I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 242 Chunxiang Kiln (two in one)

"This is how profiteers talk so nicely to their customers."

Paimon put his hands on his hips and looked at the fat businessman in front of him with suspicion.

"Hey, I'm definitely different from those people." Shitou waved his hand, "If you don't believe me, ask the grandma who buys kites across the street. She must know that my 'Jie Cuixing' has never been troubled by customers."

"Hmph, can you just take out the goods and 'yo' them? We want a batch of good night stones."

Paimon obviously misquoted the allusion again, but the meaning was expressed very clearly.

"Okay, I won't let you down for sure!"

Shitou immediately took out a batch of stones that he had just acquired recently.

"This is a sample from a batch of Yebo stones newly mined in the mine near Mingyun Town. Please take a look at it. It is large and complete."

The fat businessman Shitou placed the night stone on the table covered with a piece of cloth and moved it in front of Li Qiuzhi and the others.

"For Yebo Stone, it doesn't seem that it is important to be large and complete. Can you cut off a small part for us to check?"

Li Qiuzhi picked up the Yebo Stone and looked around twice carefully but found nothing, so he was ready to try the method recommended by Zhongli.

"Oh? You guys seem to be experts." Shitou glanced at the two people in front of him in surprise, "Of course it's okay."

Judging from his own experience, the quality of these Yepo stones is very good, but he doesn't think these young people can tell.

So I only chipped a small piece of stone for them.

In order to avoid causing too much waste, you must know that Yebo Stone can be used as a special stone for night lighting, and its value is still very good. He will not admit that he is stingy!

"Hey, where are you cutting the radish slices? Are they so thin?"

Paimon couldn't help but look at the almost transparent thin slices cut from the Night Park Stone with some disgust.

"Hey, don't blame me, don't blame me, the Yebo Stone is quite valuable, I can't bear to give it more."

Shitou answered calmly.


Li Qiuzhi smiled indifferently. After all, it would be nice if the boss was willing to cut some scraps for testing. He couldn't ask for more.

According to the plot of the game, such a thin piece of Yebo stone cannot directly come into contact with the fire element, and its brightness needs to be tested by boiling it in water in a gentle way.

They did the same thing.

The thing is very simple, and there is no need to go to the Chuqiu people's iron pot in Dadaupa Valley like in the game plot.

As an adventurer, Ying itself stores iron pots and water in the load-bearing space.

So just go to the corner next to it and use the fire element of Li Qiuzhi's evil eye to boil a pot of hot water.

Then Paimon put the Nightstone into it.

It didn't take long for it to emit a faint blue light.

"It doesn't seem too bright. It's probably not of high quality." Ying put her white fingers against her lower lip and said after thinking for a while.

"Let's go ask the boss if there are other batches of Yepo Stone."

Li Qiuzhi also felt that the light was a little dim.

It seemed that Li Qiuzhi and the others really wanted to buy a large number of Yebo stones, so Shitou agreed to their request.

This time he cut off a piece of leftover material from each of the other two batches of Yebo stones.

After Li Qiuzhi expressed his gratitude, he returned to the corner next to him and began to test the brightness of the Yebo stone again. To be precise, it was the affinity of the fire element.

In this test, he put three nightstone flakes into the pot at the same time.

This allows you to see the contrast in brightness simply and clearly.


The water is boiling in the pot, and the thin pieces of Yebo stone slowly emit a faint blue light. Compared with the first piece of stone just now, the second piece seems to be darker than the first piece.

But the third piece of Yepo stone is actually brighter than the other two pieces combined!

"This should be it. The light it emits is comparable to that of a candle. It must be a high-quality night stone!"

Paimon said with a slightly excited tone.

"Well, let's go to the boss and get the goods from the same batch as it."

Li Qiuzhi nodded his head lightly.

Next, I successfully bought enough Yebo stones from the fat boss. When I asked about the purpose of the Yebo stones, I learned that they were for the 'immortal gift ceremony' for Prince Yan.

The fat boss even gave me a 20% discount, but it still cost 160,000 Moras.

Originally, he wanted to give it for free, but Li Qiuzhi and the others declined. After all, the boss had good intentions, and they couldn't really let him give away so many night stones for nothing.

Finally compromised.

Of course, this is not Li Qiuzhi's own money, but funded by the "rich man" of the young master. I have to say that that guy does a good job in establishing good relationships with people.

