"Miss Ningguang, we are not as powerful as you think. We just got help from Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng."

Li Qiuzhi said modestly, and then looked at Shen He aside:

"Your letter has been brought to the hands of the immortal, and her name is Shen He. She is the disciple of Zhenjun Liuyun Jifeng. The Zhenjun asked her to convey something on his behalf."

He felt that it would be better for Shen He, Zhenjun Liuyun's disciple, to take matters into his own hands.

"Oh, so you are Zhenjun's talented disciple? I seemed to have heard her mention it once when I was chatting with Gan Yu."

Ningguang folded his right leg on top of his left leg, and his graceful white knees were exposed to everyone's eyes across the surface of the document.

"Is that the senior sister that Master Gan Yu is talking about? I heard that she came to Liyue Port early to work. I haven't seen her much."

Shen He said without any emotion.

"Is that so? Then when you come to Liyue this time, you can have a good meeting with Gan Yu. She has recently been sad that the emperor passed away."

Ningguang nodded slightly in surprise, and then continued: "Then what plans does True Lord Liuyun have after knowing that the emperor has passed away?"

Ning Guang is indeed a powerful figure who is proficient in politics and business. When facing a stranger like Shen He, he first had a brief chat.

Create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere before asking about the immortal. This will probably make her appear easier to get along with.

Li Qiuzhi felt that he had learned something.

"Master said that she would be assassinated if she didn't believe that the emperor would be assassinated, so she would go to Liyue with other immortals to see the emperor's immortal body to confirm for herself."

Shen He said calmly.

"Well, it is natural for Zhenjun Liuyun to have this request. However, in order to prevent the emperor's immortal body from being used by bad people, I have secretly stored it in a secret place. When the immortals come, I will personally take them to the emperor's immortal body. The location of the body.”

Ning Guang nodded to express understanding, but did not tell the emperor's location.

Although the security in Qunyu Pavilion is very high, she is afraid that someone might use some powerful secret technique to eavesdrop. As a businessman, she naturally understands the principle of caution.

"That's fine." Shen He had no objection.

"Well, by the way, is it convenient for you guys to go back so late now? If it's not convenient, you can stay one night in Qunyu Pavilion. There are many rooms here."

Ning Guang's mind was very delicate. She noticed this situation before Li Qiuzhi and the others mentioned Shen He's accommodation.

"Hehe, thank you Ningguang, it won't be a problem for us to go back, but Shen He just came to Liyue and I really need to trouble you."

Pamon said with a smile on his little face.

"Haha, small question." Ningguang nodded slightly, turned to the secretary standing outside the office, and ordered, "Bai Xiao, take Miss Shen He to the guest room."

"Okay, Lord Ningguang." Bai Xiao nodded first, and then made an invitation gesture to the rare woman with long white hair in the office, "Hello, Miss Shen He, please come with me."

"Hmm." Shen He said "Hmm" imperceptibly, turned around and swayed his slender legs wrapped in a black one-piece tight leather jacket, preparing to leave.

Ying, who was thinking quietly, suddenly seemed to remember something and pulled Shen He's sleeve and said:

"By the way, we met you when we arrived at Aozang Mountain at noon today, and then you introduced him to Zhenjun Liuyun. By now we have gone straight to Liyue without eating for two meals. So, you have to go with us first. Come back after having a meal?"

"No, I..." Shen He was about to refuse, not bothering to greet them, when suddenly a slight "gurgling" came from her belly covered with black stockings, and her belly button could be seen vaguely.

Everyone is a good person, and their hearing is naturally very strong. This subtle sound clearly reached everyone's ears.

Shen He frowned. For some reason, she felt an emotion brewing in her heart that she had never felt before, but she didn't know how to describe or express it.

"Haha, it seems that I didn't think carefully and didn't realize that some of them didn't eat. Then Baixiao, you can take them to Xinyuexuan to finish the meal and then come back with Miss Shen He, and it will be charged to my account. "

Ning Guang lightly covered her soft lips, chuckled twice and ordered again.

It was obvious that Shen He was hungry and had a slight contrast in Chuchen's temperament, which also made her laugh.

"Okay, Lord Ningguang." Bai Xiao is an ordinary person, but because he was standing far away, he couldn't hear clearly.

"Okay, in that case, Miss Ningguang, let's go first."

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but feel happy when he heard that Ningguang wanted them to go to Xinyuexuan for dinner.

After all, he promised Paimeng to treat her to a feast when she returned to Liyue Port, so now he could have the rest!

Liyue Port, Xinyuexuan.

It was almost ten o'clock when Li Qiuzhi and the others, led by Lord Tianquanxing's secretary Miss Bai Xiao, went to the most famous restaurant in Liyue to finish dinner.

Shen He followed Bai Xiao back to Qunyu Pavilion, while Li Qiuzhi and the others walked to the teleportation anchor point at the Alchemy Platform Square.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi and the others' stomachs were a little bloated, and they didn't want to move anymore and just wanted to lie down.

Since it was nominally Tianquanxing's treat, Bai Xiao ordered all of Xinyuexuan's most famous dishes so as not to embarrass Lord Ningguang.

When the food arrived, they realized that the table was full.

Shen He seemed to be a little unaccustomed to these dishes, and except for vegetables and fruits, he only tasted everything else.

Baixiao also finished eating without even moving her chopsticks.

There was no way to avoid waste, so Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Xiao Paimeng cooked the entire table.

Even Paimon was a little full this time, and it felt like she wouldn't think about a big meal for a few days.

"I'm so sleepy, why haven't I arrived yet?" Paimon was floating in the air with her limbs hanging down. Her stomach was working hard to digest food, which took away her physical strength, making this active little guy a little depressed.

Ying also yawned.

"It should be soon."

Li Qiuzhi stretched his waist and twisted his neck and shoulders, making a crisp sound, and said with a smile.

At this time, the number of people on the street began to gradually decrease, but in order to no longer need to use teleportation anchors secretly.

Li Qiuzhi decided to upgrade the "morphological invisibility" skill to the full level to see if he could make others invisible with him.

He glanced at the experience points on the character panel.

[Experience Points: 43071]

Hiss, if you want to upgrade a secret skill to the full level, you still need about two thousand experience points. Well, what a coincidence.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi shifted his gaze to Ying, who was walking side by side on his left, and then naturally held her hand.

Her amber eyes panned and glanced at him:

"What's wrong?"

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