Well, in the end, the two of them had no choice but to follow Hu Tao to Wuwangpo. After all, she was a native of Liyue.

He definitely knows more about Glazed Lily than outsiders like them.

"Don't you master the power of the wind element? Hurry up and create a wind field to blow us up like last time. If you don't have to fly the light to get there, it will take half a month."

Hutao said to Li Qiuzhi and the others with her hands on her hips.

The last time I went to Qunyu Pavilion with them, I used the wings of wind to fly up with the help of the wind element. It felt very convenient.


Li Qiuzhi crossed his arms and nodded thoughtfully.

Now his character panel has more than 20,000 experience points. If it is used to upgrade the "Wind Element Control" skill by several levels, it will surely make them fly faster.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi used part of his experience points to upgrade "Wind Element Control" to level five.

Experience Point-6999

Wind element control 3 (1/3000) → Wind element control 5 (0/5000)

The moment he upgraded his level, Li Qiuzhi immediately became much more mature in controlling and using the wind element, as if he had been practicing for a long time.

For example, elemental attachment can now last for fifteen minutes.

The condensed wind blade is sharper and the power of the storm is more powerful. It can be used to assist the flight of the wind wings to fly higher and faster.

And after improving such a basic skill as "Wind Element Control".

He is also more comfortable using elemental combat techniques and elemental bursts that also use the wind element.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the more than 13,000 experience points left on the character panel and stopped using them for the time being, saving them for emergencies during the adventure.

"How's it going? Are you ready?"

Hutao summoned her reddish-brown wind wings from the Eye of God and unfolded them. She looked at Li Qiuzhi and Ying and signaled them to quickly use the wind element to create a wind field. She was ready.

Seeing Hu Tao being so active, Li Qiuzhi also chuckled and worked with Ying to create a wind field.

The three of them plus little Paimon took off on the wind.

And guided the wind element to push a few people forward. At this speed, Hutao estimated and told them that it would take about a day and a night to reach Wuwangpo.

Li Qiuzhi felt that the speed was still a little slow.

Fortunately, not long after flying, the sharp-eyed Paimon saw a faint red light on the ground that was not very high. Yes, it was the teleportation anchor point.

This is completely unnecessary to consider.

Li Qiuzhi and the others descended directly and lit up the unexpectedly discovered teleportation anchor point.

Then Ying pulled Li Qiuzhi and Hutao while Paimon held her neck. She then touched the anchor point and teleported everyone directly to the stone gate in this way.

Wuwangpo is located between Qingcezhuang and Shimen.

It can be said that from the time Li Qiuzhi and the others walked out of Liyue Port, they all arrived near Shimen in less than half an hour.

Sure enough, no matter how fast the flight speed is, it cannot be teleported.

In other words, they could have used the teleportation anchor point at Alchemy Platform Square in the city, but at that time, they might not have been to Shimen for too long.

As a result, they didn't realize that a teleportation anchor point was lit here.

Fortunately, not long after they left the city and arrived at Guiliyuan, they saw a new teleportation anchor point.

When we landed and were about to light it up, we all took a look at the map of how to get to Wuwangpo.

Li Qiuzhi accidentally caught a glimpse of Shimen near Wuwang Slope, and then he remembered that there was such a thing.

Hu Tao, on the other hand, seemed very surprised and curious about Ying's ability to use those weird devices for long-distance teleportation, and pestered Ying with questions along the way.

As a result, Li Qiuzhi didn't even have a chance to hold hands with Ying!

"It's so dark!"

Paimon huddled furtively behind Ying, looking at the surroundings with his starry sky-like pupils.

Extraordinarily gloomy sky, extremely quiet woods.

It was clear that the sun was shining brightly when we were at Shimen just now, but now it feels like we are in another world, which is not normal at all!

"Haha, there seems to be something wrong with the earth veins here, causing the yin energy to be extremely strong. There are real ghosts, so you should be careful and don't be scared."

Hutao has been to Wuwangpo many times and knows the place very well.

"Speaking of which, is such a dark environment with no sunlight really suitable for the growth of glass lilies?"

Li Qiuzhi asked feeling a little strange.

He slightly regretted following Hu Tao here. No matter how he thought about it, he felt it was unreliable.

"Don't worry, I did see glass lilies growing here when I came here to play before. This hall master will remember it right!"

Hu Tao patted her slightly undulating chest covered in clothes, her fair face full of confidence.

"Oh, how long has it been? Do you still remember the location? If the glass lily you mentioned is still there, it will save us the trouble of looking for it."

Ying thought for a while and said.

"About two months ago, I remember the location. Come with me." Hutao walked towards the hillside with her snow-white legs.

Li Qiuzhi, Paimeng and Ying looked at each other. Since they were all here, they couldn't go in vain.

Next, a few people followed Hu Tao and formally entered the eerie-looking Wuwang Slope. The cool breeze was blowing on their bodies and they felt goosebumps rising on their bodies.

In order to prevent accidents, Li Qiuzhi directly opened the golden sin-judging eye throughout the process.

In this way, if you fall into any strange illusion, you will be able to see it immediately. At this time, you should be more cautious.

After walking along the mountain trail of Wuwangpo for a long time, Li Qiuzhi found that some faint blue phosphorus fire slowly appeared around him, quietly like a ghost.

Li Qiuzhi glanced around and found nothing unusual.

Suddenly, a bright level indicator appeared in the upper right corner of his view.

[Level: twenty-two]

It was a black crow standing on a branch, with strange green eyes, staring at them with malicious eyes.

"You dare to look at me like this, don't you know what I do?"

Hu Tao also spotted the crow along Li Qiuzhi's line of sight, frowned and said.

"You, you mean, send it to the afterlife."

Paimon was also a little scared of such a weird thing, and his teeth chattered slightly when he spoke.

"That's right, leave this green-eyed crow to this hall master."

Walnut's white right hand gently pressed on her chest, and when she pulled forward with her fingers, a translucent ghost that looked like a white balloon with a smiling face at all times was pulled out.

She grabbed the long tail of the little ghost and swung it towards the crow on the branch.


As a monster, the green-eyed crow is very aggressive towards humans. It originally wanted to wait for these humans to come over and launch a sneak attack.

Unexpectedly, he was discovered in advance and was shamefully attacked by a counterattack.

The green-eyed crow didn't hesitate to call out, flapped its wings and took off to escape, but its speed was much slower than the little ghost.

Before the paw could leave the branch, it was hit and passed through by the little ghost.


The green-eyed crow's body lost control and fell from the branch to the ground without any movement, but the little ghost's mouth was bulging, as if it was eating something.

"Ghost? Did you eat the soul of that monster? How did you do it?"

Ying said with a slightly surprised look on his face.

"Hey, of course it's because of caution!"

Hutao waved to the little ghost and asked it to come back. When he was about to explain, he suddenly saw a black and green fireball flying in the gloomy sky towards them like rain!

There will be a second chapter tonight.

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