I just happened to meet him and wanted to give you a suggestion." Dadalia spread his hands to express that he had no other plans. He paused and continued, "When the Emperor Rock King encounters an accident, you naturally can't ask him anything.

"But it's probably about the same as finding the 'three-eyed and five-manifestation immortals' who have known him for a long time.

"If you are willing to tell them the news of the assassination of King Yan, I will certainly not hesitate to answer your questions."

Having said all that, the original purpose was to use them to cause conflict between the immortals and the Seven Stars, and then take the opportunity to find the remains of the Rock King and steal the heart of God.

Li Qiuzhi, who understood the plot of the game, easily saw through the "young master's" thoughts.

This was something he would never have imagined.

Ying hesitated.

The sudden murder of the King of Rocks really put an end to her quest to find out who the spirit who captured her brother was.

If there was another chance, she certainly wouldn't want to miss it.

Moreover, they had originally planned to find the immortal, but it was not easy to find the immortal's trace. They just wanted to see if they could find the immortal disciple who was Chongyun's aunt.

"If you are worried about not being able to find the immortal, I can lend you something."

Dadalia seemed a little moved when he saw her, and said with a smile.

"Huh? The same thing? Is it some kind of token?" Pamon showed a curious expression.


Dadalia nodded.

"Then what reward do we need to give you if we want to borrow this token from you?" Li Qiuzhi asked with a smile.

If he guessed correctly, he should have said "no taboos".

This is indeed a good thing. With it, you can basically guarantee that you can see the immortal. There is nothing wrong with running errands for him.

Anyway, even if they don't do this, "Young Master" will still find someone else to do it.

The "young master" thinks he is planning everything.

In fact, the old man, the Emperor, is secretly watching. He also needs "Young Master" to help him bring the conflict between immortals and humans to light.

Then take this opportunity to prevent the immortals who only know how to use force from interfering with Liyue.

Let Liyue completely usher in the era of human rule. This is the trend of development, and it is also the reason why Emperor Yan Wang faked his death and retired.

"Haha, I don't need any reward, just give it back to me when you're done."

Dadalia smiled, then took out a talisman with black characters on a yellow background from the Eye of God and handed it to Li Qiuzhi.

"It's called the 'Hundred No Taboos'. Those who hold it will be able to sense it when they go to the Immortal Family Cave. If nothing else, they will come out to see you."

After "Master" Dadalia handed the things to them, he said that he still had something to do, told a few people that they could find him at Beiguo Bank, and left first.

He could feel that these people were already suspicious of him.

But what he said was true, and he was giving all the benefits, so I guess they wouldn't stop going.

"What should I do? Do you want to listen to him and tell the immortal the news of the emperor's murder? I always feel that this fool and the executive officers are thinking of something bad!"

Paimeng asked, looking at Li Qiuzhi holding the talisman.

As for Ying, she is definitely inclined to go. After all, Emperor Yanwang has been killed, and only by asking the immortal can she know who the god who captured her brother was.

"We're all going to find the Immortal anyway. Since he's so kind to lend us something, there's no reason not to want it, right?"

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and said with a smile.

The time we agreed with Xingqiu Chongyun to go find the immortal together was three days after the "Immortal Invitation Ceremony", so there was no rush to go there now.

In the following time, during the day, Li Qiuzhi and Ying still received some commissions to complete at the Adventurers Association.

By the way, let’s get familiar with the Liyue area.

In the evening, I rushed back to Liyue Port and returned to my home in Mondstadt City through the "Teleport Anchor Point" to rest.

During this period, I finally met Fischer and Oz, who ran over to see if he was back.

Fischer was naturally happy to find out that Li Qiuzhi was back. After all, he hadn't seen him for many days.

During dinner, Li Qiuzhi told her some of his experiences in Liyue Port.

When sleeping, they naturally sleep together under the quilt, telling each other their love and relieving their lovesickness.

Two days passed like this, and Li Qiuzhi not only received more than 100,000 molas in commissions, but also gained more than 3,000 experience points.

Today is the day that Lao Zhang promised to make a "bicycle" sample.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi and the others couldn't wait to inspect the goods. After all, this was related to his and Ying's money-making plans.

Well, there’s also the freedom of Paimon’s “feast”.

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