He is really willing to spend money. It is said that other matters of the 'fairy ceremony' are also funded by the "gongzi".

After settling the matter of Ye Bo Shi, Li Qiuzhi and the others started to go to the "Palace of Rebirth".

It didn't take long to arrive after walking across the wooden arch bridge, and Zhong Li had just returned here after buying some colorful flowers.

"Oh? It seems you are ready too."

Zhongli looked at the few people who were returning with a box of night stones, nodded and said.

"That's right, the best night stone is already here, so is there anything else to do next?"

Paimon said with a smile.

"Well, just leave the things here. Someone in the synagogue will bring them to the jeweler to make them into the tools needed for the ceremony.

"One more thing to do now is to make balm from neon flowers."

Zhongli put his fingers on his chin and said calmly.

"Balm? Why balm?" Paimon asked with some confusion.

"This is for worshiping the gods." Zhongli explained briefly, "No one I know knows how to make ointment by hand, so I still have to trouble you girls who like to dress up in the city for this matter."

"As expected of a guest at the Hall of Purity, it sounds like I know all the rich people."

Paimon said enviously, then turned halfway in the air to look at Ying next to him and said:

"By the way, you are also a girl, can you make ointment?"

"It's okay to cook, but I've never had any experience in making balm." Ying crossed her arms and shook her head, her golden hair swaying a little, "So Paimon, do you know how to do it?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at little Paimon with a smile.

"Well, neither can I." Pamon touched the metal crown floating on his head a little embarrassedly.

"We don't know many girls in Liyue Port. Why don't we go to the Adventurers Association and ask Catherine first."

Ying thought for a while and said.

Li Qiuzhi had no objection. Making balm was not what he was good at. However, he remembered that in the game plot, he went to find Ying'er, Timaeus' future girlfriend, to make it.

I vaguely remember that her location is also on the street near the Adventurers Association, so it shouldn't be difficult to find.

"Well, go ahead. There are three kinds of colorful flowers here, namely 'Golden House Cangjiao', 'Sanyin Brocade Cluster', and 'Piaomiao Xianyuan'. You need to use them to make three different perfumes."

Zhongli handed the wooden box containing colorful flowers to Li Qiuzhi.

"Wow, are there so many categories of colorful flowers?" Paimon looked surprised.

"Haha, this is natural. It's getting late now, and it will be very late for you to find someone to make a good ointment.

"Tomorrow morning you will continue to come to the Hall of Rebirth with the balm, and we will go to the Seven Heavens Statue outside the city to offer them to the 'Emperor of the Rock King'.

"It depends on which one he likes. I can tell you about the colorful flowers on the way."

Zhongli chuckled and said.

After leaving the Hall of Death, Ying put the colorful flowers into the load-bearing space, and came to the Adventurers Association with Li Qiuzhi and Paimon.

However, it was discovered that Catherine was busy settling commissions for the adventurers and was not available for the time being.

Just when several people were wondering whether to disturb them, Li Qiuzhi saw a woman standing next to the association's bulletin board, posting something.

If he remembered correctly, it seemed to be Sister Lan, the vice president of the Liyue Adventurers Association branch.

"Little Paimon, it's time to show off your social talents." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile to Paimon.

"Okay, okay, I really can't do anything to you." Pamon looked proud but helpless.

"Hello!" Paimon said to Sister Lan with a smile.

"What's the matter, little one?" Sister Lan looked at Paimon with an unexpected expression. She probably didn't expect to see the cute humanoid elf in the city.

"Hey, we want to ask, do you know where we can help make the ointment?"

Paimon told him why he came.

"Balm? Sorry, I rarely use these things. I'm not too sure... Well, let me help you ask other girls in the association."

Sister Lan shook her head at first, but seeing how polite the elf was, she was more willing to provide further help.

Sister Lan asked Li Qiuzhi and the others to wait a moment, and then walked into the reception area of ​​the Adventurers Association.

In addition to Catherine, the receptionist, there are other file clerks who sort out the orders.

Soon, Sister Lan finished asking. She smiled and replied: "If you want to ask someone to make balm, you can go to Chunxiang Kiln to find Ying'er. According to everyone, her handmade balm is popular among girls. It is very popular among us, and many rich ladies will ask her to help them make ointment."

