On a sunny afternoon, the two seven stars, Yuheng and Tianquan, listened quietly to Li Qiuzhi's story.

It didn't take long.

Li Qiuzhi simply finished telling the evil deeds done by the fools in Mondstadt.

"Is that so? The fools are collecting the hearts of gods. In this case, there is a high possibility that they are the murderers."

Ning Guang said slightly thoughtfully.

But mere speculation without evidence seems to be of little significance, because they cannot cause trouble for the Fools just based on Li Qiuzhi's words.

"Damn it, they actually want you to sow discord between Qixing and the 'Three Eyes and Five Manifestations Immortal'!"

Keqing's fair and pretty face showed an angry look.

As a relatively radical reformist, although she didn't like those immortals who were hiding in the mountains and forests but could still influence Liyue.

But we also know that if we want Liyue to be completely governed by humans, we need to wait for the right time and take our time.

Change is not achieved by force.

Those guys from the Fools were indeed uneasy and well-intentioned. Although Liyue Qixing was already very wary of them, they never expected that something like this would happen.

Looking at Ning Guang and Ke Qing, they seemed to suspect the murderer of the emperor on the fools.

Li Qiuzhi didn't say much.

Although there is some discrepancy with the real truth, the Fools will indeed play a very important role in what happens next, and will even release the demon in the seal.

Of course, all this is under the control of Emperor Yanwang, and he arranged it almost like this.

I don’t know if things will develop like this after Li Qiuzhi reminded Ningguang and the others. Well, in fact, all the initiative lies in the hands of Emperor Yanwang.

No matter how twists and turns the process is, what should happen will still happen.

"Well, we will closely protect the emperor's 'immortal body'. Thank you for telling us such an important matter!"

Ningguang nodded and thanked Li Qiuzhi and the others.

[Ningguang has a good impression of you and gains 330 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (30/300)]

"Hmph, I also found out the evidence that the fools assassinated the emperor!"

Keqing also said not to be outdone.

[Keqing has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (0/300)]

Li Qiuzhi felt that this trip was well worth it as the favorable impression prompts popped up one after another on the character panel.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many twists and turns before the emperor's death. I thought it was just that he had lived for so long and his life span was over."

Hu Tao sighed.

"If it's just these things you can just tell Keqing, and you don't have to come to Qunyu Pavilion, so you guys should have something else you want to talk to me about."

Ning Guang temporarily suppressed his immediate thoughts on how to deal with the crisis of the Fools, and continued to look at Li Qiuzhi and the others with his crimson eyes and asked.


Li Qiuzhi nodded his head lightly, and then turned his attention to Hu Tao.

Hutao also consciously summoned the bicycle from the Eye of God and placed it in front of Ningguang and said:

"Hey, Ningguang, what do you think this is?"

"You want me to guess?" Ningguang folded his arms and chuckled, "Looking at its structure, you can tell that it is a new type of vehicle. Is it the reason why you are looking for me?"

“Yes, we call this kind of vehicle a bicycle, which allows one person to ride and carry another person.

"It must be easy for Lord Ningguang to see that it is very convenient for people to travel."

Li Qiuzhi introduced the functions and application prospects of bicycles in detail.

"Oh, so this kind of bicycle does have a broad market." After listening to the introduction, Ningguang's expression became a little more serious, "So do you want me to invest in your mass production?"

Li Qiuzhi and the others informed them that the Fools might steal the Heart of God.

If they need investment, she won't be stingy just as a thank you, and besides, this thing called a bicycle does have investment value.

"No, although we have designed this kind of transportation, we actually have little experience in doing business and opening factories.

“Instead of screwing up, it’s better to sell the design to the more powerful ‘Tianquanxing’.”

Li Qiuzhi and Ying express their intention to sell the design drawings to Ningguang.

"Well, is this what you think? That's fine, but you need to hand over the design drawings to me, and I will order someone to build a few more bicycles and test them before I can really judge their price, okay?"

Ningguang wanted to get the design drawings first, and naturally she didn't mean to take advantage. On the contrary, this meant that she attached great importance to it and could only produce a batch of bicycles in large quantities.

Only after you have a clear understanding of cost, user experience, etc. can you give a reasonable price based on potential social needs.

"Of course there is no problem. After all, if Lord Ningguang can't believe it, then the whole world will be full of profiteers."

Li Qiuzhi directly took out the design drawings of the bicycle and handed them to Ningguang, and complimented them.

As a world-famous big businessman, he is still in Liyue, a country that values ​​contracts.

If Ningguang grew up by deceiving others, he would not be able to become a "Tian Quan Xing" respected by everyone.

"Hmph, even if you say you don't know how to do business, you're pretty good at flattery."

Ning Guang stretched out his hand with golden finger gloves and took the drawing, with a faint smile on his fair face.

[Ningguang has a good impression of you and gains 120 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (150/300)]

"Hey, now that you've reached an agreement, you can lend me this bike for a few days."

Hu Tao couldn't wait to take the bicycle back to his God's Eye.

This caused Ying and Paimon to cast a look of disgust.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Ke Qing turned around and left with a windy step, her lavender twin ponytails and the feather-shaped ribbons on her separate sleeves flying back.

She was going to investigate the Fools.

If she really finds out that they were responsible for the death of Emperor Rock King, then conflict with the Fools and the Winter Kingdom will be inevitable.

This is related to Liyue's face.

Seeing that Ningguang's matter has been completed, Li Qiuzhi and the others are also preparing to leave. Ningguang will send someone to find them after completing the entire process of testing the bicycle matter.

"By the way, you should go back to find the immortals tomorrow. In order to avoid misunderstandings among the immortals, if possible, please send a letter to them on my behalf."

Now Liyue can rely on humans to establish a foothold on the Teyvat continent even without immortals, but she doesn't want to offend them for no reason and add enemies to herself.

"Okay, of course there is no problem." Paimeng nodded with a smile and said what Li Qiuzhi and Ying meant.

Liyue Port, Archway.

When Li Qiuzhi and Ying came out of the "teleportation anchor point" and walked here, they found that Xingqiu and Chongyun were already waiting here.

"Morning you guys!" Paimon waved hello.

"It's early for you too. I must have prepared all the supplies for outdoor adventures in advance, right?" Xingqiu jumped down from the stone pier of the archway, dusted his butt and asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, we are professionals in this area." A smile appeared on his fair face.

"That's right." Li Qiuzhi nodded in agreement, "In other words, we have also been shopping around Liyue Port these days while accepting commissions. We are not familiar with how to get to Aozang Mountain, so we will ask two people later. It leads the way."

"Chongyun often fights demons and demons in the wild, so he must be familiar with these things."

Xingqiu patted his friend's shoulder hard and said.

"Well, last night we studied the map of Liyue and planned how to get to Aozang Mountain."

Chongyun nodded his head gently, and then expressed his thoughts:

"Originally, we wanted to follow the main road through Guiliyuan and Cuijuepo to Jueyunjian, and then pass through Qingyunding to reach Aozang Mountain, but this would take half a month longer than the other plan."

"Another plan?" Paimon tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes, that is the main road on the side of Bupu House, which goes all the way through Tianheng Mountain, Tianqiu Valley, and Nantianmen to Aozang Mountain."

Xingqiu replied.

"Will this road be much faster?" Li Qiuzhi asked doubtfully.

Xingqiu said with a smile:

“If you walk with your legs, it will take longer because of the rugged road full of high mountains after passing Dunyuling.

"However, there are mostly high mountains and hills. We can use the wings of wind to fly from high places and travel in about ten days."

After listening, Li Qiuzhi nodded his chin in agreement.

He often used the Wings of Wind to travel when he was adventuring in the wild. The speed was indeed much faster than walking or running.

Moreover, the physical strength consumed is relatively not as fast as running, and it can maintain high-altitude flight for a long time.

"So both Li Qiuzhi and I can use wind elements. If we use them to assist flying, the speed will definitely be faster."

Ying thought for a while and said as if he had thought of something.

"You actually know the wind element? That would be great."

Chongyun was a little surprised because he didn't see the eyes of God on Li Qiuzhi and Ying, but he didn't think it was a joke either.