"Chunxiang Kiln?" Paimon had never heard of this place and looked puzzled.

"Well, it seems to be a porcelain shop on the street behind. You should be able to spot it if you look over slowly."

Sister Lan said.

After listening to this, Li Qiuzhi secretly said that although there were some discrepancies in the process, in the end he still found Miss Ying'er from Chunxiang Kiln.

He nodded and said to Sister Lan: "Thank you, let's go look for it first."

"Okay, I wish you all the best." Sister Lan smiled.

After getting the clue, Li Qiuzhi and the others quickly found Chunxiang Kiln on the opposite street.

This is a small shop with flower pots placed outside the door, exuding various light floral fragrances. It is not difficult to find. There was a young woman inside the shop, polishing porcelain that had been stained with gray for a long time.

"Hello, is this Miss Ying'er?" It was Paimon who asked, almost like his "super diplomat".

"Oh? Have even foreigners heard of my famous name Ying'er?"

Yinger said in surprise.

Li Qiuzhi, who has the appearance of a Liyue native, does not look like a foreigner, but golden hair is generally rare in Liyue. As for Paimon, the flying elf, she cannot tell her nationality.

"Yes, we would like to ask you to help make some balm to give to the Rock King."

Ying answered with a smile without denying it.

"Prince Yan." Ying'er said with a slightly sad expression when she heard that it was given to Emperor Yan, who passed away due to unknown reasons, "So it was meant to be given to Prince Yan. In that case, I won't charge you for the craftsmanship. "

Although she is not a balm seller, she is very famous for the handmade balm she makes. People who come to her are either selling porcelain or asking for help in making balm.

“No, no, no, how can this be done!

"The balm we bought is not for personal use to commemorate the King of Rocks.

"It's for holding the 'Immortal Gifting Ceremony', and it's funded by a big benefactor, so there's no need to save money for us, just ask a high price!"

Paimon waved his hands and said with a smile on his face.

"I see, but even so, as a subject under the rule of Lord Yan, we cannot do such unkind things, so I'll give you a 50% discount."

Yinger nodded in understanding.

"Well, that's fine. Here are three types of flowers that need to be made into perfume." Ying took out the box of flowers that Zhongli bought from the load-bearing space.

"'Golden House Hidden Beauty', 'Shanyin Brocade', 'Miaomiao Xianyuan', well, they are all good quality neon flowers."

Ying'er observed carefully and recognized the quality of these flowers, and then said jokingly:

"However, you don't need so many kinds of balms to present to Lord Yan, right? Are the rest going to be given to some girl?"

When she said this, she was looking at Li Qiuzhi.

She had seen many lovers come together to ask for help in making balm. At the same time, she was delicate and felt that the young boy and the girl next to him had the same kind of atmosphere between lovers.

"Uh, this isn't it"

When Li Qiuzhi was about to explain what he was saying, he suddenly realized that he had never given Ying and Fischer any gifts that could represent his feelings.

Hiss~ Isn’t it a bit unqualified as a boy to look like this?

When he was on earth, he had never even held a girl's hand, and all the communication skills in his mind were just words on paper.


Travel to the continent of Teyvat and awaken the inherent talent of "entangled favor".

After Fischer and Ying's good impression of themselves increased to a certain level.

Even if they don't perform perfectly, they are full of tolerance for themselves, so they can get together smoothly.

It seems that I can't do it well.

Actually, I didn't even give gifts to Fischer and Ying. I have to find opportunities to make up for it in the future. As Ying'er said, it's okay to just send balm, mainly to express my feelings.

But it seems a bit inappropriate to be preparing for the "fairy ceremony" now.

We can only talk about it later.

"Haha, it seems I was right."

Ying'er looked at Li Qiuzhi's stuck appearance and nodded, showing a look that I understand.

"Haha, what Miss Ying'er said makes sense, I really need to give some gifts to express my feelings to the girls who are willing to be with me.

"However, these ointments are indeed offered to the emperor. It's just that after the three ointments are made, the one that the emperor likes must be selected and used in the ceremony of sending immortals."

Li Qiuzhi said that he wanted to hold Ying's hand casually, but when Ying noticed it, he crossed his arms without giving him a chance, and said:

"Huh, idiot, who cares about your gift?"

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 150 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (795/900)]

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