"Hey, now that the supplies have been prepared and the specific road planning has been completed, let's set off!"

Paimon said excitedly while flying in mid-air.


Xingqiu and Chongyun led the way, while Li Qiuzhi and Ying started off a little behind but on the same line as them.

Tianheng Mountain.

The bright morning sun shines on several people who are walking up the mountain.

Li Qiuzhi and the others are on their way to the highest point of Tianheng Mountain. Only by standing high can they fly far.

Tianheng Mountain is also relatively high, so Li Qiuzhi and Ying could not use the wind element to send several people directly up.

Therefore, they chose to guide the wind element to fly up in steep places for a short period of time, and to walk on gentler places. With such cooperation, they stood at the highest point of Tianheng Mountain in about an hour.

"Wow, the whole view of Liyue Port is right in front of you!"

Paimon finally flew up. When he felt a little tired, he was attracted by the scene below Tianheng Mountain.

That is the prosperous Liyue Port.

Because I stood too high, I couldn't see the streets and alleys clearly. It looked like a sea of ​​houses and buildings that tilted downward slightly.

"If it's night, when the lights of Liyue Harbor first come on, the scene will be even more beautiful."

Before leaving for autumn, I made a special trip here to see Liyue Harbor at night.

He was also shocked by the prosperity of the city where he lived, so he also used it in the book when he wrote it.

"Well, let's see later. Which direction are we flying in now?"

Li Qiuzhi might be someone he saw often in the game, but he didn't show any surprise at this sight.

"Wait for me to look at the map." Chongyun took out a rolled-up map of Liyue from the Eye of God, opened it and looked at it carefully, "Now we are at Tianheng Mountain, um, flying to the north."

"Okay, let's go."

After a brief rest, everyone unfolded their wings of wind and flew towards the north.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi and Ying jointly guided the wind elements from time to time to give everyone a boost, allowing everyone to fly faster. Half a day passed like this.

At noon they had to descend to the ground to take a rest.

Li Qiuzhi and the others flew from Tianheng Mountain over Yuling Mausoleum in one breath.

After landing, they found a ruins and cleared a group of Qiuqiu people who originally occupied it as a temporary resting place.

Li Qiuzhi is very active in fighting monsters.

When he discovered that the average level of this group of Qiuqiu people was only forty, Li Qiuzhi stopped a few people from taking action and asked him to do it himself.

Euphemistically called: Testing Skills.

He activates the elemental combat skill Dandelion Shield.

The regularly rotating hurricane entangled him, and he rushed directly into the pile of monsters, and then used the wind pressure sword he learned from Captain Qin.

The small Qiuqiu people nearby were rolled up together by Li Qiuzhi and then thrown down the cliff.

While causing wind element damage, and with the help of the damage caused by falling off the cliff, their lives were easily ended.

During this period, two Qiuqiu thugs who could not move due to the force of the wind were trying to stop him.


Even if Li Qiuzhi didn't care about them, the rotating wind element shield was not something they could handle, and he could easily throw them away.

Li Qiuzhi also tested his "spiritual tentacles" on two Qiuqiu thugs.

The force of breaking two spoons is really not small. Besides being able to trip them easily, attacking their consciousness can also cause them to be in a trance for a second or two.

In the end, Li Qiuzhi killed them with two casual swords.

After this battle.

Li Qiuzhi gained a total of more than 5,000 experience points, and the reserve of experience points on the character panel once again exceeded 10,000.

[Experience Points: 10553]

I originally wanted to improve the "Form Concealment" skill, but I saw that my level was only two levels short of reaching level 50, and my experience points were just enough.

He decided to level up first.

Level 50 is the third breakthrough, which means that racial expertise can be obtained again, and I don’t know what will happen.

With this deep expectation.

While Li Qiuzhi and everyone were cleaning up the battlefield and preparing to set up pots and light fires for cooking, they invested most of their experience points into character levels.

Experience Point-9700

48 (0/4800)\u003e50 (0/5000)

[Your level has increased to 50, your evolution has reached a new stage, and you can obtain a "racial expertise", please choose! 】

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